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Dead to Rights - Game Cube

Dead to Rights - Game Cube
• Truc Astuce Consulté par 1820 Joueurs.
• Code Cheat voté par 0 Joueurs.
• Soluce Tip apprécié par 0% des Joueurs.

Dead to Rights - Game Cube en Favori.

Vous aussi appréciez Dead to Rights sur Game Cube :

Get All Chapters

Go to the Press Start screen then to the New Game screen and hold L + R and press Down, Left, Down, Y, Down

Unlimited Ammo

Go to the Press Start screen then to the New Game screen and hold L + R and press Up, Left, Down, Right

Unlimited Shotgun

Go to the Press Start screen then to the New Game screen and hold L + R and press Right, X, X, X, B.

Make Enemies Weaker

Go to the Press Start screen then to the New Game screen and hold L + R and press B, Left, Y, Up, Down

Get All Disarms

Go to the Press Start screen then to the New Game screen and hold L + R and press B, B, X, X, Right

Get 2 Guns

Go to the Press Start screen then to the New Game screen and hold L + R and press Y, X, Up, Up, Up.

Precursor mode

Go to the Press Start screen then to the New Game screen and hold L + R and press Up, Up, Down, Down, Up. A message will confirm correct code entry. This will turn off cursors

Get hard Boiled Mode

Go to the Press Start screen then to the New Game screen and hold L + R and press Y, B, Left, Left, X. A message will confirm a correct code entry. This mode increases challenge levels alot.

Unlock the Mini-games

To unlock the mini-games, just beat the game on any dificult mode.

Destroy the Clown Van in the cemetery

An easy way of destroying the clown van is to use the canisters that explode and drop it on either side of the gate in the corner between the wall and the gate (DO NOT THROW IT)Walk away and shoot the canister repeat process until the van is destroyed.It might take awhile but it works.:)

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