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Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 - Game Cube

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 - Game Cube
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Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 - Game Cube en Favori.

Vous aussi appréciez Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 sur Game Cube :

Various Codes

Put in the following passwords. Tiger will say "Oh Yeah" when a code is entered correctly. passwords are case-sensitive

THEKITCHENSINK ---- All Courses and Golfers
ALLTHETRACKS ---- all courses
CANYOUPICKONE ---- All Golfers
4REDSHIRTS ------ Sunday Tiger
ACEINTHEHOLE - Ace andrews
DISCOKING - Dominic "The Don" Donatello
SHORTGAME - Solita Lopez
DWILBY - Hamish "Mulligan" MeGregor
EMERALDCHAMP - Takeharu "Tsunami" Moto
THENEWLEFTY - "Yosh" Tanigawa
CEDDYBEAR -Cedric The Entertainer
DTBROWN -- Downtown brown
EDDIE - Edwin "Pops" Masterson
ERUPTION - Moa "Big Mo" Ta'a Vatu
ICYONE - Erica Ice
SHERWOOD TARGET ---- Open sherwood targets 3 holes

Purple Hair

First you go to gameface mode and then when your done creating yourself go to the PRO SHOP and you'll see Purple Hair in a category. Then buy it for about i think $250.00 then you'll have purple hair for your man/women.

Missing a Real Time Event?

This is more of a helpful hint, rather than a code. If you miss a Real Time Event, no worries, simply set the date on your system configuration menu to the date you missed and can now play that event! Subsequently, if you want to fast forward to a certain date, that works too. When all is said and done, remember to set your clock back to the correct date.

More Money!!

Have saved data from a previous PGA Tour game (2002, 2003) and you will start off with more money to spend. This also works if you have saved data from any other EA game (Def Jam Vendetta, ECT)


Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 revolves around making money. All games modes you play (with the exception of Practice) earn you cash, and at the completion of every round you will be rounded back to the pro shop. If your not sure where to start try out the World Tour. The difficulty ramps as you play through, but with increase difficulty comes increased purses. For the hardcore golf enthusiasts try out the PGA Tour Season Mode. Although this mode takes a bit longer to progress, it is also worth the most money. It is also worthwhile to mention that the more you win the more difficult the events become.

Extra Holes

Enter "sherwood target" (case sensitive without quotes) in the password section and it will give you a special 3-hole tiger scenario mode at Sherwood Country Club.

Clown woods

This cheat is cool just type clownster in the cheat box and watch him be a clown.

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