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Ken Griffey Jr's Slugfest - Nintendo 64

Ken Griffey Jr's Slugfest - Nintendo 64
• Truc Astuce Consulté par 1828 Joueurs.
• Code Cheat voté par 0 Joueurs.
• Soluce Tip apprécié par 0% des Joueurs.

Ken Griffey Jr's Slugfest - Nintendo 64 en Favori.

Vous aussi appréciez Ken Griffey Jr's Slugfest sur Nintendo 64 :

Always Hit a Homerun

While playing with Griffey and while up to bat press Left Left Right Right Right Left Left on the DPad. Now just hit the ball.

Various Cheats

At the Create Player Name screen enter 'code' as the first h3 and for the last h3 enter any of the following "Names":
liddleleague Little Players
invisibleman Invisible Men
bigfeet Bigfeet
weebleman Weeble Team
toothpick Thin Team
bigghedz Big Head Mode First Win World Series Rookie Setting
cpuvscpu CPU vs. CPU Mode First Win World Series AllStar Setting
thetick Tick Team First Win World Series Veteran Setting
emotionsAnother Team
steamrolledFlat Team
superhumanFull Attributes
phattbattBig Bats

Submitted by: Dan

Easy Double Play

When there is someone of first base press Right Left Right and the batter will hit it to second basemen for an easy double play.

Fly Mode

After fielding a ball run to any base other than first. Now throw the ball around the bases in this order: First Second Third Home Third Second Home First Second Third Home. On the next play press A to leap into the air then press A or B to "swim".
Submitted by: LUVEMSLO

View CPU's Pitches

While batting press R on Controller Two.


In exhibition mode, press Z at the stadium selection screen to enter "View Stadium" mode. Then, press R + Z.

Flying Player

When your opponent hits a pop-fly to the outfield don't catch it. Instead pick it up and run it in by holding Z and C-up. Then press C-Right, C-Up, C-Left, C-Down, C-Left, C-Up, C-Down, C-Right, C-Up, C-Left, C-Down. On the next hit don't pick it up, instead repeatedly tap A or B.

Automatic home run

Wait until you are controlling Ken Griffey Jr. at bat. Press Left, Left, Right, Right, Right Left, Left. Successfully hit the ball for a home run.

Angels in the Outfield

On a pop fly to the outfield, allow the ball to drop then hold Z and press C-Up to run to second. When you reach second base, press C-Right, C-Up, C-Left, C-Down, C-Left, C-Up, C-Down, C-Right, C-Up, C-Left, C-Down to throw to various bases. The crowd should boo if the code worked. On the next ball into the outfield, ignore the ball and run and press either A or B and you should takeoff.

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