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Madden NFL 64 - Nintendo 64

Madden NFL 64 - Nintendo 64
• Truc Astuce Consulté par 1707 Joueurs.
• Code Cheat voté par 0 Joueurs.
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Madden NFL 64 - Nintendo 64 en Favori.

Vous aussi appréciez Madden NFL 64 sur Nintendo 64 :

View Ending Sequence

While the game is turning on hold L R Z until the EA Logo appears.

Secret Teams

Go into Season mode then to Front Office. Select Create Player and this player one of the following "Names" below select continue and save. Go back to the Main Menu and go into Exhibition mode. The secret team will now be available.
SIXTIES 60's Team
EIGHTIES 80's Team
AT MADDEN AllTime Madden
STATS MEN AllTime Stat Leaders

Space Suits

Create a player h3d spacwok.
Submitted by: Karen Garrison

Always Win Coin Toss

When the referee tosses the coin press Down for Tails then press Up to select Heads approximately two seconds before the coin lands. If done correctly both sides of the coin will be Heads.
Submitted by RbnCooper

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