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CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - PC

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - PC
• Truc Astuce Consulté par 1698 Joueurs.
• Code Cheat voté par 0 Joueurs.
• Soluce Tip apprécié par 0% des Joueurs.

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - PC en Favori.

Vous aussi appréciez CSI: Crime Scene Investigation sur PC :

Skip dialogue:
To skip the dialogue, reconstructions, and introduction to the case,
click the Right Mouse Button.

Skip the talking:
When someone is talking to you you just click the right mouse to skip the words when some one is talking.

Unlock all bonuses:
Once all 5 crime scenes are completed, you can go into your save game file and improve your score. Open the file in Notepad or a similar program. Scroll to the bottom of the page and the last few lines are your score and rating for each crime scene. For a perfect score set the following values:

evd = 100
hint = 0
ranking = 3
bonus = 10
score = 100

The last bonus should be 25. This will unlock the extra bonus pictures and animated story boards.

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