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Evil Islands - PC

Evil Islands - PC
• Truc Astuce Consulté par 1702 Joueurs.
• Code Cheat voté par 0 Joueurs.
• Soluce Tip apprécié par 0% des Joueurs.

Evil Islands - PC en Favori.

Vous aussi appréciez Evil Islands sur PC :

Various Cheats

During gameplay press for the console and type 'thingamabob' to enable cheat mode. Now press again and type any of the following "Codes":
help Show Cheat List
fps 0 or 1 Hide or Show FPS Counter
give 0 money xAt the Map Selection/Party Equip screen get x Gold Coins xamount
give 0 exp xAt the Map Selection/Party Equip screen get x Exp points. xamount
lootall Get all laying objects across mission map into your inventory
exit or quit Exit Game
localrate ???
rate ???
ban ???
kick ???
partyresend ???
days ???
generateacks ???
disconnect ???
net ???
memusage ???
server ???
join ???
fadeout ???
execute or exec ???
lastfps ???
loadvar ???
listvar ???
show ???
filter ???
history ???
console ???
debuginfo ???
godmode0Toggle God Mode 012
givestrengthgetunitofplayer00XXXGive Strength XXX of points
givedexteritygetunitofplayer00XXXGive Dexterity XXX of points
giveintelligencegetunitofplayer00XXXGive Intelligence XXX of points

Submitted in part by CyberMan KirilliK

Codes Trucs Astuces Soluces Cheats Tips Aléatoires

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