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Pirates of the Caribbean - PC

Pirates of the Caribbean - PC
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Pirates of the Caribbean - PC en Favori.

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Get more ships

Before editing a game file always make a backup copy of that file. Go to the directory of the following file: "character_init" (Mostly it is in the following path: C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Pirates of the Caribbean\PROGRAM\Characters\English).
It must be the one in "English" not in "Characters". Open the file, and go to the following line: "ch.Ship.Type = SHIP_LUGGER_ENGLAND;".
Replace "LUGGER_ENGLAND"ch.Ship.Type = SHIP_LUGGER_ENGLAND with the following to get new ships.

ch.Ship.Type = SHIP_BLACK_PEARL (the hull cannot be damaged)
ch.Ship.Type = SHIP_FEARLESS
ch.Ship.Type = SHIP_FORT

Pirates of the Caribbean

You can add more than one person onto your other 3 ships and all of their scores will stack with that ships captains scores.

There are two different ways to do this

1) On the Open Sea screen (where you can see all of your ships) get close to another of your ships and a swap cargo icon will appear. Go into the swap cargo menu and there is an option to switch captains. Under this option there is a screen that has 4 slots, one of them is the captain of that ship. Click on one of the other 3 and then assign passengers to each one. When you do this the DISAPPEAR from your passenger list. You will need to get more party members at the tavern if you want to fill up all your ships. DON'T sell the ship with the other 3 crewmembers still on it. You will lose anyone that is still on board.

2) The second way to do this is to capture a ship and do it when you assign a captain to the captured ship.

Easy money

Make sure you have a high commerce skill. Then go to the tavern and find an officer that's for hire. Ask him how much he costs and he will tell you a lower price. Then say that's still too much. Then talk to him again and ask him how much he costs. He will now say the second price he offered. Tell him it's too much and he will lower it again. Keep doing this until it goes into the negatives. Basically, he will be giving you money for you to hire him.

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