Astuces Soluces » PC » R » Red Ocean
Red Ocean - PC

Red Ocean - PC
• Truc Astuce Consulté par 1814 Joueurs.
• Code Cheat voté par 0 Joueurs.
• Soluce Tip apprécié par 0% des Joueurs.

Red Ocean - PC en Favori.

Vous aussi appréciez Red Ocean sur PC :

Cheats are case sensitive, also to enable them you need to push ~ (or §) aka console button.

Enter following codes

AllCheats - Enable all cheats
AllKeys - Gives all keys
UpgradeLaser - Upgrades the laser
UpgradePlasma - Upgrades the ammo
UnlimitedAmmo - Gives unlimited ammo
GimmeAll - Gives you all weapons
FullHealth - Gives you full health
NPCGodmode - Enable/Disable god mode for the npcs
Godmode - Enable/Disable the hack
SpeedHack - Enable/Disable the hack
Fog - Enable/Disable the fog

Here is some other console commands

DebugCollGeom - Starts debugger mode
NoDoFNear - ?
RenderFilter - ?
FreeCamera - Floating camera mode
ShootHides - Hides the object you shoot
NoGUI - Enable/Disable the gui with 1 or 0
Stats - ?
JWT - ?
TimeScale - ?
AiDebugAgent - ?
DebugCam - ?
LoadLevel - ?
TimeDemo - ?
EnableDoF - ?
DebugShader - ?
ColorBalance - ?
NormalMaps - ?
Bloom - ?
PostProcess - Changes the light
Stencil - Enable/Disable stencilshadows
RenderFlares - ?
AimTime - ?
AimFoVFactor - ?
LogLevel - ?
FlushLog - ?
CollGeomOnly - ?
CollGeomWireframe - ?
CollGeomShow - ?
Wireframe - Shows the wireframing

Repeat after new level

-from SkaaZa

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