Astuces Soluces » PC » R » Rise of Nations
Rise of Nations - PC

Rise of Nations - PC
• Truc Astuce Consulté par 1681 Joueurs.
• Code Cheat voté par 0 Joueurs.
• Soluce Tip apprécié par 0% des Joueurs.

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In game, press ENTER then type in cheats from leftcolumn:

cheat resource all+1000 > 1000 more of all resources
cheat die (name) > kill object/all selected
cheat safe > machine guns @ capitals
cheat sandbox > all players human&full map
cheat ai (on, off, debug)> set AI state
cheat diff (0-5) > set game difficulty
cheat achieve > display all achievements
cheat ally (name) > force alliance with nation
cheat war (name) > force war with nation
cheat meet (name) > force encounter with nation
cheat peace (name) > force peace with nation
cheat defeat (name) > defeat nation
cheat victory (name) > victory for nation
cheat human (name) > turn off computer control
cheat computer (name) > turn on computer control
cheat unmeet (name) > stop force encounter
cheat tech(name)(tech or all)(on or of) > force tech
cheat resource (name)(goodtype or all)(+ or -)(number)
cheat military (number) (name) > see or change army
cheat age (number) (name)> see or change age of nation
cheat civic (number)(name)> see or change civic level
cheat commerce (number)(name) > show or change commerc
cheat science (number)(name) > show or change science
cheat library (number)(name) > modify library tech
cheat reveal (on or off) > toggle full map
cheat ranges (0 or 1) > show combat ranges
cheat bbox (0 or 1) > toggle bounding box mode
cheat damage (name or no entry)(+ or -)(number)
cheat insert (number)(type)(who=RED)(x,y)
cheat add (number)(type)(who=RED)(x,y)
cheat finish > finishes next item in que
cheat nuke > drop a nuke at pointer
cheat bird > drop a wild bird at point
cheat deploy > deploys selected units
cheat pack > packs selected units
cheat explore (normal, explored, all) > mod explr conf
cheat pause (0 or 1) > toggle game pause

Submitted by Someone Nobody

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