Virtual Credit Card / Money Cheat: This cheat works similar to a credit card, funds are available to your Sims just after entering the code, and money they are paid is deducted to repay the debt.From the Neighborhood view select a Household Lot or Family and name it. Press [CTRL] + [SHIFT] + [C] to go to the command line. (let's assume your family name is nightlife), at the command line type familyfunds nightlife 100000, this will give the Sims 100,000 Simoleans. In the future, additional funds can be added in a similar fashion by typing familyfunds +5000, or familyfunds -5000 to repay. Cheat Codes: While playing, press [CTRL] + [SHIFT] + [C] to open up a console box. Then type any of the following codes. NOTE: Codes are CASE SENSITIVE. Code: | Result: | addNeighborToFamilyCheat on/off | Adds "add sim to family" to the Interaction Menu | forcetwins | Force the Selected Pregnant Sim to Have Twins | setHour 0-23 | Sets the Hour of the Day | agesimscheat on/off | Adds "set age" to the Interaction Menu | aspirationLevel 0 - 5 | Set Aspiration Level (0=Lowest) | aspirationPoints # | Add # of Aspiration Points | lockAspiration on/off | Freeze Aspiration Point Decay | maxMotives | Set All Needs to Full | motiveDecay on/off | Turn Natural Need Decay On/Off | showHeadlines on/off | Make Invisible Thought Bubbles | kaChing | Increase Family Funds by $1,000 | motherLode | Increase Family Funds by $50,000 | aging on/off | Turn Aging On/Off |