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Dungeon Siege: Throne Of Agony - PSP

Dungeon Siege: Throne Of Agony - PSP
• Truc Astuce Consulté par 1893 Joueurs.
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Dungeon Siege: Throne Of Agony - PSP en Favori.

Vous aussi appréciez Dungeon Siege: Throne Of Agony sur PSP :

Easy experience:
At the beginning of the game do the raptors nest quest. When you get there, save the game then start making your way through. If it appears that you are going to die, quickly save the game. If you die, just reload the game. You will start at the entrance with the experience you saved at and all the weapons. You can continue going through. All the enemies will be alive so you can keep gaining experience. If you are running out of space in your inventory, go to Seahaven and sell your unwanted goods. Then, go back to kill the rest of the creatures. When you finish the area do not go back to talk to the person in Seahaven. Just save the game and reload to start killing again.

Entrance shortcut:
If you have cleared an area and cannot be bothered to walk all the way, save the game and return to the menu. Reload your saved game. You will automatically arrive at the entrance.

Crossover content:
First, enter "KOEJEMJOKBPNMOFJ" as a code to unlock the ability to enter "Content Codes" from Dungeon Siege 2: Broken World on the PC. To get "Content Codes" for use in Dungeon Siege 2: Broken World, purchase items with crossover tablets from Klars in Seahaven. You can then choose the "I need a code for use in Broken World" option. "Content Codes" for Dungeon Siege 2: Broken World will now appear under the "Master Code". Enter them in Dungeon Siege 2: Broken World to unlock items.

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