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Black And Bruised - Playstation 2

Black And Bruised - Playstation 2
• Truc Astuce Consulté par 1610 Joueurs.
• Code Cheat voté par 0 Joueurs.
• Soluce Tip apprécié par 0% des Joueurs.

Black And Bruised - Playstation 2 en Favori.

Vous aussi appréciez Black And Bruised sur Playstation 2 :

All boxers

Select the \"Cheat\" option at the \"Setup\" menu. Then, press Start, X, Circle, Square(2), R1(2), Square, Circle, X, Start.


Select the \"Cheat\" option at the \"Setup\" menu. Then, press Start, X(2), Circle(2), R1(2), Square(2), Start. Note: This code can be enabled on controller one for player one or controller two for player two.

Turbo mode

Select the \"Cheat\" option at the \"Setup\" menu. Then, press Start, R1(10), Start.

Constant power-ups

Select the \"Cheat\" option at the \"Setup\" menu. Then, press Start, X, Circle, X, Circle, X, Circle, Square(3), Start.

Conversation mode

Select the \"Cheat\" option at the \"Setup\" menu. Then, press Start, R1, X, Circle, Square, R1(3), Start.

Intercontinental Tournament

Select the \"Cheat\" option at the \"Setup\" menu. Then, press Start, X(3), Circle(3), Square(3), Start. Alternately, win all five default tournaments to unlock the Intercontinental Tournament.

Alternate costumes

Select the \"Cheat\" option at the \"Setup\" menu. Then, press Start, X, R1, Circle, Square, Start. Alternately, successfully complete Life mode with a boxer to unlock a new costume for that character.

All boxers\' Life mode

Select the \"Cheat\" option at the \"Setup\" menu. Then, press Start, X, Square, Circle, R1, X, Square, Circle, R1, Start.

Scrap Yard arena

Select the \"Cheat\" option at the \"Setup\" menu. Then, press Start, Circle, R1, Circle, R1, X(2), Start. Alternately, win all survival modes to unlock the Scrapyard arena.

Fight as King Khan

Win the Top Contender Tournament.

Fight as Matador

Win the Intercontinental Tournament.

Fight as Odiva

Win the Pro Tournament.

Fight as Old Master

Win the World Championship Tournament.

Fight as Training Robot

Successfully complete training mode.

Restore energy

Rapidly press X repeatedly after getting knocked down to restore a small amount of energy and help prevent a knockout.

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