Unlock Arkvoodle Cult Missions: Complete main missions to unlock more of Arkvoodle Cult missions.
Alien Artifact Detector: Complete all of the Arkvoodle Cult missions in Albion. This special item reveals any Ancient Artifact on your mini-map/radar (as a blinking red dot) when you are near one.
Burrow Beast Datacore: Collect 30 Alien Artifacts and complete the final Arkvoodle Cult mission (in Takoshima).
Furotech Cell Detector: Complete all Arkvoodle Cult missions in Takoshima.
Hint: This cheat is for when your in the saucer. If your about to run out of health, hurry up and find a landing zone! Once you find the landing zone, land. Once you land get back in the saucer and you will have full health and ammo. Repeat this as needed.
Hint: When you lift a vehicle and let go then use drain from really high,it will get blown up when it hits the ground.
Unlock Salad Days with Pox & Crypto Video Entry Location: Pause the game and navigate to the "Archives" section, then hold down L3 and press X, Square, Triangle, Circle, Square, Circle, Triangle, X, XCloning: Works in 2 player mode only. Have a person lay down and then when they get up both players do body snatch. If it doesn't work the first time, try again.. |