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Escape From Monkey Island - Playstation 2

Escape From Monkey Island - Playstation 2
• Truc Astuce Consulté par 1571 Joueurs.
• Code Cheat voté par 0 Joueurs.
• Soluce Tip apprécié par 0% des Joueurs.

Escape From Monkey Island - Playstation 2 en Favori.

Vous aussi appréciez Escape From Monkey Island sur Playstation 2 :

Murrayball Mini-game

Go to the Palace of Prostheses and go to the filing system and enter in MONKEY PUMPKIN BUNNY and then look at the files of Ryan.J.Danzwithwolves.
Look at the file and press START and go on "BONUS STUFF" then go on MURRAY BALL for a cool Mini-Game!

Get Frankenstein

When on lucar island go to prothesses shop talk to dave ask for free prothesses and get the head,foot,heart,guts,liver,bum,stomuch then put it together on items page and bing bang boom you have frankey.

To Start the Actual game

To start the actual game go to look at the cargo hold grate. Then kick over the brazier Guybrush's feet then press square. Next toss the hot coal to the loaded cannon

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