Astuces Soluces » Playstation 2 » G » Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories - Playstation 2

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories - Playstation 2
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Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories - Playstation 2 en Favori.

Vous aussi appréciez Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories sur Playstation 2 :

100% Completion Unlockables

Watch mission cutscenes at Clymenus Suite 100% Completion
Infinite ammo 100% Completion
Red Balloon Rewards

The following will appear at the Hideout(s).

Pistol Collect 10 Balloons
Scorpion (SMG) Collect 20 Balloons
Stubby Shotgun Collect 30 Balloons
Molotov Cocktails Collect 40 Balloons
AK-47 Collect 50 Balloons
Armor Collect 60 Balloons
Flamethrower Collect 70 Balloons
Equalizer (Pistol with Scope) Collect 80 Balloons
Sniper Rifle Collect 90 Balloons
M249 Machine Gun Collect 99 Balloons

Enter the Following During Gameplay

Vehicles Color Changed to Black (Except for Cop Cars) L1, R1, L1, R1, Left, Circle, Up, X
Cars Avoid You Up, Up, Right, Left, Triangle, Circle, Circle, Square
No Traction Down, Left, Up, L1, R1, Triangle, Circle, X
Overcast Weather Left, Down, L1, R1, Right, Up, Left, Square
Rainy Weather Left, Down, L1, R1, Right, Up, Left, Triangle
Spawn Trashmaster Truck Down, Up, Right, Triangle, L1, Triangle, L1, Triangle
Spawn Rhino Tank Up, L1, Down, R1, Left, L1, Right, R1
Lower Wanted Level Up, Right, Triangle, Triangle, Down, Left, X, X
Raise Wanted Level Up, Right, Square, Square, Down, Left, Circle, Circle
Full Health Up, Down, Left, Right, Circle, Circle, L1, R1
Gain $250,000 Up, Down, Left, Right, X, X, L1, R1
Slow Down Game Left, Left, Circle, Circle, Down, Up, Triangle, X
Speed Up Game Left, Left, R1, R1, Up, Triangle, Down, X
Speed Up Clock R1, L1, L1, Down, Up, X, Down, L1
Destroy Cars Near You L1, R1, R1, Left, Right, Square, Down, R1
Full Armor Up, Down, Left, Right, Square, Square, L1, R1
Acquire Weapon Set 2 Left, Right, Square, Up, Down, Triangle, Left, Right
Acquire Weapon Set 3 Left, Right, Triangle, Up, Down, Circle, Left, Right
Acquire Weapon Set 1 Left, Right, X, Up, Down, Square, Left, Right
Vehicles Color Changed to Chrome (Including Cop Cars) Right, Up, Left, Down, Triangle, Triangle, L1, R1
Guy Magnet Right, L1, Down, L1, Circle, Up, L1, Square
Wasted! (Commit Suicide) Right, Right, Circle, Circle, L1, R1, Down, X

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