TimeSplitters - Playstation 2
Vous aussi appréciez TimeSplitters sur Playstation 2 : ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
All WeaponsPause gameplay hold L1 L2 R1 R2 and press X X Triangle Triangle.Unlock Chinese ChefUse story mode to finish the 1970 Chinese level on easy difficultyUnlock CultistUse story mode to finish the 1935 Tomb level on easy difficultyUnlock CyborgUse story mode to finish the 2005 Cyberden level on easy difficultyGet Additional Levels and Characters for Arcade modeUse story mode to finish the first three levelsGame Tips1. always have weapon change at "never" because while you are legging it to the exit shootin your way through endless amounts of splitters, you don't want to have a shotgun equipped and suddenly walk over a pistol to suddenly change weapon!2. in some levels some things are explosive. try shooting everything at first.eg: say someone was behind a wall. you knew they were there, you just couldn't see them. there is a barrel near the wall. if the barrel is close enough, blow it up and it could kill the guy behind the wall. 3. you don't always have to fight. take the mansion level. you walk into a room, and the dear heads start shooting at you. they are incredibly hard to kill. remember, you don't HAVE to kill them. take a zombie. you can only kill it by shooting it in the head. shooting it anywhere else will stun it. if you are cornered, stun them all and leggit. they aren't smart enough to follow you. 4. if you stun a zombie when you were aiming for its head, it can still be killed whilst it is recovering/lying on the floor. you don't have to wait for it to get up again. Frozen BotsIn arcade mode, set your weapons to "custom" but don't set any. Leave them blank, set the rest of the match as you wish, when you enter the match, you start with pistols and the bots are frozen. Open Season! It helps when earning awards.Get R108Beat Planet x on easy mode.Get Peekabo JonesBeat Chemical Plant on easy mode.Get Fingers MckenzieBeat Cyberden on easy mode.New Arcade LevelsFor each level you complete on medium, a new arcade level will open up such as the graveyard if you beat the tomb on medium.Earning cheatsJust play the challenge levels to unlock various cheats. Here are the cheats I've earned all the way up to challenge 9-C. These may be accessed at the Story Mode menu.Enemy BricksAll enemies are Impersonators All enemies are Bunnies All enemies are Gingerbread's All enemies are Ducks All enemies are Robofish Unlock Suit HoodlumComplete 1970 Chinese level on hard to unlock Suit Hoodlum as a playable arcade player.Unlock Secret RoomsTo unlock the secret rooms goto arcade. From there goto the one that says mapmaker, from there you can click on the button that says load. Then another screen appears click on the one that says sample then a list should appear. Click on the name of the one you would like to load then you will be able to play there. Have Fun!1935 TombIf you complete tomb on easy you get cultist if you do it fast on easy you get paintball cheat if you do it on normal you get graveyard if you do normal fast you get prestess and if you do hard you get eyes mummy and fast teeth mummy (or the other way roundBig HeadsAll characters have heads bigger than normal (Unlock by beating the time limit in the 1965 Mansion level on Easy).Small HeadsAll characters have heads smaller than normal (Unlock by beating the time limit in the 2035 Spaceways level on Hard).Big GunsAll enemy weapons look huge (Unlock by beating the time limit in the 2000 Docks level on Normal).Infinite AmmoYep... All the ammo you can shoot (Unlock by beating the time limit in the 1985 Chemical Plant level on Normal)!PaintballAh, nothing like watching a friend's paint splatter (Unlock by beating the time limit in the 1935 Tomb level on Easy).Gun SoundsThis cheat allows you to turn your gun sounds to wacky animal sounds (Unlock by beating the time limit in the 1970 Chinese level on Normal).Enemy RocketsUse this cheat to exclusively use the Rocket Launcher in a level (Unlock by beating the time limit in the 2005 Cyberden level on Hard -- Story Mode only).Enemy BricksThis Cheat will allow you to get in a brick fight (Story Mode only) with your enemies (Unlock by beating Challenge 4B).All enemies are ImpersonatorsWith this Cheat enabled, everybody on screen looks like the King (Unlock by beating Challenge 5B -- Story Mode only)!All enemies are BunniesSame deal -- but all enemies are bunnies with breasts -- Disturbing? Yes, yet interesting all the same (Unlock by beating Challenge 8B -- Story Mode only).All enemies are Gingerbread'sEver wanted to throw a brick at a moving cookie? Only TimeSplitters gives you the pleasure (Unlock by beating Challenge 7B (Story Mode only).All enemies are DucksThis fowl (ouch) Cheat turns all of the enemies into a bunch of quackers (double-ouch) (Unlock by beating Challenge 2B -- Story Mode only).All enemies are RobofishI just love an enemy with a fishbowl for a head -- don't you? Too bad you can't shatter the glass and watch the fishie wriggle on the ground (Unlock by beating Challenge 3B -- Story Mode only).All Char's HeadlessLike the Cheat implies -- headless people wandering around aimlessly -- just like we do at work (Unlock by beating the time limit in the 2020 Planet X level on Hard)!All Heads DetachableAh, I'd pay big bucks for this Cheat! Hey, remember the Robofish? Turn this Cheat on and watch the glass shatter and the fish head hit the floor... Too cool (Unlock by beating the time limit in the 1950 village level on Easy)!Get Paint Ball ModeComplete tomb on easy in under 55 secondsMore CharactersBeat Cyberden on Hard Earn-Female CyborgBeat Village on Hard Earn- Fishwife Mutant Beat ChemicalPlant on Hard Earn-Lumberjack Keep Beating each level on Hard to earn more characters. Even More CharactersBeat PlanetX on Hard To Earn-Floatd Alien Character Norm - 1m 20s - Female Alien Character Hard - 2m - Small Heads Mode Powerful shotFor a more powerful shot press R1 instead of R2if you have the rocket launcher it will shoot 3 rockets at once. for the scifi auto rifle it will shoot GrenadesMap Maker GlitchFirst go to arcade. Then go to where it says map maker. After you get the screen where you can design your own map,select where it says tiles. When you get on the opening screen there is a big list of the tiles you can choose from. First go to the second page (press o) there will be a really big room that stands out. Pick that 1 and then and put it on your map. Build any thing else you want around it. After it is built and saved put the setting on industrial. Dont put any bots on just so you can find the secret easier without dying. Once your in the level that you built go to where the big room is. Go diretly to where you are facing the rocket perfectly looking straight at it. 2 the top right is the sniper post if that helps.Take a left and walk all the way down to where the wall ends (there is a ramp 2 the right which leads to the sniper post DONT GO UP THAT 1). once you hit the wall look to the left and you will see the ramp. Go up it and make sure you dont fall o!ff. Go to where you see a beam walk slowly across the beam until u reach the wall (duck if needed to see if you are going to fall off or not).Once you reach the end of the beam lightly go to the left and you should fall outside of the level you have built. You can now see only in the big room even though you are not in it. When you out there you are able to shoot in at everyone but they cant shoot you because they cant see you. Good way to trick your friends in arcade mode.Enemies don't diePause during a game, choose the Statistics screen and while pressing and holding L1 L2 R1 R2, press Left, Right, Up, Down, and then Triangle, Circle, Square, Select. A beep will sound if done correctly. Now the Timesplitter enemies will not die!Graveyard Multiplayer levelBeat the Tomb on normalSite Multiplayer levelBeat Chinese on normal modeStreets Multiplayer levelBeat Cyberden on normalWarzone Multiplayer levelBeat spaceways on normalSpaceship Multiplayer levelBeat planet x on normalBank Multiplayer levelBeat Chemical plant on normalStreets Multiplayer levelBeat Cyberden on normalGameShark Codes TimeSplitters - Astuces Soluces |
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