Astuces Soluces » Playstation 2 » T » Tony Hawk's Proving Ground
Tony Hawk's Proving Ground - Playstation 2

Tony Hawk's Proving Ground - Playstation 2
• Truc Astuce Consulté par 1418 Joueurs.
• Code Cheat voté par 0 Joueurs.
• Soluce Tip apprécié par 0% des Joueurs.

Tony Hawk's Proving Ground - Playstation 2 en Favori.

Vous aussi appréciez Tony Hawk's Proving Ground sur Playstation 2 :

Cheat mode:
Select "Options" at the main menu, then enter one of the following case-sensitive codes at the cheats option to activate the corresponding cheat function. Using some codes will disable your listing in the online leaderboards.

Perfect Manual:
Enter STILLAINTFALLIN as a code.

Perfect Rail:
Enter AintFallin as a code.

Super Check:
Enter Booyah as a code.

Unlimited Focus:
Enter Myopic as a code.

Unlimited Slash Grind:
Enter SUPERSLASHIN as a code.

100% Branch Completion:
Enter FOREVERNAILED as a code.

No Bails:
Enter AINTFALLIN as a code.

Invisible man:
Enter TheMissing as a code. Note: This code cannot be used with the video editor.

Mini skater:
Enter TinyTater as a code. Note: This code cannot be used with the video editor.

No Board:
Enter MagicMan as a code. Note: This code cannot be used with the video editor.

FDR level:
Enter ThePrezPark as a code.

Lansdowne level:
Enter THELOCALPARK as a code.

Air And Space Museum level:
Enter TheIndoorPark as a code.

Play as Boneman:
Enter CRAZYBONEMAN as a code.

Play as Bosco:
Enter MoreMilk as a code.

Play as Cam:
Enter NotACamera as a code.

Play as Cooper:
Enter TheCoop as a code.

Play as Eddie X:
Enter Sketchy as a code.

Play as El Patinador:
Enter Piledriver as a code.

Play as Eric:
Enter Flyaway as a code.

Play as Mad Dog:
Enter Rabbies as a code.

Play as MCA:
Enter INTERGALACTIC as a code.

Play as Mel:
Enter NotADude as a code.

Play as Rube:
Enter LooksSmelly as a code.

Play as Shayne:
Enter Movers as a code.

Play as Spence:
Enter Dapper as a code.

Play as TV Producer:
Enter Shaker as a code.

All fun items:
Enter OverTheTop as a code.

All create-a-skater items:
Enter GiveMeStuff as a code.

All decks:
Enter LetsGoSkate as a code.

All game movies:
Enter WatchThis as a code.

All Lounge bling items:
Enter SweetStuff as a code.

All Lounge themes:
Enter LAIDBACKLOUNGE as a code.

All rigger pieces:
Enter IMGONNABUILD as a code.

All video editor effects:
Enter Trippy as a code.

All video editor overlays:
Enter PutEmOnTop as a code.

All specials available:
Enter LOTSOFTRICKS as a code.

Full stats:
Enter BeefedUp as a code.

50 extra skill points:
Enter NeedsHelp as a code

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