Astuces Soluces » Playstation 3 » H » High Stakes On The Vegas Strip: Poker Edition
High Stakes On The Vegas Strip: Poker Edition - Playstation 3

High Stakes On The Vegas Strip: Poker Edition - Playstation 3
• Truc Astuce Consulté par 1531 Joueurs.
• Code Cheat voté par 0 Joueurs.
• Soluce Tip apprécié par 0% des Joueurs.

High Stakes On The Vegas Strip: Poker Edition - Playstation 3 en Favori.

Vous aussi appréciez High Stakes On The Vegas Strip: Poker Edition sur Playstation 3 :

Easy money:
Use the following trick if you are continually starting with $22. Delete your player and create a new one. Your base money will go back to $5,000 and you will be able to enter the lowest value games with $200, as well as some of the higher value games. This does not affect your HSO points. However there may be limit to how many times you can do this, especially if there is an update for the game.

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