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The BIGS - Playstation 3

The BIGS - Playstation 3
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The BIGS - Playstation 3 en Favori.

Vous aussi appréciez The BIGS sur Playstation 3 :

Easy home runs:
When you can get bat graphics, select the flame bat. Then, try to get your power ratings to the maximum to automatically hit home runs.

Easy points:
When you and your opponent fill up your point bar, wait until your opponent uses Power Blast. Then, strike the batter out with Big Heat and you will get 100,000 points for a Big Strike Out. You must do this a few times.

Good rookie:
Create a rookie and enter "HOT DOG" as a name. He will automatically have good stats.

Recommended players:
In the Rookie Challenge, you have the opportunity of stealing ten players. Take outfielders first because if somebody gets a hold of a hanging curve you want speed; glove; and if someone is in scoring position, a good arm. These are two groups of outfielders that have those attributes. These outfielders should improve your win percentage and increase your number of shutouts and no hitters for experienced players.

American League

Carl Crawford
Vlad Guerrero
Torri Hunter
Alex Rios
Vernon Wells
National League

Andruw Jones
Carlos Lee
Jason Bay
Carlos Beltran

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