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Tony Hawk's Project 8 - Playstation 3

Tony Hawk's Project 8 - Playstation 3
• Truc Astuce Consulté par 1733 Joueurs.
• Code Cheat voté par 0 Joueurs.
• Soluce Tip apprécié par 0% des Joueurs.

Tony Hawk's Project 8 - Playstation 3 en Favori.

Vous aussi appréciez Tony Hawk's Project 8 sur Playstation 3 :

All decks:
Enter needaride as a code to unlock and own all decks except the Inkblot and Gamestop.

All specials in shop:
Enter yougotitall as a code to unlock and own all specials in the shop. Note: This does not include decks or pro tricks.

Easy Stokens in Downtown:
Stall on a car that is moving and ride it all through town, then jump off when you are about to fall and you will get a lot of Stokens. Do not stall on the front of the car because it will stop.

Inkblot deck:
Enter birdhouse as a code to unlock the Inkblot deck.

Play as Anchorman:
Enter newshound as a code to unlock the Anchorman in Free Skate mode.

Play as Big Realtor:
Enter shescaresme as a code to unlock the Big Realtor in Free Skate mode.

Play as Christian Hosoi:
Enter hohohosoi as a code to unlock Christian Hosoi in Free Skate mode.

Play as Colonel and Security Guard:
Enter militarymen as a code to unlock the Colonel and Security Guard in Free Skate mode.

Play as Dad and Skater Jam Kid:
Enter strangefellows as a code to unlock the Dad and Skater Jam Kid in Free Skate mode.

Play as Grim Reaper:
Enter enterandwin as a code to unlock the Grim Reaper in Free Skate mode (two players only).

Play as Jason Lee:
Enter notmono as a code to unlock Jason Lee in Free Skate mode.

Play as Kevin Staab:
Enter mixitup as a code to unlock Kevin Staab in Free Skate mode.

Play as Mascot:
Enter manineedadate as a code to unlock the Mascot in Free Skate mode.

Play as Nerd:
Enter wearelosers as a code to unlock the Nerd in Free Skate mode.

Play as Photography Girl and Filmer:
Enter themedia as a code to unlock the Photography Girl and Filmer in Free Skate mode.

Play as Skinny Real Estate Agent:
Enter sellsellsell as a code to unlock the Skinny Real Estate Agent in Free Skate mode.

Play as Travis Barker:
Enter plus44 as a code to unlock Travis Barker in Free Skate mode.

Play as Twin:
Enter badverybad as a code to unlock Twin in Free Skate mode.

Play as Zombie:
Enter suckstobedead as a code to unlock Zombie in Free Skate mode.

Shaba collector's deck:
Successfully complete the ten Classic mode objectives in the Downhill bonus level to get a Sick rank. If done correctly, the message Sponsor Gear Unlocked will appear. You can now get the Shaba collector's deck for free from the deck list in the skateshop.

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding video:

All Pros Behind The Scenes: Successfully complete each Pro Challenge one at a time.
All Pros Day In The Life: Obtained from Jason Lee once each time.
Bam Margera Pro Footage: Successfully complete the Bam Margera Pro Challenge.
Bob Burnquist Pro Footage: Successfully complete the Bob Burnquist Pro Challenge.
Daewon Song Pro Footage: Successfully complete the Daewon Song Pro Challenge.
Dustin Dollin Pro Footage: Successfully complete the Dustion Dollin and Stevie Willams Pro Challenge.
Lyn-Z Adams Hawkings Pro Footage: Successfully complete the Lyn-Z and Nyjah Pro Challenge.
Mike V Pro Footage: Successfully complete the Mike V Pro Challenge.
Nyjah Huston Pro Footage: Successfully complete the Lyn-Z and Nyjah Pro Challenge.
Paul Rodriguez Pro Footage: Successfully complete the Paul Rodriguez Pro Challenge.
Pro Bails 1: Successfully complete the Tony Hawk Pro Challenge.
Rodney Mullen Pro Footage: Successfully complete the Rodney Mullen Pro Challenge.
Ryan Scheckler Pro Footage: Successfully complete the Ryan Scheckler Pro Challenge.
Stevie Willams Pro Footage: Successfully complete the Dustion Dollin and Stevie Willams Pro Challenge

Codes Trucs Astuces Soluces Cheats Tips Aléatoires

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