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Bases Loaded - Wii

Bases Loaded - Wii
• Truc Astuce Consulté par 1807 Joueurs.
• Code Cheat voté par 0 Joueurs.
• Soluce Tip apprécié par 0% des Joueurs.

Bases Loaded - Wii en Favori.

Vous aussi appréciez Bases Loaded sur Wii :

Various Passwords:
Boston. You will be one game away from the World Series.

DC. You will be one game away from the World Series.

Game 162 Password

Hawaii. You will be one game away from the World Series.

It should bring you to the last game of the world series with your team as Jersey.
Select continue and enter the following code: ''CBIDNEP''

Jersey. You will be one game away from the World Series.

Kansas. You will be one game away from the World Series.

LA. You will be one game away from the World Series.

Miami. You will be one game away from the World Series.

New York. You will be one game away from the World Series.

Omaha. You will be one game away from the World Series.

Password for Pennant, must have selected "Pennant" option from menu.

Philly. You will be one game away from the World Series.

Skip to the last team
Select Pennant mode and for your password enter ''JALECO''

Texas. You will be one game away from the World Series.

Utah. You will be one game away from the World Series.

Don't get ejected during a fight:
To not get ejected during a fight, continually press the B button the entire time the fight is going on.

Make a hitter charge the mound and be ejected:
After the 3rd inning, bean the 3rd or 4th hitter in the lineup, and he will charge the mound and be ejected from the game.

Pitch a Perfect Game:
Start a Left-Handed pitcher. Move the pitcher to the left side of the mound, and hold Down on every pitch, and the computer won't swing. Around the 5th inning, when the pitcher starts to become tired, replace him with another lefty and continue.

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