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Dynasty Warriors 5: Empires - XBOX 360

Dynasty Warriors 5: Empires - XBOX 360
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Dynasty Warriors 5: Empires - XBOX 360 en Favori.

Vous aussi appréciez Dynasty Warriors 5: Empires sur XBOX 360 :

A Divided Land scenario:
Successfully complete the Dong Zhou in Luo Yang scenario to unlock the A Divided Land scenario.

Available Officers:
Available Officers - 10 Have 10 real (non-edit) officers in Empire Mode. (Data must be saved at that point.)
Available Officers - 100 Have 100 real (non-edit) officers in Empire Mode. (Data must be saved at that point.)
Available Officers - 110 Have 110 real (non-edit) officers in Empire Mode. (Data must be saved at that point.)
Available Officers - 120 Have 120 real (non-edit) officers in Empire Mode. (Data must be saved at that point.)
Available Officers - 130 Have 130 real (non-edit) officers in Empire Mode. (Data must be saved at that point.)
Available Officers - 140 Have 140 real (non-edit) officers in Empire Mode. (Data must be saved at that point.)
Available Officers - 150 Have 150 real (non-edit) officers in Empire Mode. (Data must be saved at that point.)
Available Officers - 160 Have 160 real (non-edit) officers in Empire Mode. (Data must be saved at that point.)
Available Officers - 170 Have 170 real (non-edit) officers in Empire Mode. (Data must be saved at that point.)
Available Officers - 180 Have 180 real (non-edit) officers in Empire Mode. (Data must be saved at that point.)
Available Officers - 190 Have 190 real (non-edit) officers in Empire Mode. (Data must be saved at that point.)
Available Officers - 20 Have 20 real (non-edit) officers in Empire Mode. (Data must be saved at that point.)
Available Officers - 200 Have 200 real (non-edit) officers in Empire Mode. (Data must be saved at that point.)
Available Officers - 210 Have 210 real (non-edit) officers in Empire Mode. (Data must be saved at that point.)
Available Officers - 220 Have 220 real (non-edit) officers in Empire Mode. (Data must be saved at that point.)
Available Officers - 230 Have 230 real (non-edit) officers in Empire Mode. (Data must be saved at that point.)
Available Officers - 240 Have 240 real (non-edit) officers in Empire Mode. (Data must be saved at that point.)
Available Officers - 250 Have 250 real (non-edit) officers in Empire Mode. (Data must be saved at that point.)
Available Officers - 30 Have 30 real (non-edit) officers in Empire Mode. (Data must be saved at that point.)
Available Officers - 40 Have 40 real (non-edit) officers in Empire Mode. (Data must be saved at that point.)
Available Officers - 50 Have 50 real (non-edit) officers in Empire Mode. (Data must be saved at that point.)
Available Officers - 60 Have 60 real (non-edit) officers in Empire Mode. (Data must be saved at that point.)
Available Officers - 70 Have 70 real (non-edit) officers in Empire Mode. (Data must be saved at that point.)
Available Officers - 80 Have 80 real (non-edit) officers in Empire Mode. (Data must be saved at that point.)
Available Officers - 90 Have 90 real (non-edit) officers in Empire Mode. (Data must be saved at that point.)

Battle Of Guan Du scenario:
Successfully complete the A Divided Land scenario to unlock the Battle Of Guan Du scenario.

Cleared A Gathering of Heroes:
Cleared when you gain control of all 25 areas in Empire mode scenario, A Gathering of Heroes.

Cleared Battle of Guan Du:
Cleared when you gain control of all 25 areas in Empire mode scenario, Battle of Guan Du.

Cleared Divided Land:
Cleared when you gain control of all 25 areas in Empire mode scenario, Divided Land.

Cleared Dong Zhuo in Luo Yang:
Cleared when you gain control of all 25 areas in Empire mode scenario, Dong Zhuo in Luo Yang.

Cleared Flames over Chi Bi:
Cleared when you gain control of all 25 areas in Empire mode scenario, Flames over Chi Bi.

Cleared Yellow Turban Rebellion:
Cleared when you gain control of all 25 areas in Empire mode scenario, Yellow Turban Rebellion.

Dong Zhou In Luo Yang scenario:
Successfully complete The Yellow Turban Rebellion scenario to unlock the Dong Zhou In Luo Yang scenario.

Flames Over Chi Bi scenario:
Successfully complete the Battle Of Guan Du scenario to unlock the Flames Over Chi Bi scenario.

Level 4 weapons:
Raise a weapon type to maximum, then get 500 kills with the person who you want to get their 4th weapon with.

Play the Battle of Chi Bi:
Cleared if you play the special stage, the Battle of Chi Bi.

Play the Battle of Guan Du:
Cleared if you play the special stage, the Battle of Guan Du.

Play the Battle of Hu Lao Gate:
Cleared if you play the special stage, the Battle of Hu Lao Gate.

Play the Battle of Yi Ling:
Cleared if you play the special stage, the Battle of Yi Ling.

Play Yellow Turban Rebellion:
Cleared if you play the special stage, Yellow Turban Rebellion.

Unlock all created officer attire:
Create an officer, after that, finish the Yellow Turban campaign.

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