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Small Arms - XBOX 360

Small Arms - XBOX 360
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• Code Cheat voté par 0 Joueurs.
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Small Arms - XBOX 360 en Favori.

Vous aussi appréciez Small Arms sur XBOX 360 :

Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.

Completed Training (10 points): Complete the Single Player training mode.

Combo x2 (15 points): Kill two opponents in rapid succession.

Combo x5 (20 points): Kill five opponents in rapid succession.

Challenge x15 (10 points): Defeat fifteen opponents in Challenge mode.

Challenge x50 (25 points): Defeat fifty opponents in Challenge mode.

Won 10 Matches (10 points): Win ten matches in Single Player or by playing on Xbox Live.

Won 50 Matches (15 points): Win fifty matches in Single Player or by playing on Xbox Live.

Won 100 Matches (25 points): Win one hundred matches in Mission Mode or Battle Mode.

Complete Mission Mode (20 points): Complete Mission mode.

Played 100 Matches (25 points): Play 100 matches either offline or on Xbox Live.

Marksmanship (25 points): Score over 10,000 in the Shooting Range.

Six Degrees of Small Arms (0 points): Play online.

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