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Sneak King - XBOX 360

Sneak King - XBOX 360
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Sneak King - XBOX 360 en Favori.

Vous aussi appréciez Sneak King sur XBOX 360 :

Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.

Winner! (5 points): Beat 1 Challenge.

Movin' Out (5 points): Unlock Cul-de-Sac Level.

Free Roamer (10 points): Unlock all levels.

Area Secure (25 points): Complete all Challenges in one level.

Sneak King! (25 points): Complete all Challenges in entire game.

A Rank King (10 points): Achieve an "A" Rank.

Area Master (25 points): Achieve an "A" Rank for all Challenges in one level.

Completist (50 points): Achieve an "A" Rank for all Challenges in entire game.

BIG Surprise! (10 points): Score 100,000 points in a single delivery.

Half Way There (10 points): Complete any 40 Challenges.

What A Show! (10 points): Perform a Level 3 Flourish.

Camera Shy (15 points): Hide 100 times in total.

Sneaking Suit:
Complete all Challenges.

Saw Mill Challenge 11: "A" rank
Use the following trick to deliver a flurry 3 by hiding and get an "A" rank. From where you start the mission, veer left to the truck near the two men busy sawing the log. Wait until the man sawing on the far left hand side is as far away from you as possible. Press Y to climb in the truck. The hungry woman closest to you will faint, but stay in the truck. Behind you a woman come around the ramp. By the time she is near the truck she will be hungry. When the screen indicates, press A for 20,000 points and an "A" rank.

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