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Darkwatch - XBOX

Darkwatch - XBOX
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Vous aussi appréciez Darkwatch sur XBOX :

Hold two weapons:
Press Down to switch to your second weapon slot. This is useful if you are saving a rail rocket or shotgun. Also, press Up to switch between dynamite and splitter grenades (if available).

Quick clear:
While fighting a group of enigmas and there is a Dark Mark (Evil Tree), quickly destroy the tree before fighting any enemies. When it is destroyed, it will shoot a shockwave, instantly destroying all enemies in that area.

Rapid fire pistol:
Hold down the fire button (R) on the pistol (Redeemer) to fan it, or shoot in rapid fire.

Blood vision:
Click the Right Analog-stick to activate your blood vision.

Defeating Banshees:
Be careful while fighting banshees. If you cut off their arms and they still live, they will fire non-stop energy balls at you.

Defeating Lazaurus:
While fighting Lazaurus for the final time, hide in the house when he is using his twister move; it will shield you. Also, when he shoots his fireballs and smoke clouds, shoot them; they will blow up and you will be unharmed.

Click the Left Analog-stick to duck.

Evil deeds:
Blood Frenzy: Adds a supernatural boost to hand-to-hand combat.

Black Shroud: Covers you in a black shroud of darkness that hurts enemies when they attack for a short time.

Immortal Friends: No matter how many times you shoot Cassidy or Tala, they will not die.

Soul Stealer: Sucks the souls right out of living enemies (can be used at a distance).

Turn: Turns some enemies against each other for a short period of time.

Good deeds:
Fear: Some enigmas will run scared for a short time.

Mystic Armor: Strong armor (possible 0 damage) for a short time.

Silver Bullet: Infinite and more powerful bullets for a short time.

Vindicator: Shoots a chain of lighting that instantly destroys most small monsters.

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