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Dungeons & Dragons: Heroes - XBOX

Dungeons & Dragons: Heroes - XBOX
• Truc Astuce Consulté par 1557 Joueurs.
• Code Cheat voté par 0 Joueurs.
• Soluce Tip apprécié par 0% des Joueurs.

Dungeons & Dragons: Heroes - XBOX en Favori.

Vous aussi appréciez Dungeons & Dragons: Heroes sur XBOX :

Press L+Y+A to access the cheat screen. Then enter one of the phrases to activate the corresponding cheatcode:

View credits:
Enter CREDITS as a code.

Enter PELOR asa a code.

Nightmare difficulty setting:
Enter MPS LABS as a code.

Unlimited Mystical Will:
Enter OBADHAI as a code.

10 Anti-Venom:
Enter SPINRAD as a code.

10 Berserk Brew:
Enter THOMAS as a code.

10 Fash Freeze:
Enter ESKO as a code.

10 Fire Bomb:
Enter WEBER as a code.

10 Fire Flask:
Enter BROPHY as a code.

10 Firey Oil:
Enter EHOFF as a code.

10 Globe Potion:
Enter WRIGHT as a code.

10 Insect Plague:
Enter DERISO as a code.

10 Keys:
Enter KEIDEL as a code.

10 Keys:
Enter SNODGRASS as a code.

10 Large Healing Potions:
Enter THOMPSON as a code.

10 Large Will Potions:
Enter GEE as a code.

10 Medium Potions of Will:
Enter LU as a code.

10 Potions of Haste:
Enter UHL as a code.

10 Pyrokins:
Enter SMITH as a code.

10 Rod of Destruction:
Enter AUSTIN as a code.

10 Rod of Fire:
Enter DELUCIA as a code.

10 Rod of Miracles:
Enter JARMAN as a code.

10 Rod of Missiles:
Enter MILLER as a code.

10 Rod of Reflection:
Enter WHITTAKE as a code.

10 Rod of Shadows:
Enter DINOLT as a code.

10 Thrown Axe of Ruin:
Enter RAMERO as a code.

10 Thrown Daggers of Stunning:
Enter BELL as a code.

10 Thrown Daggers:
Enter MOREL as a code.

10 Thrown Halcyon Hammer:
Enter PRASAD as a code.

10 Thrown Hammer:
Enter BRATHWAI as a code.

10 Thrown Viper Axe:
Enter FRAZIER as a code.

10 Thrown Viper Axe:
Enter HOWARD as a code.

10 Thuderstone:
Enter ELSON as a code.

10 Tome of Lessons:
Enter PAQUIN as a code.

10 Tome of the Apprentice:
Enter BILGER as a code.

10 Tome of the Teacher:
Enter MEFFORD as a code.

10 Tomes of the Master:
Enter SPANBURG as a code.

10 Warp Stones:
Enter HOPPENST as a code.

10 Holy Water:
Enter CRAWLEY as a code.

Disable all active cheats:
Enter UNBUFF as a code.

Copying Items:
Here's how you can make copies of an item. After you have the item you want copied, save your character. Then, you load the same character in another player slot and give the item to your original character. Save your original character, reload the character in another player slot, and repeat giving the item to your original character. You can keep doing this as many times as you want.

Duplicate Items:
When playing a two player game, save your character. Then, drop an item and leave the game. Return to the game using your loaded character and pick up the item. Rinse and repeat.

Exceed maximum weight carried:
This trick allows you to carry as many thousands of pounds of items as you can possibly muster on your character. First, get as many strength altering items (Ogre gear) on your character as possible. Next, load up with as much junk as you can carry and reach your weight limit. Then, hold L + A + Y to display the cheat entry prompt and enter the PAQUIN (Tome Of Lessons) code. A Tome Of Lessons will be created in your inventory. Repeat this step as many times as desired by selecting the "Accept" button repeatedly. Notice that items created in this fashion do not add to your burden. Next, drop all of those heavy tomes. You will notice that the game will think that you dropped the weight. You are carrying all that you were before, but the game states that you are carrying 0 lbs.

Kaedin Easy Win:
Use the opposing gem of Kaedin's:
Kaedin (Death) - Use Wind gem
Kaedin (Fire) - Use Ice gem
Kaedin (Nature) - Use Fire gem
Kaedin (Wind) - Use Nature gem

Add 10 Constitution Points:
While in the code menu enter N_STINE to receive 10 Constitution points. Do this as many times as you like.

Add 10 Dexterity Points:
While in the code menu enter ZXE053 to receive 10 points of Dexterity. Do this as many times as you like.

Add 10,000 Experience Points:
While in the code menu enter DSP633 to receive 10,000 Experience Points. Do it as many times as you like to get more XP.

Add 500,000 Gold:
While in the code menu enter KNE637 to receive 500,000 Gold. Do this as many times as you like.

Attributes, experience, gold, and other good junk:
While in gameplay, hold the L trigger, then press the Y and A buttons at the same time to access the cheat menu. You can keep hitting accept to get more and more of the cheat.

10 constitution points - N STINE
10 dexterity points - ZXE053
10,000 EXP - DSP633
500,000 gold - KNE637
Invincibility - PELOR
Will Potions(Large)(10 each)- GEE
Healing Potions(Large)(10 Each)- Thompson
Tomes of the Teacher - MEFFORD(10 each)
Unlimited MW - OBADHAI

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