Mad Dash Racing - XBOX
Vous aussi appréciez Mad Dash Racing sur XBOX : ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Get Hex CharacterFinish the game with Sid, Chops & Zero-GGet Tek 9 GliderFinish the game using any characterAll CharactersPause gameplay hold L and press X B Left Y Right Right.50 BallsPause gameplay hold L and press Up X B Y Left Left.Never Get Hit By ItemsPause gameplay hold L and press X B B Left Left Y B.Have Fruits During Entire RacePause gameplay hold L and press B X Left Left Y.Playing Abilities For Any CharacterPause gameplay hold L and press X Y A Left Left Right Right.Get Hex CharacterFinish the game with Sid, Chops & Zero-GGet Tek 9 GliderFinish the game using any characterUnlock Tremmel King, Roscoe, Hex, Gex, Tek-9, and SydnerTo unlock Tremmel King get all 3 shortcut medals in all of the 8 levels. To unlock Roscoe get 20 Hex Bux in all 8 levels. To unlock Tek - 9 beat the game with any character. To unlock Sydner beat all the levels in the time challenge. To unlock Hex you must beat the game with all 3 original characters (Chops, Zero - G, and Sid). To unlock Gex you must get all the status decals.Easy Win (Alpine Cup)You know how your always in last?Well, if you are in last here's what you do,right about at the end of the race, when you'r in the ice area, you should see a slope with ice covering most of it, climb it.(Note that you have to be a tribrid or a real glider)once your about to jump of the edge,jump right and glide to the right.You should reach the finish line before the computers do!Pit of death glitchOn Mt.Magma, Jump to the end of the spinning stones. Then, jump into the lava on your right until you find yourself under the the track-that's right, UNDER the track.the floor is invisible and the speed boosts and items are floating in mid-air. It's pretty funny to see the tremmels walking around on nothing, too. When you jump over the lava under the track, you should see the path ending. After jump down into the pit, you will fall forever, until you restart the race. This code makes you lose, but it's funny to see a character falling forever.Sparkling charactersBash or dash until you get onto a ladder and your character will remain sparkling until his or her feet toch the ground.NOTE:gliding doesn't work!Fire Fruit BackwardsTo fire your fruit backwards swirl the right thumbstick backwards until your fruit is gone. I had figured this out on accident while playing the level Biotech. This has worked for me every time someone is behind me.Hintgo to hli oad, into farlegs drop off at the bottom you will find some water swim in it and go under the rock then you come up into a climb up a bit there will be 3 crates there with nearly full stealSubmitted by Morrowind FLYING CHARACTERSTo have flying characters you need to pause the game and hold L and press x,y,a,left,left,right,right.Submitted by josh |
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