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Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dawn of Destiny - XBOX

Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dawn of Destiny - XBOX
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Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dawn of Destiny - XBOX en Favori.

Vous aussi appréciez Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dawn of Destiny sur XBOX :

Tri-Horn Dragon Card

Enter the following name: GOD OF CARDS

Cosmo Queen Card

Enter the following name: KONAMI

Zera the Mant Card

Enter the following name: XBOX

Use Opponent's Decks

Beat every opponent in triple duel mode and hold X at the opponent selection screen in single duel mode.

Alternate Backgrounds

In the main menu highlight single or triple duel and press X. The background will change to an unlocked card.

Rare Cards

Dark Necrofear: Duel Odion and pick the Obelisk Statue /or/ Duel Bakura and pick the Ra or Slifer statue
Valkyrion the Magna Warrior: Duel Yami Yugi and sacrifice Beta, Gamma and Alpha to put it in play and pick the Ra /or/ Slifer statue
Exodia Set: Duel Rare Hunter /or/ Grandpa and pick the Slifer and Obelisk statues
Mirror Force: Duel Yami Yugi /or/ Joey and pick the Ra and Slifer statues
Jinzo: Duel Joey and pick the Slifer statue
Magic Cylinder: Duel Kaiba and pick the Slifer statue
Red-Eyes Black Dragon: Duel Joey and pick the Obelisk statue
Summoned Skull: Duel Yami Yugi and pick the Obelisk /or/ Slifer statue
B. Skull Dragon: Duel Joey and pick the Obelisk statue
Polymerization: Duel Pegasus and pick the Obelisk statue
Gaia the Fierce Knight: Duel Yami Yugi and pick the Obelisk statue
Cyber Stein: Duel Marik in a Triple or Single duel and pick the Slifer statue
Pot of Greed: Duel Grandpa and pick the Slifer statue
Swords of Revealing Light: Duel Rare Hunter and pick the Slifer /or/ Obelisk statue
Card Destruction: Duel Yami Bakura and pick the Obelisk statue
Axe of Despair: Duel Yami Yugi and pick the Obelisk statue /or/ Duel Kaiba and pick the Slifer statue
Monster Reborn: Duel Kaiba and pick the Slifer Statue /or/ Duel Joey and pick the Obelisk statue
Tribute to the Doomed: Duel Yami Bakura and pick the Slifer statue
Change of Heart: Duel Yami Bakura and pick the Ra statue
Delinquent Duo: Duel Arkana and pick the Obelisk Statue
Dark Hole: Duel Yami Bakura and pick the Slifer statue.
The masked beast: Duel Lumis and umbra in single duel mode and choose the ra statue.
The legendary fisherman: Duel Joey in single duel mode and choose the slifer staue.
Millenium shield: Duel the duel machine #1 and pick the ra statue.

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