___ T e c m o's _ ___ / |_ _ _ _ __ | | | _|_ _ __ __ / _ | ' \ / ' |/ _/| | | _| || |/ _/_/ _| /_/ |_|_||_|\_, |\__||_| |___|\_, |\__|__/ Version 0.4 |___/ |__/ GENERAL INFORMATION FAQ by Khris "The KiD" Copyright 1998 Khris G. The following FAQ if for the use of private and/or personal use only. If it is reproduced, it may only be done electronically. The correctness and accuracy of the material covered in this FAQ are not guaranteed, and the author will NOT be held responsible for any problems or damages caused in any way from errors or omissions. If placed on a web page or site, this FAQ may be altered as long as this disclamer and the copyright info remains in it's original form and state. For no reason should this FAQ be used for a profitable and/or promotional purpose, including being published in magazines, guides, hint books, etc. or be incorporated in magazines, etc. in ANY way. This FAQ was created by me, Khris G. . All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged that are not specifical mentioned in this FAQ. Please give credit where it is due. The characters of Angel Eyes are (c) 1997 Temco Co, Ltd. If you'd like to view this FAQ in the best quality, Notepad would be your best bet. The top and bottom margins should be 1.25" and the left and rights ones should be 1". Courier New Font: 10. This FAQ can be found at: --------------------------------------------------------------------- GameFAQs www.gamefaqs.com The 09th Mobile Suite Platoon susano.home.ml.com Just the FAQs vgstrategies.miningco.com Angel Eyes info can be found at: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Anime Playstation - www.aiai.com/~freddy/animepsx/fight/angeleyes.html +~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+ CONTENTS +~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+ 1. UNIVERSAL KEY 2. CHARACTER MOVE LIST - Akane - Bin Chibiko - Black Raiya - Chibiko - Highway Star - Hyper Mysterious Power - Kiriko - Lina - Lina 2 - Maria & King - Maria & Panda - Mysterious Power - Raiya - Reika - Robo Chibiko - Wounded Highway Star 3. DAMAGE INFO 4. SECRETS AND CODES 5. MISCELLANEOUS INFO +~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+ 1. UNIVERSAL KEY +~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+ ub u uf Jump Back Jump Up Jump Forward \ | / b -- -- f Retreat/Block Neutral Advance / | \ db d df Defensive Crouch Crouch Offensive Crouch Reverse left and right if on right side of screen or Player 2. L2 R2 N/A N/A L1 R1 x2 Punch x2 Kick Square Triangle LP HP X Circle LK HK The button notation can be rearranged in the Key Config Mode at the Options Screen. Here's how to read the commands in the character move lists: P - press any Punch button K - press any Kick button PP - press both Punch buttons KK - press both Kick buttons + - means "and" / - means "or" (air) - can use while jumping Miscellaneous Commands PP - Mid-air Halt KK - Super Dash The Mid-air Halt can only be done after a jump, Dash, or Super Dash and is used to cancel your forward momentum instantly. You stop exactly where you are and is suspented in that pose for about a second. You are able to Dash or Super Dash after the Mid-air Halt. +~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+ 2. CHARACTER MOVE LIST +~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+ ___ _ / || | __ _ _ _ _ ___ / _ || '/ // ' || ' \ / _/ /_/ |_||_|\_\\_,_||_||_|\__| - Kiriko's Twin Assitant - Win Pose Spins a flaming kunai and says something. - Lose Pose Flies back to the ground. - Time Over Pose Falls to her knees, looking down. - Colors LP - Red outfit/Green hair HP - Black outfit/Blue hair LK - Yellow outfit/Brown hair HK - Orange outfit/Green hair Start - Pink outfit/Purple hair --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O | \ + P Kaen Ansatsu O O --------------------------------------------------------------------- | | + P / K Kunoichi Vanish O O --------------------------------------------------------------------- | \ -O + P Deathspin Flaming Kunai O O --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O or O- + HP Kunai Stab --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O or O- + HK Hop Crescent --------------------------------------------------------------------- Jump, | + P Downward Stab O --------------------------------------------------------------------- Jump, | + K Overhead Kick O --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O, -O + LP Dashing Kunai Stab --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O, -O + HP Kunai Shove --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O, -O + LK Leap Jumpkick --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O, -O + HK Flipkick --------------------------------------------------------------------- | \ -O | \ -O + PP Kunoichi Plunge O O O O SUPER --------------------------------------------------------------------- - The Kaen Ansatsu and Deathspin Flaming Kunai set the opponent on fire. You will be damaged if you touch them in that state. +~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+ ___ _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ | \(_) _ _ | __|| |_ (_)| |_ (_)| | __ __ | <| || ' \ | |__ | ' \| || ' \| || '/ // \ |___/|_||_||_| |____||_||_|_||_,_/|_||_|\_\\__/ - Mild-Mannered Youth - Win Pose Jumpropes and falls on her back, stands and straightens the back of her shorts as her friends come out and cheer her. Says something. - Lose Pose Winces and tries to stand while looking down, then falls on her face, says something. - Time Over Pose Places hands behind her, turns side to side a few times. - Colors LP - Orange shirt/Dark Green shorts HP - Green shirt/Red shorts LK - Grey shirt/Black shorts HK - Light Pink shirt/Pink shorts Start - White shirt/Blue shorts/Gray hairclip - "Hiyakeshita Chibi" --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O | \ + P (air) Rising Current O O --------------------------------------------------------------------- | \ -O + P Dodge Ball O O --------------------------------------------------------------------- Tap K rapidly (air) Jumprope Assault --------------------------------------------------------------------- Jump, | \ -O + P Spike! O O --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O or O- + HP Forward Tumble --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O or O- + HK Forward Leg Spring --------------------------------------------------------------------- Jump, | + LP Skybomber O --------------------------------------------------------------------- Jump, | + HP Forward Fall O --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O, -O + HP Falling Shove --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O, -O + HK Banana Peel Slip --------------------------------------------------------------------- | \ -O | \ -O + PP Super Chibiko-Dama O O O O SUPER --------------------------------------------------------------------- - The Spike! sets opponent on fire. You will be damaged if you touch them in that state. - You can delay the Super Chibiko-Dama by holding down any of the attack buttons. If you delay it too long, it will fall on Chibiko. +~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+ ___ _____ _ | \ | _ \ _ _ (_)_ _ _ _ | < _ | _ SD.HK Flipkick --------------------------------------------------------------------- Tap u + K after SD.HK Flipkick --------------------------------------------------------------------- Tap d + K after SD.d + HK Flipkick --------------------------------------------------------------------- Jump, | + LK Toe Tap Kick O --------------------------------------------------------------------- Jump, | + HK Angled Headkick O --------------------------------------------------------------------- | \ -O | \ -O + PP Goin Shin Kou Ha O O O O SUPER --------------------------------------------------------------------- - Each Raiko Dan fires 2 blasts, but only 1 connects. - On the ground, B.Raiya's Lightning Tornado goes higher than Raiya's. In the air, the Lightning Tornado has a wider arc. - B.Raiya is able to chain in more than one Flipkick. Each Flipkick hits more than Raiya's. - The Raiko Dan, Lighting Tornado, and Goin Shin Kou Ha electrocute opponent. You will be damaged if you touch them in that state. +~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+ ____ _ _ _ _ _ | __|| |_ (_)| |_ (_)| | __ __ | |__ | ' \| || ' \| || '/ // \ |____||_||_|_||_,_/|_||_|\_\\__/ - Athletic Free Spirit - Win Pose Jumpropes and falls on her back, stands and straightens the back of her shorts as her friends come out and cheer her. Says something. - Lose Pose Winces and tries to stand while looking down, then falls on her face, says something. - Time Over Pose Places hands behind her, turns side to side a few times. - Colors LP - White shirt & socks/Blue shorts & shoes/Pink hairclip HP - Pink shirt & shocks/Purple shorts & shoes/Purple hairclip LK - Light Pink shirt & socks/Red shorts & shoes/Yellow hairclip HK - Gray shirt & socks/Black shorts & shoes/Blue hairclip Start - Yellow shirt & socks/Red shorts & shoes/Red hairclip --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O | \ + P (air) Rising Current O O --------------------------------------------------------------------- | \ -O + P Dodge Ball O O --------------------------------------------------------------------- Tap K rapidly (air) Jumprope Assault --------------------------------------------------------------------- Jump, | \ -O + P Spike! O O --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O or O- + HP Forward Tumble --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O or O- + HK Forward Leg Spring --------------------------------------------------------------------- Jump, | + LP Skybomber O --------------------------------------------------------------------- Jump, | + HP Forward Fall O --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O, -O + HP Falling Shove --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O, -O + HK Banana Peel Slip --------------------------------------------------------------------- Jump, tap LP rapidly Gradual Descend --------------------------------------------------------------------- | \ -O | \ -O + PP Super Chibiko-Dama O O O O SUPER --------------------------------------------------------------------- - The Spike! sets opponent on fire. You will be damaged if you touch them in that state. - You can delay the Super Chibiko-Dama by holding down any of the attack buttons. If you delay it too long, it will fall on Chibiko. +~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+ _ _ ___ _ | || | / __| | |_ _ _ _ _ | '' | _ \__ \|_ _|/ ' | '_| |_||_|(_)/___/ \__|\_,_|_| - Recreational Thrill Seeker - Win Pose Turns head as scarf blows, gives a "peace" sign, says, "Yatta ze." [I did it] - Lose Pose Flies back to ground, says something. - Time Over Pose Falls to her knees as she looks down, says, "Makita no ka". - Colors LP - Red outfit/Blonde hair HP - Gray outfit/Blonde hair LK - White outfit/Red hair HK - Blue outfit/Blonde hair Start - Light Blue outfit/Light Gray hair --------------------------------------------------------------------- | \ -O + P Axel Spin O O --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O | \ + P (air) High Speed Upper O O --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O \ | / O- + P Rearview Reflector O O O --------------------------------------------------------------------- Close, -O \ | / O- + K Crash Course O O O --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O or O- + HP Gut Punch --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O or O- + HK Gut Kick --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O O- / | \ -O + KK Highway Collision O O O SUPER --------------------------------------------------------------------- +~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+ _ _ _ _ _ ___ | || |_ _ ___ ___ _ _ | ' ' | | \ __ _ _ _ ___ _ _ | '' | || | _ \/ _/| '_| | |_| | _ | _// \| | | |/ _/| '_| |_||_|\_, | __/\__||_| |_| |_|(_)|_| \__/|_,_,_|\__||_| |_/|_| - Freelance Trouble Maker - Win Pose Places hands above head as she looks to opponent, then places them to her side, says, "Mm hmm!" - Lose Pose Flies back to ground, says, "Oh my God!" - Time Over Pose Places hands up and shrugs, says, "No!" - Colors LP - Yellow & Brown outfit/Red hair HP - Light Purple & Purple outfit/Green hair LK - Red & Dark Blue outfit/Blonde hair/Gray skin HK - Blue & Dark Rad outfit/Purple hair/Light Purple skin Start - Completely Golden --------------------------------------------------------------------- | \ -O + LP (air) Mysterious Laser: 3way Shot O O --------------------------------------------------------------------- | \ -O + HP (air) Mysterious Laser: Uni-beam O O --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O | \ + P Mysterious Snap O O --------------------------------------------------------------------- Close, -O \ | / O- + P Dynamite Swing O O O --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O or O- + HP Hop Double Fist Smash --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O or O- + HK Spin Hook Kick --------------------------------------------------------------------- Jump, | + HK Angled Face Kick O --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O, -O + HK Flying Foot Shove --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O O- / | \ -O + PP "It's Showtime!" O O O SUPER --------------------------------------------------------------------- - The Flying Foot Shove only knocks opponent across screen if only the very end of her foot hits. +~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+ _ _ _ _ _ | |/ |(_) _ _ (_)| | __ __ | < | || '_|| || '/ // \ |_|\_\|_||_| |_||_|\_\\__/ - Secret Agent Maid - Win Pose Spins a kunai and says something. - Lose Pose Flies back to the ground - Time Over Pose Falls low to her hands and knees - Colors LP - Blue & Orange outfit/Brown hair HP - White & Red outfit/Light Brown hair LK - Red & Blue outfit/Green hair HK - Purple & Orange outfit/Red hair Start - Green & Red outfit/Purple hair --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O | \ + P Ansatsu O O --------------------------------------------------------------------- | | + P / K Kunoichi Vanish O O --------------------------------------------------------------------- | \ -O + P Deathspin Kunai O O --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O or O- + HP Kunai Push --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O or O- + HK Hop Crescent --------------------------------------------------------------------- Jump, | + P Downward Stab O --------------------------------------------------------------------- Jump, | + K Overhead Kick O --------------------------------------------------------------------- | \ -O | \ -O + PP Kunoichi Plunge O O O O SUPER --------------------------------------------------------------------- +~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+ _ _ | | (_) _ _ _ _ | |_ | || ' \ / ' | |___||_||_||_|\_,_| - 21st Century Crime Fighter - Win Pose Looks to the sky, raises a hand, says something - Lose Pose Flies back to the ground. - Time Over Pose Falls to her hands and knees - Colors LP - Blue outfit/Blonde hair HP - Purple outfit/Orange hair LK - Black outfit/Red hair HK - White outfit/Blue hair Start - Yellow outfit/Green hair --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O | \ + P Rocket Upper O O --------------------------------------------------------------------- O- | / + K Heelkick Headbutt O O --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O \ | / + K Triple Sweep Kicks O O O --------------------------------------------------------------------- | \ -O + K Double sided Axe Kick O O --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O + LP Jab Elbow --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O + HP Hook Punch --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O + LK Straight Mid Kick --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O + HK Dashing Knee --------------------------------------------------------------------- Jump, | + LP Angled Punch O --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O, -O + HP Across Screen Slam --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O, -O + LK Hopping Knee --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O, -O + HK Convict Kick --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O O- / | \ -O + KK Mission Impossible O O O SUPER --------------------------------------------------------------------- - The Dashing Knee hits randomly depending on distance and opponent. - The Rocket Upper can be interrupted anytime for an Attack Chance. This works the same way at the end of the Mission Impossible. +~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+ _ _ ___ | | (_) _ _ _ _ |__ | | |_ | || ' \ / ' | / __| |___||_||_||_|\_,_| |___\ - Justice's New Name - Win Pose Closes her eyes, raises a hand with a drink in it, says something - Lose Pose Flies back to the ground - Time Over Pose Falls to her hands and knees - Colors LP - Gold outfit/Purple hair HP - Dark Purple outfit/Black hair LK - Silver outfit/Blonde hair HK - Green outfit/Purple hair Start - Blue outfit/Blonde hair --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O | \ + P Drill Upper O O --------------------------------------------------------------------- O- | / + K Razorkick Headbutt O O --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O \ | / + K Ball & Chain Sweep Kicks O O O --------------------------------------------------------------------- | \ -O + K Double sided Axe Kick O O --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O + LP Spiked Jab Elbow --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O + HP Spiked Mace Hook Punch --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O + LK Drill Mid Kick --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O + HK Dashing Spiked Knee --------------------------------------------------------------------- Jump, | + LP Angled Blade Punch O --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O, -O + HP Across Screen Stab --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O, -O + LK Hopping Spiked Knee --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O, -O + HK Razor Convict Kick --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O O- / | \ -O + KK Mission Impossible O O O SUPER --------------------------------------------------------------------- - The Dashing Knee hits randomly depending on distance and opponent. - The Rocket Upper can be interrupted anytime for an Attack Chance. This works the same way at the end of the Mission Impossible. - Each of Lina2's attack form a weapon for added range. - The Mission Impossible gives off no warning spark. +~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | ' ' |_ _ _ _(_) ___ | |/ (_)_ _ _ _ | |_| / ' | '_| |/ _/ | <| | ' \ / ' | |_| |_\_,_|_| |_|\__| & |_|\_|_|_||_|\_, | |___/ - Wealthy Toy Lover - Win Pose Spins around with King while laughing, turns to player, says "Yatta! Marie no kachi!". [I did it! Marie's win!] - Lose Pose Flies back to ground, says, "Itai!" [Painful!] - Time Over Pose Drops to knees, places hands over eyes and cries, says something - Colors LP - Pink dress/Red shoes/Brown hair/King: Light Brown HP - Light Blue dress/Blue shoes/Dark Blonde hair/King: Brown LK - Gray dress & shoes/Blonde hair/King: Light Brown HK - Red dress & shoes/Pink hair/King: Beige Start - Green dress & shoes/Dark Brown hair/King: Orange --------------------------------------------------------------------- O- / | \ -O + P Honeypot Grab O O O --------------------------------------------------------------------- | \ -O + P Teddy Transform O O --------------------------------------------------------------------- Close, O- / | \ -O + P Beatdown O O O --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O + HP Extended Bear Limb --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O + HK Multi Extended Bear Limb --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O, -O + LP Bear Arm Drill --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O, -O + LK Bear Leg Drill --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O, -O + HP Frontal Slide: Knockdown --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O, -O + HK Frontal Slide: Multi-hit --------------------------------------------------------------------- | \ -O + PP Teddy Rainstorm O O SUPER --------------------------------------------------------------------- +~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+ _ _ _ _ ___ _ | ' ' |_ _ _ _(_) ___ | \_ _ _ _ _| | _ _ | |_| / ' | '_| |/ _/ | _/ ' || ' \ / ' |/ ' | |_| |_\_,_|_| |_|\__| & |_| \_,_||_||_|\_,_|\_,_| - Living Riot - Win Pose Spins around with Panda while laughing, turns to player, says "Yatta! Marie no kachi!". [I did it. Marie's win!] - Lose Pose Flies back to ground, says "Itai!" [Painful!] - Time Over Pose Drops to knees, places hands over eyes and cries, says something - Colors LP - Pink dress/Red shoes/Brown hair HP - Yellow dress/Brown shoes/Green hair LK - Black dress/Red shoes/Pink hair HK - White dress/Black shoes/Orange hair Start - Red dress/Black shoes/Purple hair --------------------------------------------------------------------- O- / | \ -O + P Oil Can Grab O O O --------------------------------------------------------------------- | \ -O + P Flaming Color Twirl O O --------------------------------------------------------------------- Close, -O \ | / O- + P "Beatdown" O O O --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O + HP Extended Bear Limb --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O + HK Bladed Extended Bear Limb --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O, -O + LP Bear Arm Drill --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O, -O + LK Bear Leg Drill --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O, -O + HP Frontal Slide: Knockdown --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O, -O + HK Frontal Slide: Multi-hit --------------------------------------------------------------------- | \ -O + PP Flaming Panda Rainstorm O O SUPER --------------------------------------------------------------------- - The Flaming Color Twirl and Flaming Panda Rainstorm sets opponent on fire. You will be damaged if you touch them in that state. +~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+ _ _ _ ___ | ' ' | | \__ _ _ _ ___ _ _ | |_| | _ | _/ \| | | |/ _/| '_| |_| |_|(_)|_| \__/|_,_,_|\__||_| - Chaos Illusionist - Win Pose Places hands above head as she looks to opponent, then places them to her side, says, "Mm hmm!" - Lose Pose Flies back to ground, says, "Oh my God!" - Time Over Pose Places hands up and shrugs, says, "No!" - Colors LP - Green & Dark Red outfit/Red hair HP - Red & Black outfit/Beige hair LK - Blue & Purple outfit/Green hair HK - Light blue & Blue outfit/Pink hair Start - Purple & Dark Blue outfit/Silver hair --------------------------------------------------------------------- | \ -O + LP (air) Mysterious Bubble: Electric O O --------------------------------------------------------------------- | \ -O + HP (air) Mysterious Bubble: Capture O O --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O | \ + P Mysterious Snap O O --------------------------------------------------------------------- Close, -O \ | / O- + P Dynamite Swing O O O --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O or O- + HP Hop Double Fist Smash --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O or O- + HK Spin Hook Kick --------------------------------------------------------------------- Jump, | + HK Angled Face Kick O --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O, -O + HK Flying Foot Shove --------------------------------------------------------------------- -O O- / | \ -O + PP "It's Showtime!" O O O SUPER --------------------------------------------------------------------- - The Flying Foot Shove only knocks opponent across screen if only the very end of her foot hits. +~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+ _____ _ | _ \ _ _ (_)_ _ _ _ | _ SD.HK Flipkick --------------------------------------------------------------------- Tap u + K after SD.HK Flipkick --------------------------------------------------------------------- Tap d + K after SD.d + HK Flipkick --------------------------------------------------------------------- Jump, | + LK Toe Tap Kick O --------------------------------------------------------------------- Jump, | + HK Angled Headkick O --------------------------------------------------------------------- | \ -O | \ -O + PP Goin Shin Kou Ha O O O O SUPER --------------------------------------------------------------------- - The Raiko Dan, Lighting Tornado, and Goin Shin Kou Ha electrocutes opponent. You will be damaged if you touch them in that state. +~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+ _____ _ _ | _ \ ___(_)| | __ _ _ | _ SD.LK -> SD.HP -> SD.HK \/ S.LP -> C.LK -> C.HK XX LP.Raiko Dan These are the results about the amount of damage taken. Least Average Greatest ----- ------- -------- Reika Raiya Mysterious Power Lina B.Raiya Hyper M.Power Lina2 Chibiko Robo Chibiko Bin Chibiko Kiriko Akane Marie & King Marie & Panda H.Star Wounded H.Star +~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+ 4. SECRETS AND CODES +~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+ SECRET CHARACTERS Beat Story Mode with the following character to get their alter ego. Character to use | Secret Character gained -------------------------------------------------- Mysterious Power Hyper Mysterious Power Marie & King Marie & Panda Kiriko Akane Reika Reika Raiya Black Raiya Highway Star Wounded Highway Star Lina Lina 2 Chibiko Robo Chibiko Kiriko , Bin Chibiko, and Lina are gained once you beat Story Mode with everyone. ANGEL'S STAGE Beat the game in Arcade Mode on Normal with any character. CG GALLERY Beat the game in Arcade Mode to receive art on that character. +~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+ 5. MISCELLANEOUS INFO +~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+ I welcome any extra info that you might have on the game such as combos, info, questions, cheats, etc. You will receive credit for your anything posted in this FAQ. ------------------------------------------------------------------- INFO I NEED ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Storyline - Proper names for the Special Moves - Story Mode translations - Winning Quotes - Pose translations for some characters - Excess character info ------------------------------------------------------------------- FAQ REVISIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.5 (October 5, 1998) - More editing. Version 0.4 (August 31, 1998) - Alot of editing. Version 0.3 (July 24, 1998) - Whew! Alot has been done on this version of the FAQ. Split the FAQ up into 3 seperate parts: General Information FAQ, Mini-FAQ, and Combo FAQ. [Updates on General Info FAQ] - Added the rest of the character info and all the character's moves. Placed notes on each of the characters regarding their attacks. Found another site to find FAQ and the Anime Playstation site to get info. [Updates on Mini-FAQ] - Added the rest of the character moves. [Updates on Combo FAQ] - Added and modified combos for all characters. Version 0.2 (June 9, 1998) - Totally new outline for entire FAQ. Added a majority of the moves and character info. Added the Tatsujin Combo for Raiya/B.Raiya, and more combos for Reika and H.Star. Version 0.1 (May 11, 1998) - Added the damage info and a few combos for Raiya, Reika, Chibiko, and Kiriko. Version 0.0 (May 6, 1998) - FAQ initial launch. Incomplete and combos not guaranteed to work on all characters yet. ------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL THANKS ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Tecmo They came out with a great all female fighting game! Keep it up! - StraPped CreW Most of my crew actually liked this game! - Kao Megura For the helpful outline of the FAQ - Susan Orbatos Adding my FAQ to her site . Thanx! ^_^ [This is the end of the Angel Eyes General Info FAQ] +~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+~~~+