
n.e. Look letter-box -> envelope. Use knife on envelope -> key. Unlock door.
Look under doormat -> key. w.s. Unlock metal door in castle. n.e.e.e.
Look under bed -> grammophone. w.u. Look in box -> ABBA record. d.n.n.w.
s -> Hammer. n.w -> Flashlight. Look under sack -> d.
Use knife on wire -> key. u.e.u.e. Unlock cupboard.
Look in cupboard -> rope. w.n.w.d. Drop rope in hole. d.
Use grammophone -> e. d. Look under dirty water -> corkscrew. d.
Look in coffin -> revolver. Use revolver on lock -> e.s.
Explore this area urself.
Look under bones -> pearl. Use corkscrew on bottle.
To exit back to coffin area, go pagan temple.
Look behind pagan temple -> e.u -> out.
w.d. Take water with bottle. Go back down
Look behind casks -> n. use water on beanstalk. u -> gold key, knife.
Go boat & Use knife on rope. w -> back at castle. Go back to troll bridge.
w. Unlock safe with gold key. Look in safe -> crown. Go back in castle.

***** DONE *****

extras - hammer (use on bottle), rusty key (unlock e. castle door)