Walkthrough, Explanation, FAQ
				  By Adam Bomb

Welcome to the world of Diabetes! Before I go any further, I'd like to say
that this FAQ is written by a diabetic, one who knows the problems firsthand.
It's no picnic, but perhaps this wonderful game will help better explain the
diabetic world to the general public. Enjoy!

This game is not intended to provide advice about your own diabetes care. Do
not change your own diabetes care plan, diet plan, or insulin dose or schedule
without a doctor's supervision.

For more information on diabetes, please visit these sites:
American Diabetes Association
Canadian Diabetes Association

1.	Story-A Panic In Pineville
2.	Controls-Leading The Fight Against Diabetes
3.	Enemies-Battle The Forces Of Sugar
4.	Information-Diabetes On My Mind
5.	Controlling Your Diabetes
6.	Walkthrough-Levels Of Survival

Aliens have landed on Mount Wayupthar, and they plan to take over the world!
Stopping them will be tough, but they are all disguised-as sugary junk foods.
Fortunately Captain Novolin, the superhero with diabetes, has found out about 
the invasion and will try to stop the aliens before they can do any harm.

But he has to hurry. The aliens have already captured Mayor Gooden of
Pineville, who also has diabetes. The mayor needs help fast because he has
only 48 hours worth of diabetes supplies.

You must help Captain Novolin make it through waves of sugary junk food aliens
and defeat the alien commander, Blubberman. You must also help Captain Novolin
manage his diabetes by checking his blood glucose, taking insulin and
following his meal plan.

A		Jump			+ Down			Duck
+ and A		Flying Jump		Jump and + Down		Stomp
+ Right		Walk Right		Start			Pause Game
+ Left		Walk Left

These are brief descriptions of the various enemies in the game. They explain
the creature's movement pattern and how to approach them.

To destroy an enemy, use the stomp technique (See CONTROLS).

Chip			(Cookie)
This enemy hops slowly along, and jumps high when you jump. To eliminate him,
wait until the right moment, and do a quick (not high) stomp on him.

Jumpin' Jelly John	(Doughnut)
This enemy jumps continuously, unrelenting. To eliminate him, wait until he
reaches the bottom of his jump, and immedeatly stomp him.

Fizzy Floyd		(Soda Can)
This enemy simply walks in a straight path at you. To eliminate him, just
stomp him as he approaches you.

Cereal Killer		("Sweets" Box)
See "Fizzy Floyd"

Larry Licorice		(Flying Licorice)
This enemy flies continuously through the air, spinning around as it goes. To
eliminate him, wait until the moment where you can jump high enough to stomp
upon him.

Harry Fudge		(Ice Cream Sundae)
See "Fizzy Floyd"

Pistachio		(Ice Cream Cone)
This enemy stays set in one place, keeping you at bay with ice cream balls.
To eliminate him, wait until a break in between throws, and then stomp on him.

Dandy Candy		(Candy Bar)
This enemy will charge at you, quicker than any other. His speed is extremely
high, so try to jump on his small area of a head.

Bubble Trouble		(Gum Packet)
This enemy will also come straight at you. But watch out, in Lake Pineville
#2, he will shoot bubbles at you. Simply wait until an opening after a bubble 
blast, and pounce him.

Top Pop			(Soda Bottle)
See "Fizzy Floyd"

Throughout the game, you will find stars (information) in the beginning stages
of the level, and question marks (trivia) that you can interact with.

Simply put, listen to the information, and remember it to solve the trivia
questions for a point bonus.

In this game, eating right is as important as not being hurt by enemies.

Before each stage, your dietition and doctor will tell you what to eat and
how much insulin to take.

Listen to them, for if your blood glucose level gets too high or low, you
will fall and lose a life.

Please read the disclaimer at the top of this FAQ.

The following describes the levels in the game, the enemies you'll encounter,
and the people that will help you on your journey.

Level 1		Streets Of Pineville
Guide Captain Novolin through the alien plagued urban areas of Pineville.
Doughnut	(4)		Soda Can	(1)
Sweets		(4)

Level 2		Streets Of Pineville (#2)
The streets are getting harder, and introduce more baddies for your battle.
Cookie		(4)		Soda Can	(2)
Candy Bar	(4) 

Level 3		Lake Pineville
The depths of Pineville's lake contain enemies galore, be sure not to fall in!
Speak to the Dock Attendant, Joe. He will give you a special pair of boots.
Soda Bottle	(4)		Sundae		(2)
Licorice	(3)		Gum Packet	(3)

Level 4		Forest of Pineville
Help Captain Novolin fight his way through; watch out for that tree!
Cookie		(5)		Soda Can	(1)
Licorice	(5)		Ice Cream	(1)
Candy Bar	(4)		Sweets		(1)

Level 5		Lake Pineville (#2)
The waters bring new challenges, like bubble attacks. Falling in is easier!
Gum Packet	(5)		Sundae		(3)
Soda Bottle	(2)		Licorice	(4)

Level 6		Mount Wayupthar
Hiking is tough, and you truely are wayupthar. Don't fall off the cliffs!
Speak to the Ranger, she will tell you about increased activity and diabetes.
Sweets		(1)		Soda Can	(2)
Licorice	(4)		Ice Cream	(3)
Candy Bar	(3)		Cookie		(2)

Level 7		Mount Wayupthar (#2)
You're almost there! Keep going, the mountain is the only obstacle left......
Talk to Ranger Ralph, for he will explain the importance of diabetes awareness.
Licorice	(5)		Candy Bar	(4)
Cookie		(5)		Ice Cream	(2)
Soda Can	(2)		Sweets		(1)

Level 8		Blubber Base
You're here! Now just bust those baddies and watch out for the electric floors.
Soda Can	(1)		Doughnuts	(3)
Sweets		(1)		Candy Bar	(4)
Licorice	(3) 		Cookie		(2)
Ice Cream	(3)

Blubberman	The Fattest Of The Fat
Watch out for Blubberman's flying pies, as well as electrical charges on the
floor (you can see them coming down an open tube). When you can, hit the
switch (by simply walking up to it) to turn the electrical charges towards
his blubberness. Shock him three times and he's outta there.

Mayor Gooden	What Have You Learned?
Throughout the game, you have learned about diabetic control. Use your
knowledge to decide weather he needs glucagon or sugar packets to raise his
blood glucose.