Fighter's History Dynamite FAQ

 __________________  __________________ *_____
 \   ___/ / ____/ /_/ /_  __/ ____/ _  >/  __/     Fighter's
 /  __// / /_  / __  / / / / __/_/ __ / \_  \     History
/  / _/_/_____/_/_/_/_/_/_/_____/_/ /_//____/    Dynamite
\_/  __  ____________________  ______  ____
    / /_/ / /  _____  __/ _  \/ _  \ \/ __/       (Karnov's
   / __  / /\_  \  / / / /_/ / __ / \/ /           Revenge)
  /_/ /_/_/_____/ /_/  \____/_/ /_/ /_/  95d8.3f
 ______  __   __ ___  __  _____  __   __ __ _______ _______
|   _  ||  |_|  |   \|  ||  _  ||  \_/  |  |__   __|   ____|
|  |_|  |\_   _/|       |   _   |   _   |  |  | |  |   __|_
|______|   |_|  |__|\___|__| |__|__| |__|__|  |_|  |_______|

  Like always, all assume right facing on move diagrams.

 _ Ray McDougal: _____________________________________________ USA __
|  weak point: "lightning" on chest                       1967.3.21  |
|  art:        Martial Arts                              185cm 95kg  |
|  occupation: police detective                                   B  |
|  likes:      curry ruce, hamburger, coffee                         |
|  dislikes:   tobacco, doctors                                      |
|  |  \   -O   Punch                    Big Tornado                  |
|  O   O                                                             |
|  -O  -O  Punch                        Dynamite Tackle              |
|  |   /  O-  Kick                      Wheel Kick                   |
|  O  O                                                              |
|  (jump)  |   /  O-  Kick              Flying Wheel Kick            |
|          O  O                                                      |
|  O-. -O  -O  Punch                    Thunder Dynamite Tackle    * |

 _ Liu Feilin: _____________________________________________ China __
|  weak point: breastplate                               1966.11.11  |
|  art:        Mantis Fist                                169cm ?kg  |
|  likes:      strong & beautiful herself, Almond pudding         O  |
|  dislikes:   reptiles (especially snakes)                          |
|  |  \   -O  Punch                     TourohZan                    |
|  O   O                                Mantis Claw                  |
|  (jump)  O-   /  |  Punch             Kuuchu TourohZan             |
|              O   O                    Midair Mantis Claw           |
|  |  O  Punch                          HakkakuSoubiKen              |
|  O. |                                 Flying Crane Strike          |
|  |   /  \  -O   O  Punch              Kakkou HakkakuSoubiKen     * |
|  O. O    O     /                      Sliding Crane Strike         |
|  (jump)  |  D                         HishouKyaku                  |
|          O                            Flying Kick                  |
|  - The KakkouHakkakuSoubiKen may alternately be charged in the     |
|  defensive crouch, then carried through as given to the forward    |
|  up position.  It slides under projectiles.                        |

 _ Kano Ryoko: _____________________________________________ Japan __
|  weak point: headband                                   1977.1.21  |
|  art         Judo                                      168cm 57kg  |
|  occupation: high school student                                B  |
|  likes:      Judo, fried pork cutlet, Grandpa Gengoro              |
|  dislikes:   dishonest person, mushroom                            |
|  (throw) |  |  Punch                  Submission Hold              |
|          O  O                                                      |
|  (close)  -O \  |  / O-  Punch        ChoYamaArashi                |
|               O O O                   Mountain Storm               |
|  O-. -O  Punch                        ZenTenUkeMi                  |
|                                       Rolling Body Attack          |
|  (near)  -O \  |  / O-  Punch         Ippon Seoi                   |
|              O O O                    One arm shoulder throw       |
|  (jump)  -O \  |  / O-  Punch         Midair Ippon Seoi            |
|  (near)      O O O                                                 |
|  (close)  -O   O  O  O   O-  Punch    KataGuruma                 * |
|               /   |   \               Shoulder Carry               |
|  - the moves using half-circle motions may be done forward to      |
|  back or back to forward, regardless of facing.                    |
|  - the ChoYamaArashi must be done next to your opponent, else the  |
|  IpponSeoi will result.                                            |
|  - The KataGuruma does not harm directly, it sets up the opponent  |
|  for an air attack.                                                |

 _ Matlock Jade: __________________________________ United Kingdom __
|  weak point: headgear                                   1968.7.12  |
|  art:        independent "Punk" style                  172cm 60kg  |
|  occupation: musician                                           O  |
|  likes:      live performances, "legendary" guitar                 |
|  dislikes:   heavy-metal rock, pickles                             |
|  |  Kick                              Dancing Head Press           |
|  O                                                                 |
|  O-. -O  Punch                        Spinning Wave                |
|  O-. -O  Kick                         Overhead Kick                |
|  |  O  Kick                           Road Hurricane               |
|  O. |                                                              |
|  |  O  CD                             Loop Hurricane             * |
|  O. |        (tap CD to maintain spin, stick to move)              |

 _ Samchay Tomyamgun: ___________________________________ Thailand __
|  weak point: armband                                   1971.11.11  |
|  art:        Muetai                                    190cm 77kg  |
|  occupation: boxer of Thai Kick Boxing                         AB  |
|  likes:      little brothers, Kuiteu & Waikuku                     |
|  dislikes:   poverty, weak challenger                              |
|  |  \   -O  Punch                     Maddron Jusarop              |
|  O   O                                                             |
|  |  \   -O  Kick                      Ti-Kaukoun                   |
|  O   O                                                             |
|  -O   /  \   Kick                     Ti-KauRoi                    |
|      O    O                                                        |
|  Punch & Kick at same time            Pap Soukau                   |
|                                                                    |
|  - Samchay does not have a "hidden" move.                          |

 _ Lee Diendo: _____________________________________________ China __
|  weak point: knees                                      1965.8.14  |
|  art:        Kung-Fu                                   175cm 75kg  |
|  occupation: boatman                                            A  |
|  likes:      mushroom, nature, self-training                       |
|  dislikes:   lazy person, automobile                               |
|  |  \   -O  Punch                     ZesshouHou                   |
|  O   O                                                             |
|  |  \   -O  O-  Punch                 Super ZesshouHou             |
|  O   O                                                             |
|  (ZesshouHou)  -O  -O  Weak Punch     ChoshinKou                   |
|  (ZesshouHou)  -O  -O  Strong Punch   TetsuzanKou                  |
|  O-  -O   /  \    AB                  MouKo Kouhazan             * |
|          O    O                       Tiger Claw                   |
|  |  \   -O  Kick                      SenKyuuTai                   |
|  O   O                                                             |

 _ Mizoguchi Makoto: ______________________________________  Japan __
|  weak point: headband                                    1976.1.1  |
|  art:        Jissen Karate                            188cm  95kg  |
|  occupation: high schol student                                 B  |
|  likes:      beef rice, enka, Chie (girlfriend)                    |
|  dislikes:   study, non-serious person, disease                    |
|  |  \   -O  Punch                     Tiger Bazooka                |
|  O   O                                                             |
|  O-   /  |  Punch                     KoRyuuSai                    |
|      O   O                            Tiger Smash                  |
|  |  \   -O  Kick                      RenZokuKeri                  |
|  O   O       (repeat motion for up to five kicks)                  |
|  |  \   -O  All 4 Buttons             Gottsui Tiger Bazooka        |
|  O   O                                                             |
|  O-   /  |  All 4 Buttons             ShoTenSai                  * |
|      O   O                            Rising Smash                 |
|  - performed next to your opponent, the ShoTenSai will carry them  |
|  off the screen(!).                                                |

 _ Jean Pierre: ___________________________________________ France __
|  weak point: leg band                                   1969.9.15  |
|  art:        Gymnastics                                183cm 95kg  |
|  occupation: research fellow at Sorbonne University            AB  |
|  likes:      croissant, cafe au'lait, rose hip salad               |
|  dislikes:   Samchay, dog sh*t                                     |
|  Tap Punch                            Needle Shower                |
|  O-. -O  Punch                        Ball Rose                    |
|  \   Kick                             Sliding Kick                 |
|   O                                                                |
|  |  O  Kick                           Flic Flac                    |
|  O. |                                                              |
|  -O.  |   /  O-  Kick                 Rondato                    * |
|       O  O                                                         |
|  All 4 buttons                        Chojaku Needle Shower        |
|  - the Rondato may be charged in the forward crouch position.      |

 _ Marstorius: _____________________________________________ Italy __
|  weak point: leg warmers                                 1949.6.9  |
|  art:        Pro-Wrestling                            203cm 150kg  |
|  occupation: professional wrestler                              O  |
|  likes:      wrestling, cats, watermelon, training                 |
|  dislikes:   anti pro-wrestling fans, non pro-wrestling fights     |
|  O-. -O  Punch                        Dash Lariot                  |
|  |  O  Punch                          Moonsault Press              |
|  O. |                                                              |
|  -O \  |  /  O-  Punch                Double German                |
|      O O O                                                         |
|  -O  O O O  O-  Punch                 Drill Power Slam           * |
|     /  |  \                                                        |
|  O-. -O  Kick                         Kneel Kick                   |
|  - moves with half-circle motions may be done foward to back or    |
|  back to forward regardless of facing.                             |

 _ Liu Yungmie: ______________________________________ South Korea __
|  weak point: waistband                                   1972.1.2  |
|  art:        TaeKwondo                                 166cm 54kg  |
|  occupation: tour conductor                                    AB  |
|  likes:      Korean BBQ, TaeKwondo, mama&papa                      |
|  dislikes:   weak person, liquor                                   |
|  Jump to screen edge,                 Triangle Jump                |
|     Press joystick & button.                                       |
|  Tap AC                               Fire Kick                  * |
|  (jump)  |  \   -O  Punch             Aura Smash                   |
|          O   O                                                     |
|  -O   /  \   Kick                     <nerichagi>                  |
|      O    O                                                        |

 _ Zazie Muhaba: __________________________________________ Africa __
|  weak point: headband                                   1959.8.20  |
|  art:        karate                                   103cm 100kg  |
|  occupation: Chairman of African Nature Protection Society      O  |
|  likes:      Africa, animals, karate                               |
|  dislikes:   poachers, nature destroyer                            |
|  Tap Punch                            Vulcan Hook                  |
|  |   /  O-  Punch                     Hellfire                     |
|  O  O                                                              |
|  -O  -O  Kick                         Ducking                      |
|  -O  O-  Kick                         Step Back                    |
|  O  |  Kick                           <deshikakato>              * |
|  |  O                                                              |
|  All 4 buttons                        Chojaku Vulcan Hook          |
|  - Ducking and Step-Back are not offensive moves, they will pass   |
|  through projectiles and other attacks.                            |

 _ Clown: ______________________________________________________ ? __
|  weak point: mask                                       1960.8.29  |
|  occupation: owner of the Clown's Circus               179cm 64kg  |
|  likes:      pretty young boy, bear, fortune telling cards      A  |
|  dislikes:  nonpretty boy, staying late at night (bad for beauty!) |
|  O-. -O  Punch                        Pick-a-Card                  |
|   /   O  Punch                        Head Stamp                   |
|  O.  /                                                             |
|   /  -O  Kick                         Spin Attack                  |
|  O.                                                                |
|   /  O  Kick                          Spin Drop                    |
|  O.  |                                                             |
|  - Clown has no "hidden" moves.                                    |

 _ Karnov: ________________________________________________ Russia __
|  weak point: necklace                                  1944.12.25  |
|  occupation: Oracle                                   180cm 135kg  |
|  likes:      treasure, power, ladder                            A  |
|  dislikes:   never-give-up challenger, farm-work                   |
|  |  \   -O  Punch                     Fireball                     |
|  O   O                                                             |
|  -O  -O  Any Button                   Fire Breath                  |
|  O-. -O  Kick                         Super 100-kick               |
|  (jump) -O  \   |   /  O-  O  Punch   Balloon Attack               |
|              O  O  O        \                                      |
|  - Karnov has no "hidden" moves.                                   |

    "<tekkusuto>" names were copied directly from Katanana, (from a
Japanese magazine article) unsure of translation.

     Hidden Moves, marked with a star (*), were undocumented moves.
However, as special they may seem, not all are high-damage moves as
the general trend with fighters.  Samchay, Clown, and Karnov do not
have these hiddens.

   Finishing the game with no losses and no continues will give a
special fight with an Ox.  The game must be set at level 4 or higher.
(Normal or higher on home units.)

Release History:
 94c?.0   Initial release.      94e31.2  Further updated with moves.
 94d6.1   Updated with moves.   95d8.3f  FINAL EDIT.

Thanks:  Ryo Saeba <>  Masahiro Abe <>

  Copyright 1994,1995 Galen Komatsu. Permission to distribute freely
     granted provided no fee is charged beyond reproduction costs.
            Additions & Corrections to list are appreciated.