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      /  /        /  / /  /  ___   ___  _______    __    _______     __ 
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 ___/  /______  /  / /  /  /  /__/  /  ___\  \   /  /  / /___/ / /  / | | 
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                 ___             ________ 
                /  _\           / ______/ 
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/_______/    /__/           /________/   /______\_\  /__/  /______\_\ 
FAQ version 1.0 - July 1996 
For the Super Nintendo Entertainment System 
Compiled by Darth GGW 
With the help of the Game Genie Code Creator's Club & SiegfriedH 
To my knowledge this is the first FAQ for Illusion of Gaia.  I put 
everything I could think of into this FAQ.  If you have ANY questions  
please feel free to e-mail me.  Take care and happy gaming! 
Part 1 - Walkthrough 
L. MU 
   1. BACK IN DAO 
Part 2 - Core Info 
1. Boss Strategies (SiegfriedH) 
2. Monster Strategies 
3. Boss List 
4. Monster List 
5. Game Genie Codes 
6. Item List 
Part 3 - Miscellaneous Info 
1. Controller Functions 
2. Will's Dark Powers 
3. Freedan's Dark Powers 
4. Shadow's Dark Powers 
5. Red Jewel Locations 
6. Tips 
Part 4 - Credits 
Let's start the game! 
                         Part 1 - Walkthrough 
The start: Will's adventure begins in the town of South Cape. As you go 
through South Cape you'll learn more about your journey.  From the school 
go to the roof and save your game.  A little white ball will turn into a 
doorway when you come near it. 
GAME TIP: This place is called DARK SPACE.  I'm going to call it a save 
point throughout my walkthrough.  You can go in here to replenish your 
life and save your game.   
01.  Talk to everyone in the town. 
02.  After saving, go to the left of the roof past the man standing 
     there and down. 
03.  You should see an opening in the roof. 
04.  Jump down here. 
05.  After jumping down once you will be able to jump one more time onto 
     the red roof with the guy standing there. 
06.  This is the JEWLER JEM. You can Find him in other towns. 
07.  With RED JEWELS you will buy items from him. 
GAME TIP: Fifty is the highest.  Visit him with 50 and you will go to a 
          special level. This happens later in the game. 
08.  Talk with townspeople. 
09.  Exit the south end of the town. 
010.  Find the pier.  Walk DOWN & RIGHT to doorway covered with boards. 
      You can enter here. 
011.  Lance & Seth are playing cards.  Talk to them! WHAT HAPPENS? Erik 
      enters & tells his story.  Stand left of Erik.  "..mysterious 
012.  In the cave there are two rocks. 
GAME TIP: Stand to the left of the bottom rock and press L or R.  You 
          will pull the statue with Will's MYSTERIOUS POWER (after the 
          three of them ask you to). 
013.  Talk with Lance & pick a card (Use the A button).  It doesn't 
      matter which one you pick because you'll win no matter what. 
014.  Exit the cave. 
015.  Go to the school house & SAVE your game. 
GAME TIP: SAVE often! 
016.  Go to your home.  (Second from last in upper right area of town.) 
017.  A pig will be there.  Try going upstairs & Kara appears.  Talk with 
018.  Go upstairs to your grandparents.  Talk to them. 
019.  You'll hear a scream from downstairs.  Go down there. 
020.  Kara is being taken away by knights. 
021.  Your parents will sit down.  Go talk to your mother.  Afterwards 
      go upstairs. 
022.  Once you're awake go downstairs & talk to your mother.  You'll 
      recieve a letter from the King of Edward castle requesting 
      Olman's ring. 
023.  You're mother will teach you LOLA'S MELODY. 
024.  Leave your house. 
025.  Go save your game at the school house. 
026.  Exit the northern end of the town (a guard should stop you... 
      he will let you pass once he sees the letter). 
GAME TIP: When going from town to town you have to use the D pad to select 
the next destination which in this case is Edward Castle and press A. 
The adventure continues: Unfortunetly you don't have the Crystal Ring 
but you should talk to everyone anyway.  After your visit with Kara you 
will have to meet the king next.  No matter what you say he'll throw 
you in prison. 
01.  You'll be greeted by a guard.  The guard will let you pass after 
     he sees the letter. 
02.  Go RIGHT all the way until you see a column and two doorways. 
03.  Take the LEFT doorway.  Go on till you reach the top. 
04.  Go to the RIGHT all the way and talk to Kara. 
05.  Go back downstairs to the level you were at first. 
06.  Go to the LEFT until you see a guard standing by some stairs. Go 
     in the doorway. 
07.  Talk to the king (You can answer either way it doesn't matter when 
     talking to him). 
08.  The king will throw you into jail. 
09.  Once in jail search the walls. 
GAME TIP: Throughout the game you will need to search the walls in certain 
          areas.  Do this by pressing A. 
GAME TIP: In the game at certain times you will just have to wait around 
          for the next scene to come.  Do this only when nothing else 
          triggers the next scene. 
010.  Bread will fall from above.  Eat it. 
011.  Shortly after you will fall asleep. 
012.  Once you're awake go to the lock.  You should see a pig coming 
      (Kara's pig). 
013.  Talk to the pig. 
014.  You'll get a letter and a key.  Select the key. 
015.  Use the key on the lock. 
GAME TIP: To select something from your inventory press SELECT.  Then 
          push A on ITEMS.  Then use the D-pad to choose the item. 
          Leave the items by pressing B.  Then press SELECT to leave 
          the inventory.  To use an item press B where you need to use it. 
You'll end up in a tiny cell.  You have to break out of prison. You will 
encounter your first enemies and your first adventure.  Good luck! 
016.  Go DOWN and then RIGHT to save your game.  After  you save your game 
      go to the LEFT and then DOWN through the door. 
017.  In the next room there are bats.  Go RIGHT and then DOWN into the 
      next room. 
GAME TIP: You should kill all the enemies in a screen because you will 
          get stronger with the more you kill which will be good against 
          leaders and other enemies. 
018.  In the next room go DOWN all the way & then RIGHT.  Keep going UP 
      and then RIGHT across the bridge. 
019.  Kill the green worm to get to the skeleton inide the white blocks 
GAME TIP: Throughout the game there will be enemies that have something 
          called a FORCE inside them.  The force will either open up a 
          secret doorway, destroy blocks so you can get through, create 
          ramps so other hills you go down will conect and you can go 
          off the ramp to get across to the other side. Some forces have 
          a DEFENSE up, HP up, or an ATTACK up.  These are very useful. 
          Some enemies with the force have to be killed so you can get 
          by.  Others like in this case (opening the blocks to get to 
          the skeleton) are optional. However...sometimes getting to 
          the enemy inside means getting to another force so don't pass 
          them up. 
GAME TIP: To see how many enemies are in a room press START.  You can 
          also see if their is a force in that room.  Sometimes the 
          force isn't needed. Sometimes it only lets you kill another 
          enemy.  But don't take the chance. 
020.  Then go DOWN & LEFT across the bridge. 
021.  Continue on DOWN to a dead end. 
022.  Kill the green worm and a force from the green worm will create a 
023.  Once you're in the next room go DOWN and RIGHT across the bridge. 
024.  Then go DOWN to two blue statues.  Use your mysterious power to 
      get by them. 
GAME TIP: At times in the game you will have to get by statues like in 
          this case.  In order to do that use L or R to pull them toward 
025.  Then go DOWN & LEFT down the stairs. 
026.  Next go UP and you will see two monsters. 
GAME TIP: In the game you will encounter monsters that cannont be killed. 
          They are there just to get in your way.  Do not touch them. 
          This is one of those cases. 
027.  Go past them and then go LEFT up the stairs.  Then go DOWN the 
      first stairs you see. 
028.  To the LEFT is a RED SWITCH sitting there. 
GAME TIP: In the game you will see switches like this.  Hit them and 
          they will turn blue.  They do different things.  Sometimes 
          clear a path for you. Sometimes they open a door.  Most of 
          the time you will see whatever they do close to you. Sometimes 
          switches will effect something far away, though. 
029.  To get a herb hit the switch and you can go to the LEFT all the way 
      to a chest with a herb inside it. 
030.  The correct way to go is UP which you don't need the switch for. 
      Doing both would be a good idea.  Go UP (You can get the herb 
      first if you want to). 
031.  Go LEFT and then UP to a blocked doorway. 
032.  Kill the green worm and he'll destroy the blocks in front of a door. 
      Then go inside the door. 
033.  After you go through the door go UP and LEFT over the bridge. 
034.  Go along the path and try to avoid the spears by running. 
GAME TIP: To run in any direction press the D-pad twice and hold it the 
          second time. 
Then go RIGHT up the stairs till you see some more of those metal monsters. 
Go UP past them. 
035.  There is a red switch that you can't make blue.  Go UP the stairs 
      and around the white blocks and then jump off from the opening onto 
      the switch.  A secret door will open right next to the switch. 
      Go in it for a red jewel. 
036.  After you get the jewel go LEFT and UP the stairs again. 
037.  Go UP to the wall and then RIGHT up the stairs. 
038.  Go UP and you will be attacked by a swarm of bats. 
GAME TIP: Go right up the middle and attack as hard as you can and you 
          probably won't get hurt. 
039.  After killing them a door will open.  Go in it. 
040.  After you go through the door go LEFT and UP to a flower. 
041.  Play Lola's melody to the flower by standing right in front of it. 
042.  Follow the directions and afterwards go into the door. 
043.  Once you're in the next room go UP and LEFT all the way.  Then go UP 
      to the worms. 
044.  Kill the top left worm for a save point.  Go in it. 
045.  Turn into FREEDNAN in the save point before saving. 
GAME TIP: In the game you will have the oppurtunity to turn into Freednan. 
          He is stronger than Will.  You can turn back into will the 
          same way you turned into Freednan. Then leave the save point. 
046.  Go DOWN and RIGHT all the way to the switch you couldn't hit before. 
      Hit it. 
047.  Go UP the bridge and LEFT all the way. 
048.  You should see a red skeleton.  Kill him and he will destroy the 
      blocks that block your path. 
049.  Then go UP all the way and RIGHT. 
050.  Then go DOWN the stairs and RIGHT UP the stairs past the metal 
051.  Continue on past them and DOWN the stairs. 
052.  Go LEFT to a chest with a red jewel and then go RIGTH all the way 
      and then UP to a red skeleton. 
053.  Kill the red skeleton to destroy the blocks in your path. 
054.  Then go UP and LEFT all the way to a door.  Go in it. 
055.  You're back in the castle.  Go UP all the way to a door.  Go in it. 
056.  You'll be in the cellar.  Go RIGHT all the way and then into the 
057.  Go back to Kara's room and get her.  Then try to leave the castle. 
      She will want food. 
058.  Go back to the cellar and to an open barrel. Press A to get the food. 
      Then leave the castle. 
You will be back in South Cape for a short time.  You will find out that 
your parents have been abducted.      
01:  Follow Kara upstairs. 
02:  She will tell you to come here.  Go over to her and talk to her. 
03.  The little flying thing that you saw before will be right behind you. 
     It will turn into what looks like a human being.  Its name is Lilly. 
04.  Talk to them both and then leave your house. 
05.  Go save your game on top of the school house. 
06.  Visit the Jeweler Gem on top of the red roof. 
07.  Then go back to your house and talk to Lilly and Kara.  Off to Itory 
     village you go. 
Your mother lived in this village before.  You cannot see any buildings 
yet but playing a certain melody might help you out. 
01.  Once you are in Itory Village select Lola's melody from your 
     inventory and play it. 
02.  Make sure you talk to everyone. 
03.  Go RIGHT all the way and then UP all the way till you see stone 
     columns with faces on them. 
04.  You should see two people standing there.  Go straight UP from the 
     two people standing there to a save point. 
05.  Save your game.  Also inside the save point is a new power for Will 
     called PSYCHO DASH.  Hold A till you light up for about four seconds 
     and release the A button.  You can destroy obstacles in your path 
     with this and hit enemies. 
06.  Leave the save point and go DOWN to the 2 people standing there. Go 
     RIGHT all the way and DOWN again till you see a stone hill. Go 
     down it. 
GAME TIP: On EVERY hill in this game you need to hold the D-pad in the 
          direction that you are running.  You will slow down if you don't. 
You will leap across a big pit and end up by some graves. 
07.  Once across go DOWN untill Will hears a voice behind him.  Then go 
     UP between one of the graves.  A ghost will appear.  Talk to him. 
08.  After talking to him go DOWN to a ladder.  Go down the ladder. 
     Then go RIGHT and UP into the doorway. 
09.  Go to the upper RIGHT hand corner of the cave. 
010.  Hit the wall to see if it sounds hollow.  If so use the psycho dash 
      on it. 
011.  Take the INCAN STATUE A from inside and leave the cave. 
012.  Talk to the ghost once more and then go down the grass hill and 
      you will jump back across to the other side. 
013.  Go save your game and then go into the house in the Bottom RIGHT 
      hand area of the town.  Go inside the house and talk to Lilly. 
The flower spirit will tell you to see the Moon Tribe.  The spirits on 
the mountain top will help you out with the 2nd Incan Statue and with your 
01.  Once there go UP the stairs till ghosts appear. 
02.  It would be a good idea to talk to them all. 
03.  Go back DOWN the stairs and then to the LEFT and UP in the door of 
     the cave. 
04.  In here you will have to kill all the green monsters to get INCAN 
     STATUE A. Good luck. 
GAME TIP: The best thing to do here is to get them in groups and keep 
attacking them. 
05.  Once you get the statue go back outside and talk to Lilly.  You will 
     be off to the Inca Ruins. 
You have arrived at the lost civilation of the Incas.  You will find the 
fist Mystic Statue here.  You will also encounter the first guardian here. 
Good luck! 
01.  Once there go RIGHT all the way and UP to the entrance. 
02.  Kara will jump out from behind a column.  Lilly will stay with Kara 
     so you are on your own inside. 
GAME TIP: I suggest that you save your game after Lilly leaves you by 
          leaving the ruins and going back to Itory village. 
03.  Go into the entrance of the Incan Ruins. 
04.  Once through the door go DOWN and RIGHT all the way.  Then go UP 
     into the doorway. 
05.  You will be in the entrance of the Incan Ruins. 
06.  Now go RIGHT all the way and then UP all the way. 
07.  Then go LEFT all the way and then DOWN the stairs. 
08.  Once down the stairs you will encounter alot of enemies. 
GAME TIP: To block the dart that comes out of the head with four faces 
          use L or R to block the darts. 
09.  You will see a pit covered with spikes.  From there go LEFT to the 
     next scene. 
010.  Once you're in the next screen go UP the stairs.  Then go LEFT all 
      the way. 
011.  Once you reach the wall go DOWN all the way till you hit a wall. 
012.  Then go RIGHT all the way. 
013.  You will see a door and an enemy.  Kill the enemy and then go DOWN 
      into the door. 
014.  Once through the door go UP to a chest.  You will 
      recieve the DIAMOND SHAPED BLOCK.  Go back through the door. 
015.  Go DOWN the stairs made by the last enemy you killed.  Then go 
      RIGHT all the way.   Go through to the previous screen. 
016.  You will be back at the spiked pit.  By the spiked pit you will see 
      a hole near it.  Stand on top of the hole and use the Diamond shaped 
      block to make a path over the spikes.  Go across it and into the door. 
017.  After you go through the door go DOWN the ladder. 
018.  Then go to the RIGHT all the way and kill the four way head. It will 
      make a ladder appear.  It is a shortcut in case you need to go back, 
      which I doubt you will need to. 
019.  Then go DOWN the other ladder right there. 
020.  After you go down the ladder go RIGHT and UP into the doorway.   
021.  Once you're inside go RIGHT all the way and UP the stairs.  You 
      will see two blue statues. 
GAME TIP:  You can destroy statues like this by using the psycho dash. 
           Use it on all the statues. 
022.  Follow the path and get the herb out of the chest.  Then leave the 
023.  Go back UP the ladder and then go all the way to the LEFT. 
024.  Then go RIGHT over the 1st bridge and stop.  You will see a spot 
      where you can jump down.  Jump down. 
025.  After you jump DOWN go RIGHT and UP into the doorway. 
026.  Once inside go all the way to the RIGHT and then UP all the way past 
      the four way heads. 
027.  Then go LEFT and DOWN the stairs all the way. 
028.  Next go LEFT along the grey looking blocks. 
029.  You should see a blue statue. Use the psycho dash on it. 
030.  Continue to the LEFT and then go UP and through the door. 
031.  Once inside go RIGHT and then DOWN all the way. Then go LEFT all 
      the way. 
032.  Then go UP the stairs and to the LEFT. 
033.  Continue on DOWN the next stairs and through the door. 
034.  Once you're inside go RIGHT and then UP the ladder. 
035.  Kill the 4 way head for another shortcut incase you need to go back. 
036.  Then go to the LEFT and UP to a doorway.  Go through it. 
037.  You will see 4 gold statues.  Here is how to get past this part. 
GAME TIP: Don't go near any of the statues or that one will come to life 
          and you will have to leave the room and come back in and do it 
          again.  Go UP the middle of all four statues.  You should see 
          four gold tiles too.  Use your power to pull the upper left 
          hand statue till its in line with the first gold tile.  Then go 
          straight UP to the wall and LEFT till you are in line with the 
          statue you pulled.  Then pull him UP to the first tile till he's 
          on it. Then go along the wall to the RIGHT and then back down 
          the middle.  Then go DOWN till you are in line with the bottom 
          left hand corner statue and pull it with mysterious power till 
          it's in line with the second gold tile.  Then go straight up to 
          the wall again and LEFT till you're in line with the second 
          gold tile.  Then use your power to pull the statue UP to the 
          second gold tile.  Then go RIGHT along the wall and DOWN till 
          your in line with the upper right hand corner statue.  Pull it 
          till it's in line with the fourth gold tile. Then go above it 
          and pull it on the tile.  Then step on the third tile and a 
          door will open.  Go inside the door. 
038.  Once through the door go UP then LEFT and finally through the 
      other door. 
039.  In the next room go DOWN all the way.  Do not step on the tiles. 
      Continue on down the stairs. 
040.  Go to the LEFT and step on the LEFT tile there. 
041.  Do this till you are across the spikes completely. 
042.  You will see a save point.  Go in and save your game.  Turn into 
      Freedan as well.  Leave the save point. 
043.  Once you're outside the save point go LEFT and then UP the stairs. 
044.  Then go LEFT and DOWN all the way. 
045.  Kill the last enemy on your way down. 
046.  Then go RIGHT and into the door. 
047.  Once outside you will learn the WIND MELODY.  Go back through the 
048.  Go all the way out.  Go past the spikes and out the door.  Go past 
      the four statues with the 4 gold tiles. 
049.  From there go RIGHT and UP the ladder. 
050.  You should see the 2 brides again.  Go past the first bridge again 
      and jump down where you did before.  Go into the door again. 
051.  Once you're inside go RIGHT, UP all the way, LEFT and then DOWN 
      the stairs.  Then go LEFT and UP into the doorway.  Now go RIGHT 
      all the way, DOWN the stairs, and LEFT to a gold head.  Kill the 
      gold head and it will create a ramp.   
052.  You couldn't reach it before with Will but you can with Freednan's 
      long sword. 
GAME TIP: At times in the game you will see hills like you have that you 
          run down.  Most of the time the other side will be complete and 
          you'll jump across.  In cases like these you have to kill a 
          certain enemy to make the other part.  Then you can go down 
          the other hill and go on the ramp and jump across. 
053.  Go RIGHT and back UP the stairs.  Then go down the ice looking hill 
      and you'll go on the ramp and jump across. 
054.  Once you're across go DOWN and through the doorway. 
055.  Now go DOWN the stairs. 
056.  GO LEFT and DOWN. 
057.  Then go RIGHT and go into the doorway. 
059.  Once through the door go UP and LEFT until you reach another door. 
      Go in it. 
060.  Once inside go UP and then go RIGHT all the way and then UP the 
061.  Once up the stairs go to the RIGHT all the way and then UP all the 
062.  Then go LEFT all the way  and DOWN the stairs. 
063.  Then go to the LEFT all the way.  Then go UP all the way. 
064.  Go UP the stairs and DOWN the ice like hill.  You have to hold the 
      D-pad to the RIGHT the whole time you're running or you will stop. 
065.  Once on the other side go RIGHT and UP into the doorway. 
066.  Go DOWN to the save point and save your game.  Turn back into Will 
      the same way you turned into Freednan.  Leave the save point and go 
      to the LEFT and UP the stairs for a jewel.  If not then leave by 
      going UP back through the door. 
067.  Go DOWN the stairs and keep going DOWN. 
068.  Then go to the LEFT and DOWN all the way. 
069.  Then go to the LEFT all the way and DOWN into the door. 
070.  You should be in a big room with Gold Tiles everywhere.  You should 
      be Will, not Freednan, to get by this part. 
071.  Go down the tiles a ways and select the  WIND MELODY from your 
072.  Play the melody. 
073.  Stand on the flashing tile for a while and a door will open.  Go 
      through it. 
074.  Once through the door go DOWN the FIRST ladder and select the Inca 
      Statue A from your inventory and press B at the empty spot on the 
      head.  Go back up the ladder. 
075.  Go LEFT and then DOWN the other ladder and use Inca Statue B on the 
      empty spot on the head.  Then go back up the ladder. 
076.  Go into the save point by going RIGHT and then UP.  Save your game 
      and turn into Freednan. 
077.  Go LEFT till you see 3 small columns.  Go to the centre of the three 
      and a strong wind will carry you across. 
078.  Then go up into the doorway to fight the leader. 
079.  After you beat him go behind the pit into the doorway. 
080.  Then go UP all the way and LEFT to the pit.  Jump down into it to 
      the Inca Gold Ship. 
You have reached the Inca Gold Ship.  The people believe that you're 
their king.  Good luck! 
01.  Once on the ship go RIGHT and into the doorway. 
02.  Go UP into the first doorway you see. 
03.  Go all the way to the RIGHT and UP to the chest.  Open it for one of 
04.  Go LEFT all the way and through the door. 
05.  Go RIGHT all the way and talk to the queen.  Then go LEFT all the way 
     and go through the LEFT  doorway on to the deck. 
06.  Go LEFT to the ladder.  Go all the way up it and talk to the man 
     standing at the top.  You will start to sail. 
07.  When you are out on the open sea go back DOWN the ladder and then 
     go to the RIGHT and into the door. 
08.  Continue to the RIGHT till you see a lady standing by a ladder which 
     leads to the top of a bunkbed.  Talk to her and go UP the ladder. 
     You will go to sleep. 
09.  When you wake up you will see Lilly and Lance at the bottom of the 
     ladder.  The ship will look messed up.  The Inca people are dead. 
010.  Jump off the top bunk and go to the LEFT and through the door to 
      the RIGHT. 
011.  Erik should be on deck.  Talk to him for a red jewel.  Then go to 
      the RIGHT and back through the door. 
012.  Go RIGHT all the way to the queen and Kara standing there as well. 
013.  Talk to the queen and then Lilly will start walking over there. 
014.  Go to the LEFT and to Lance.  You will hear a scream on deck. 
      It's Erik. 
015.  Go on deck.  The rest will be talking and the boat's destruction. 
The Inca Gold Ship has been destroyed and you have been seperated from 
your friends.  The only person you have to talk to is a spoiled brat 
princess.  Maybe Will cares for Kara more than he knows... 
01.  Talk to Kara. 
02.  Talk to Kara again. 
03.  Select meat and stand next to Kara and press B. 
04.  Day 2.  Keep hitting the fish and the day will pass. 
05.  Day 4.  Talk to Kara. 
06.  Go to the north end of the drifting pot and press A. 
07.  Talk to Kara agian. 
08.  Talk to her again. 
09.  Day 7.  Kill fish for a while. 
010.  Keep killing fish till you have full life.  Then talk to Kara. 
011.  When Kara decides to eat the fish walk over to the fish and start 
      killing and eating. 
012.  Day 12.  Just read and press A. 
013.  Next few days.  Talk to Kara.  Sharks will come. 
014.  Talk to Kara. 
015.  Wait for a while and Kara will speak. 
016.  Day 21.  Talk to Kara. 
017.  Oof! Will falls unconsious. 
You've finally reached land.  Will is sick with a disease known as 
01.  When you wake up jump off the bed and go outside. 
02.  Talk to the dog that saved you. 
03.  Go back inside and talk to Kara. 
04.  She will go outside.  Go out with her and talk to her.  Of to 
     Freejia you go! 
The town of Freejia will have new surprises.   
01.  Once in the city you will be greeted by a man.  You and Kara will 
     head toward the Inn.  Follow them both. 
02.  Once you are at the inn talk to Kara and you will go inside. 
03.  You will be greeted by...Lilly!!! Alive and well. 
04.  After talking to her follow Kara to the RIGHT where Lance is with his 
     memory loss. 
05.  Talk to everyone and then leave the building. 
06.  To find the jewler jem leave the Inn and go to the LEFT and go in the 
     second house to the left.  Go to the top of the building and to the 
     RIGHT to the Jeweler Gem. 
07.  Once outside the Inn go DOWN and then to the LEFT all the way till 
     you reach the last house to the LEFT.  Then go along the RIGHT side 
     of the building UP to the alleys.  Go UP all the way till you hit 
     the wall. 
08.  Then go RIGHT till you see the two guys dressed in purple robes. 
     Go in the building behind them to save your game.  Leave the save 
09.  From the guy that's crossing his arms go RIGHT till your path is 
     blocked by a man. 
010.  Go into the house. 
011.  Go to the roof. 
012.  Once at the roof jump down from the RIGHT. 
013.  Then go RIGHT and UP into a door. 
014.  Talk to the man in the purple robe and talk to each slave. 
015.  Leave the building and go LEFT. 
016.  Talk to the guy that was blocking your path earlier.  He will push 
      you in front of him. 
017.  Then go LEFT all the way to the last house to the left. 
018.  A man will slam the door shut before you get to it. 
019.  Erik is inside.  Bust the door open. 
020.  Talk to Erik and he will tell you about the DIAMOND MINES.  Save your 
      game and then leave the town. 
The Diamond Mine is full of puzzles and slaves.  You must help the slaves 
and complete the puzzles.  Good luck! 
01.  Once inside the Diamond Mine go UP, LEFT, UP all the way, Then RIGHT 
     all the way. 
02.  Then go DOWN, RIGHT, and UP all the way. 
03.  Then go LEFT, DOWN, LEFT and then UP into the doorway. 
04.  Once inside go UP, RIGHT, and UP past the locked stairs. 
05.  Then go LEFT all the way and UP and you will see a slave and a 
06.  Kill the monster and free teh slave by hitting the ball at the end of 
     the chain. 
07.  Then go DOWN, RIGHT and then UP all the way. 
08.  Then go LEFT all the way and then UP.  Go RIGHT and then DOWN. 
09.  Then go RIGHT and kill the purple worm.  He will make an opening 
     where the purple eyes are. 
010.  Keep going RIGHT all the way. 
011.  Then go DOWN and RIGHT when you can. 
012.  Then go UP and free the slave.  Then go back DOWN and LEFT. 
013.  Then go DOWN all the way and then RIGHT and UP to a chest with a 
      her in it. 
014.  Then go back DOWN all the way and then LEFT all the way. 
015.  Then go UP all the way and you'll see a door you can't open. 
016.  UP, LEFT, RIGHT, and DOWN are all red switches.  Hit them all to 
      open the door.  Then go in it. 
017.  Once inside go RIGHT all the way.  Then go DOWN the stairs. 
018.  Proceed on to the LEFT all the way.  Then go DOWN all the way. 
019.  Then go RIGHT all the way.  Then go UP all the way. 
020.  Continue on to the LEFT and DOWN the stairs. 
021.  Then go to the LEFT and then UP all the way. 
022.  Then go RIGHT and kill the last enemy (Purple worm) to open up a 
      path to a save point. 
023.  Go into the save point and turn into Freedan. 
024.  Then save your game aand leave the save point. 
025.  Then go LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, and into the doorway. 
026.  Once inside the door go DOWN the stairs and then RIGHT all the 
      way and then UP. 
027.  Then go RIGHT all the way and then UP.  Then go LEFT and UP. 
028.  Keep going on to the RIGHT and then UP the stairs. 
029.  Then go DOWN the blue hill. 
030.  Once on the other side go UP all the way. 
031.  Then go RIGHT and DOWN the stairs all the way. 
032.  Then go RIGHT all the way and then UP into the doorway. 
033.  Keep going UP all the way. 
034.  Kill all the eyes to open up a path. 
035.  Then go UP all the way till you see 2 green monsters.  Kill them 
      both and an opening will appear. 
036.  Then go on UP and kill the purple eye and he will make an opening. 
037.  Then go UP all the way untill you see a save point. 
038.  Go into it. 
039.  Save your game and turn back into young Will. 
040.  Then leave the save point. 
041.  Go straight UP to the wall. 
042.  Your hair should be blowing.  Use the psycho dash to bust open a 
GAME TIP: At times in the game you will come across a wall where your 
          hair blows.  Usually their is a secret passage there.  Use 
          the psycho dash to open it up. 
043.  Go inside the doorway. 
044.  A save point is inside. 
045.  Save your game and turn into Freedan and get his new dark power. 
GAME TIP: It's called DARK FRIAR.  It's a fireball.  You can use it by 
          holding the attack button for about four seconds and realeasing 
          it. You can hit enemies on ledges and from long distances. 
046.  Leave the save point and go back through the door. 
047.  Go back DOWN all the way and exit the door. 
048.  After you exit the door go LEFT and UP to the second blue hill out 
      of two. 
049.  On the ledge near the blue hill is a purple worm.  Use Freedan's 
      dark friar on it and it will remove the fence blocking you from 
      running down the first hill and up the second. 
050.  Then go DOWN the first hill and UP the other one. 
051.  Once across go into the doorway. 
052.  Once inside free the slave and talk to him. 
053.  You will recieve the ELEVATOR KEY. 
054.  Now just backtrack till you are at the beginning of the Diamond Mine 
      and go up to the once locked elevator. 
055.  Use the key on it. 
056.  Go inside it. 
057.  Once you're inside go DOWN and RIGHT. 
058.  Keep going DOWN all the way and then LEFT. 
059.  You will be really high up.  Step on to the lift. 
060.  It will carry you across. 
061.  Once you're across get off and go LEFT. 
062.  Go LEFT and DOWN all the way. 
063.  Once through go DOWN and take the LEFT doorway. 
064.  Go to the very bottom RIGHT hand corner. 
065.  You will see a small shiny object.  Go over to it and press A for 
      one of the elevator keys. 
066.  Then go back UP and out. 
067.  Then take the RIGHT doorway. 
068.  All you have to do is follow the path. 
069.  Free the slave at the end of the path for the second elevator key. 
070.  Follow the path out. 
071.  Then use both keys on the locked elevator.  Go inside. 
072.  Talk to the slave at the bottom LEFT hand corner and he will teach 
      you the wind melody. 
073.  With this you will be able to restore Lance's memory. 
074.  Now leave the Diamond Mine and go back to Freejia. 
You've completed the Diamond Mine.  Now you have to restore Lance's 
memory. Use the wind melody.  Then it's off to Neil's cottage. 
01.  Go back to the Inn and stand next to Lance. 
02.  Use the wind melody. 
03.  Save your game. 
04.  Then talk to Erik. 
05.  You will then go to Neil's Cottage 
Neil is Will's cousin.  Neil is an inventor.  He will join you and help 
you out on your adventures. 
01.  Talk to Neil. 
02.  Search each invention using A. 
03.  Search all 4. 
04.  Then talk to Neil again. 
05.  Off to the Nazca painting! 
Here you will find the Moon Tribe.  You will also go to the Sky Garden 
01.  Talk to everyone once. 
02.  Talk to Kara twice. 
03.  Go to the bottom LEFT hand corner of the painting. 
04.  You will see a ghost. 
05.  Keep following it. 
06.  Then go UP all the way and talk to Neil. 
07.  Everyone should be in a group. 
08.  It's at the  LEFT foot. 
09.  Follow them all DOWN. 
010.  When they stop talk everyone and then to Lilly.  You will be 
      teleported to the SKY GARDEN. 
Over the Nazca painting is a Garden that has been affected by the comet's 
light.  There are many puzzles here.  Good luck! 
01.  To save your game go DOWN, LEFT and UP. 
02.  There are 4 passageways. 
03.  Take the upper LEFT hand passageway. 
04.  Then go LEFT and  DOWN all the way until you hit the wall. 
05.  Continue on to the RIGHT and UP the stairs. 
06.  Then go left DOWN the hill. 
07.  Here you will have to hold the d-pad to the left like you would 
     anyway but you have to hold it up at the same time. 
08.  Once across go LEFT all the way. 
09.  Then go UP all the way and UP the stairs. 
010.  Then go RIGHT down the hill to the other side. 
011.  After you make it hold the d-pad in the opposite direction so you 
      won't go over the other ramp. 
012.  Then go DOWN all the way and jump off the edge. 
GAME TIP: In the sky garden you will see ledges like this that you can 
          jump off of.  It's called the BACK GARDEN.  Totally different 
013.  Once you're in the back garden go RIGHT and UP. Finally go LEFT all 
      the way when you can go LEFT. 
014.  Then go DOWN and LEFT. 
015.  Go UP and RIGHT. 
016.  Keep going UP and LEFT to save your game and turn into Freedan. 
017.  Leave the save point. 
018.  Then go DOWN, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP, RIGHT, and DOWN all the way. 
019.  You will see a knight with a sword in his hands. 
GAME TIP: In the Sky Garden you will see knights like this with a sword 
          in their hands.  Hit the sword and it will come to life and 
          attack you.  Kill it and then you can pull the knight anywhere 
          you want. 
020.  Hit the knight's sword with Freedan's fireball. 
021.  Once you kill the sword pull the knight UP 1 notch. 
022.  Then pull it LEFT all the way till it's on the black tile. 
023.  It will clear your path.  It will get rid of the statue in your way. 
024.  Then go DOWN and RIGHT.  Jump off the edge to go back to the garden. 
025.  Then go UP the stairs and go DOWN the hill. 
026.  If you take the upper ramp you will get a herb. 
027.  It's good to do the herb first and then the other way. 
028.  Go down the hill and take the lower ramp. 
029.  You will see a chest and a knight. 
030.  Kill the sword and pull the knight. 
031.  Open the chest for a CRYSTAL BALL. 
032.  Now to get you back to the first part of the Sky Garden. 
033.  Jump down and go RIGHT, UP, LEFT, and then jump off the edge to the 
      back garden. 
034.  Then go RIGHT, UP, RIGHT, UP all the way. 
035.  Then go LEFT and DOWN. 
036.  Jump down again to go back to the garden. 
037.  Then go UP the stairs like before and DOWN the hill. 
038.  This time hold the D-pad the entire time to the RIGHT. 
039.  Then go RIGHT to the next screen. 
040.  Then go RIGHT and save your game. 
041.  Now take the bottom LEFT hand path. 
042.  Keep going DOWN all the way. 
043.  Then go LEFT, DOWN and LEFT. 
044.  Kill the blue cyclops and he will make an opening. 
045.  Then go UP all the way. 
046.  Continue on to the RIGHT and DOWN. 
047.  Jump DOWN again to the back garden. 
048.  Go UP and LEFT for a jewel. 
049.  After getting the jewel go RIGHT and hit the red switch to make 
      it blue. 
050.  Jump down again to the garden.  Jump down where you jumped down 
051.  Then go UP and LEFT all the way. 
052.  Then go DOWN all the way. 
053.  Next go LEFT, DOWN, UP, RIGHT, and then jump off the edge to the 
      back garden. 
054.  Then go RIGHT and you will see a blue switch. 
055.  Stand a little far away from it and hit it with Freedan's dark friar. 
056.  Then go LEFT and jump DOWN to the garden again. 
057.  Then go LEFT and in the save point. 
058.  Save your game and turn back into Will. 
059.  Leave the save point. 
060.  Then go DOWN all the way. 
061.  Then go RIGHT all the way. 
062.  Run DOWN the hill to the other side. 
063.  You will see 2 statues blocking your path. 
064.  Use the psycho dash on them. 
065.  Continue on to the RIGHT and then DOWN. 
066.  Jump off the edge to the back garden again. 
067.  Then go UP and RIGHT all the way. 
068.  Then go around the statues and UP the middle. 
069.  Keep going UP and then kill the red cyclops. 
070.  He will make everything open up. 
071.  Then go RIGHT and keep going RIGHT. 
072.  Go DOWN till you see the knight with the sword. 
073.  Kill the sword. 
074.  After you destroy the sword pull him all the way to the LEFT till 
      he is on the black switch. 
075.  Then go UP, LEFT, DOWN, LEFT, DOWN, and jump down again to the 
076.  Destroy both statues to the LEFT again. 
077.  Then go RIGhT and UP the stairs. 
078.  Run DOWN the hill and keep going all the way to the chest. 
079.  Open it for another CRYSTAL BALL. 
080.  Go back and turn into Freedan where you did before.  North of the 
      chest. In the first passage. 
081.  Then go back to the chest. 
082.  Then go UP, and RIGHT all the way untill you can't anymore. 
083.  Finally go UP all the way to the next screen. 
084.  Then go strait up to the save point. 
085.  Save your game.  Don't turn into Will. 
086.  Leave the save point. 
087.  Now take the bottom RIGHT hand path. 
088.  Once there go DOWN all the way and DOWN the ladder. 
089.  Then go RIGHT and UP the other ladder. 
090.  Go RIGHT and DOWN. 
091.  Then go LEFT and UP the stairs. 
092.  Go DOWN the hill to the other side. 
093.  Once across go UP and RIGHT all the way.  Then go UP all the way. 
094.  Then go LEFT and jump off the edge to the back garden. 
095.  Then go UP and RIGHT. 
096.  You should see a red cyclops. 
097.  Go RIGHT past him and jump off the edge to the back garden. 
098.  You should see a blue cyclops. 
099.  Kill him with Freedan's dark friar and he will make an opening. 
100.  Go DOWN through the opening all the way. 
101.  Then go UP and RIGHT. 
102.  Next go DOWN, RIGHT, UP, RIGHT, DOWN, RIGHT and UP all the way. 
103.  Kill the red cyclops to get to the chest with the CRYSTAL BALL 
      inside it. 
104.  Now go out of this path to the first save point of the sky garden. 
      The place where all 4 paths connect. 
105.  Save your game and then leave the save point. 
106.  Take the upper RIGHT hand path. 
107.  Then go DOWN all the way. 
108.  Then go RIGHT and DOWN all the way. 
109.  Continue on to the RIGHT and then DOWN all the way. 
110.  Next go RIGHT and then UP all the way. 
111.  Go RIGHT and UP the stairs. 
112.  Then go RIGHT and DOWN the stairs. 
113.  Then go RIGHT and UP the stairs to a chest with a jewel inside it. 
114.  Then go DOWN the stairs and keep going all the way DOWN the middle 
      of the statues and jump off the edge to the back garden. 
115.  Then go UP a bit and RIGhT all the way. 
116.  Then go DOWN, RIGHT, DOWN, and RIGHT when you can past a red cyclops. 
117.  Then go DOWN and jump off the edge to the garden. 
118.  Go strait UP to a chest with a herb inside. Then jump back down to 
      the back garden. 
119.  Then go UP and LEFT all the way. 
120.  Then go DOWN and RIGHT all the way. 
121.  Jump off the edge to the garden. 
122.  Then go RIGHT and UP to the chest with the last CRYSTAL BALL in it. 
123.  Then go back out of that path and to the save point in the first part 
      of the sky garden.  Where all four passages connect. 
124.  Save your game. 
125.  Now put each of the four crysal balls into the 4 holes. 
126.  It will make a path. 
127.  Save your game. 
128.  Go UP the path made by all four crystall balls to the boss. 
129.  After defeating the boss you will get a mystic statue. 
130.  The place where you fought is now starting to fall.  Jump off 
      the one place that you can. 
131.  Now you will be off to the Seaside Palace. 
This place is not a happy place.  The Seaside Palace is home to two 
vampires.  Your job is to purify the well and then head for Mu. 
01.  Go RIGHT all the way. 
02.  Save your game. 
03.  Then go RIGHT and UP into the doorway. 
04.  Go LEFT all the way. 
05.  Take the RIGHT doorway. 
06.  Then go RIGHT all the way into the next screen. 
07.  Lilly will be inside.  She will go inside your pocket. 
08.  Leave the room. 
09.  Go into the doorway right there. 
010.  Then go LEFT and UP into the doorway. 
011.  Then go to the LEFT all the way and go into the doorway. 
012.  Then go DOWN and RIGHT all the way. 
013.  Take the RIGHT doorway. 
014.  You will see 2 closed coffins and 1 open. 
015.  Stand at the top of the middle one and press A. 
016.  Lilly will inspect it. 
017.  Do the same for the far LEFT one and you will get the PURIFICATION 
018.  Then leave the room. 
019.  Take the LEFT doorway this time. 
020.  Go LEFT and take the second to last doorway. 
021.  Then go RIGHT all the way and go into the doorway. 
022.  Walk strait down to the pool and use the purification stone on it. 
023.  Leave the room. 
024.  Go LEFT all the way and go into the first doorway you see. 
025.  Then go RIGHT all the way and go into the doorway. 
026.  Then go LEFT all the way and go into the door. 
027.  Then go RIGHT all the way and go into another door. 
028.  Go RIGHT and go into the other doorway. 
029.  Then go RIGHT and take the first door you see. 
030.  In the next room go LEFT.  Go into the first door you see. 
      Then go LEFT and talk to the guy standing there. 
031.  He will give you the KEY TO THE SEADIDE PALACE. 
032.  Go RIGHT again and into the doorway. 
033.  Then go LEFT and go into the first door you see. 
034.  Then go RIGHT all the way and go into the door. 
035.  Then go LEFT and save your game. 
036.  After you save go LEFT all the way to the metal door. 
037.  Use the key on it. 
038.  Go inside and along the path to MU. 
This is your biggest adventure yet.  You will encounter new enemies and 
new puzzles.  You will eventually fight 2 vampires for a MYSTIC STATUE. 
01.  After going through the path that goes to Mu go DOWN and RIGHT all 
     the way. 
02.  Then go DOWN all the way. 
03.  Kill the brown cyclops and he will destroy the blocks that block your 
     path to the right. 
04.  Proceed on to the RIGHT all the way and keep going UP all the way and 
     RIGHT to the next screen along the purple path. 
05.  Then go RIGHT all the way and then DOWN. 
06.  You will see a treasure chest.  Open it.  It's empty. 
07.  Then go UP all the way and then RIGHT all the way. 
08.  Keep going DOWN. 
09.  Your path will be blocked by a flashing circle.  You can bounce off it 
     and run too.  This will be usefull later on in Mu. 
010.  Back up a bit and pull it out with your mysterious power.  Then go 
      around it. 
011.  After going past the flashing circle you will see some rocks 
      and purple blobs inside them. 
012.  In order to get past you have to kill the blobs. 
013.  After they die they will destroy some of the rocks in your way. 
014.  Don't worry, the purple blobs jump over the rocks so you can hit 
015.  Once you are past them go LEFT all the way. 
016.  Then go DOWN to the next screen along the purple path. 
017.  Then go DOWN and then RIGHT all the way. 
018.  Continue on DOWN. 
019.  Your path will be blocked by another flashing circle. 
020.  Pull it up again and go past it. 
021.  Here you will have a choice whether to go DOWN or LEFT.  Both ways 
      go to the same place. 
022.  Take either path and then go to the LEFT when you're through with 
      which ever path you chose. 
023.  You will find another chest.  Open it. 
024.  Empty. 
025.  Proceed on to the LEFT and to the next screen along the purple path. 
026.  Now you will see 2 statues.  1 to the north of Will and 1 to the 
      LEFT of Will. 
GAME TIP:  First go to the northern statue and go down till you are in 
           line with the statue to the left.  So you can walk left and 
           run right into the statue.  Then press up and A.  You should 
           open an invicible chest with the STATUE OF HOPE IN IT.  If 
           you don't open then go down a bit farther this time and then 
           press up and A.  Press up and A till you open the chest. 
027.  Then go RIGHT to the next screen along the purple path once you have 
      the statue of hope. 
028.  Then go RIGHT until you reach the part where you went either DOWN 
      or LEFT.  Go either way. 
029.  Then go UP to the flashing circle. 
030.  This time hit it to make it go back.  Go around it. 
031.  Continue on to the LEFT until you see two statues in front of a 
032.  Go inside the building. 
033.  Then go straight up the stairs to the alter and put the Statue of 
      Hope in it. 
034.  Listen to the spirits talk and then leave the building. 
035.  Then go LEFT and UP to the next screen along the purple path. 
036.  Then go UP, RIGHT all the way, DOWN, RIGHT all the way and then UP 
      all the way. 
037.  Then go LEFT and DOWN the small brown hill.  You couldn't 
      before because of the water.  The statue of hope removed the water. 
038.  Then go LEFT all the way and DOWN. 
039.  Continue on to the LEFT all the way past the spikes. 
GAME TIP: Later you will get something called the psycho slide.  You can 
          slide across the ground.  You can also slide past spikes 
          without getting hurt. 
040.  You will see a save point.  Save your game.  Don't turn into Freedan. 
      Then leave the save point. 
041.  After you save your game go RIGHT all the way and UP. 
042.  Then go RIGHT and DOWN all the way. 
043.  Keep going on to the LEFT all the way and then DOWN all the way to 
      the next screen along the pink path. 
044.  Once you're in the next screen go DOWN all the way and RIGHT. 
045.  Keep going DOWN and then LEFT when you can go left. 
046.  You will see a dark blue hill. 
047.  You cannot go UP it by yourself.  You need help. 
048.  Close to the dark blue hill you will see a flashing circle. 
GAME TIP: You can walk into these and bounce off them.  You can run up 
          the hill by doing this.  Walk into the circle and then 
          immediately hold the D-pad up and then if you don't make it 
          and start going down hold the d-pad down. Do this untill you 
          get up the hill. 
049.  You will have to hold the d-pad up and you will have to hit the 
      brown cyclops at the top of the dark blue hill.  He'll wake up so 
      you can go past him.  Otherwise he's like a rock in your path. 
050.  Once you're up the hill go LEFT and DOWN all the way. 
051.  Continue on to the LEFT all the way to the next screen along the 
      pink path. 
052.  Then go LEFT all the way and DOWN. 
053.  Next go LEFT and DOWN to the next screen along the pink path. 
054.  Then go DOWN all the way. 
055.  Next go RIGHT and UP. 
056.  You will see a red switch. 
057.  Hit it and then run really fast UP, LEFT, and DOWN all the way. 
058.  If you don't make it on time spikes will come up and stop you from 
      going.  If you mess up hit the red switch and do it again. 
059.  After you get past the spikes go RIGHT to the next screen along the 
      pink path. 
060.  Then go UP and RIGHT. 
061.  Continue on DOWN all the way. 
062.  Then go LEFT to the next screen along the pink path. 
063.  Then go LEFT all the way and UP all the way to the next screen along 
      the pink path. 
064.  Then go UP all the way and then RIGHT to a save point. 
065.  Save your game and also go up to the second statue and get Will's 
      psycho slide.  Use it by running and then pressing the attack 
066.  Makes a good attack too. 
067.  Leave the save point. 
068.  Then go LEFT and DOWN all the way to the next screen along the pink 
069.  Then go DOWN all the way and RIGHT to the next screen along the pink 
070.  In the next screen go RIGHT and UP to a hole in the wall. 
GAME TIP: In Mu you will see openings like this. Will can slide through 
          the holes in the wall by using the psycho slide. 
071.  Slide through. 
072.  After you slide through go RIGHT all the way and then DOWN. 
073.  Then go LEFT, DOWN and then RIGHT all the way. 
074.  You will see a flashing circle. 
075.  Pull it to the LEFT with Will's special power. 
076.  Then go around the other side of it so you are to the RIGHT of it. 
077.  Hit it so it will go against the wall. 
078.  Then go up a bit and make sure you are to the north of it.  Pull 
      it up all the way and then RIGHT so it's under the dark blue hill. 
079.  Go up the hill.  
080.  Once up the hill go LEFT all the way and then UP all the way. 
081.  Next go RIGHT all the way and then DOWN all the way. 
082.  Then go LEFT all the way past the spikes till you see a brown 
083.  Kill him and a statue will appear. 
084.  Here you will get the second STATUE OF HOPE. 
085.  There are three rows of rocks where you are right now. 
086.  Two of the rows have spikes to the north of them. 
087.  The middle row has spikes next to it.  Go to the LEFT of it. 
      Then turn to the right and press A for the second STATUE OF HOPE. 
088.  Then go RIGHT and UP all the way. 
089.  Then go LEFT all the way and DOWN. 
090.  Keep going on to the RIGHT all the way back to the dark blue hill. 
091.  Go DOWN it and then go RIGHT and UP. 
092.  Continue on to the LEFT and stop at hole in the wall. 
093.  Slide through the hole in the wall again. 
094.  Then go LEFT and DOWN. 
095.  Keep going LEFT to the next screen along the pink path. 
096.  Hit the red switch to make the spikes go DOWN and then follow the 
      path until you are past it. 
097.  Then go along the path and UP all the way to the next screen. 
      Along the pink path.      
098.  Next go UP and RIGHT to a wall. 
099.  Then go strait UP all the way. 
100.  You will see a small brown hill. 
101.  Go UP it and then to the RIGHT.  You will see the hole in the wall 
      again.  Slide through. 
102.  Then go LEFT all the way and UP almost all the way.  Stop when you 
      see a brown hill. 
103.  Then go RIGHT and DOWN the small brown hill. 
104.  Continue on to the LEFT and UP all the way into the building.  
105.  Go UP the stairs again and place the STATUE OF HOPE in the alter. 
106.  Listen to the spirits speak and then leave.  More water is gone now. 
107.  Then go DOWN and LEFT. 
108.  Go UP the small brown hill and then LEFT and DOWN all the way. 
109.  Then go straight to the RIGHT and stop at the wall.  Slide through 
      the opening again. 
110.  Then go LEFT all the way and DOWN the small brown hill. 
111.  After you're down the hill go DOWN all the way and then LEFT. 
112.  Then go DOWN to the next screen along the pink path. 
113.  Then go DOWN all the way. 
114.  Next go RIGHT and hit the red switch. 
115.  Then run UP, RIGHT and DOWN all the way. 
116.  Then go RIGHT to the next screen along the pink path. 
117.  Then go UP, RIGHT, and DOWN all the way. 
118.  Next go LEFT all the way to the next screen along the pink path. 
119.  Then go LEFT all the way and UP to the next screen along the 
      pink path. 
120.  Next go UP all the way and RIGHT to the save point.  Save your game. 
      Then leave the save point. 
121.  Once you leave the save point go DOWN the blue hill.  You can walk 
      where there was once water. 
122.  Then go RIGHT to the wall and UP. 
123.  There will be a place where you can slide through.  Do it. 
124.  Then go RIGHT all the way and DOWN. 
125.  Then go RIGHT to the next screen along the purple path. 
126.  Then go RIGHT and UP to the next screen along the purple path. 
127.  Then go UP and RIGHT all the way. 
128.  Then go UP to a treasure chest and you will get RAMA'S STATUE. 
129.  Then go back till you are at the part where you slid through. 
130.  Slide through again. 
131.  After you slide through go LEFT and UP all the way to the next 
      screen along the purple path. 
132.  Then go straight UP all the way and UP the blue hill. 
133.  Next go RIGHT and DOWN to a treasure chest.  Open it for RAMA'S 
134.  Then go LEFT, UP, LEFT, DOWN the blue hill, DOWN to the next screen 
      along the purple path. 
135.  Go DOWN to the save point.  Save your game. 
136.  You can either continue on or go all the way back and turn into 
      FREEDAN at the save point way back there.  You are not required 
      to turn into FREEDAN. 
137.  Leave the save point.  It's a choice you have to make. 
138.  Then go DOWN the blue hill again and keep going DOWN to the next 
      screen along the purple path. 
139.  Then go DOWN all the way and RIGHT all the way to the next screen 
      along the purple path. 
140.  Then go RIGHT and UP into the doorway. 
141.  Put both of RAMA'S STATUES in each alter. 
142.  The scenery should change. 
143.  Walk up to the statue that's different from the rest and talk to it. 
144.  Next talk to every spirit and then to the main statue again and you 
      will recieve the next MYSTIC STATUE. 
145.  A door will open. 
146.  I suggest you save your game before you go through that door. 
147.  Go through the door and UP to the leader.  The vampires. 
148.  If you win you will have to cut one of the wires to the bomb that's 
      attached to Erik.  Cut the red wire. 
149.  Then try to leave.  Your friends will come. 
You've made it past Mu and now you are going through a tunnel under the 
sea.  You'll have to eat mushrooms and talk a lot.   
01.  Walk to the RIGHT and pick up the little mushroom sitting there. 
02.  Then go LEFT untill Kara speaks. 
03.  The rest of the SEASIDE TUNNEL consists of speaking and story line. 
     It's very easy.  Just read and then press A when you're done.  Now 
     you will end up at ANGEL VILLAGE. 
Angel village is filled with ancestors from the ancient Muians and they 
live underground.  Emotionless people that have to stay out of the 
sunlight. Kara starts acting like a princess here. 
01.  Walk to the LEFT all the way and go DOWN to the stairs. 
02.  Once inside the village go RIGHT all the way and UP into the doorway. 
03.  Then go LEFT and UP into the first doorway you see. 
04.  Inside you will see a fountain.  A jewel is inside.  Press A at the 
     fountain to get it.  Then leave the room. 
05.  Continue on to the LEFT. 
06.  Talk to the lady standing there.  Not the one with the harp. 
07.  She's the jeweler jem. 
08.  If you have enough jewels you will get the power of your psycho dash 
09.  Then go in the doorway right there. 
010.  Then go LEFT and UP into the doorway. 
011.  There is a save point inside.  Save your game and then leave the 
      save point and the whole room. 
012.  Then go RIGHT all the way untill you see a lady standing next to a 
      closed door. 
GAME TIP: In ANGEL VILLAGE you will see narrow paths.  Will can go across 
          these paths.  He goes along them carefully.  Don't think you 
          can't keep going.  You can. 
013.  Talk to her. 
014.  Say you know Ishtar. 
015.  Go up to the door and press A and it will open.  Go inside. 
016.  Now the fighting starts. 
017.  Go RIGHT all the way and go into the doorway right there. 
018.  Then go LEFT all the way and into the doorway. 
019.  Then go RIGHT all the way and into the doorway. 
020.  Then go RIGHT all the way and take the second doorway to the last. 
021.  Then go RIGHT all the way and take the doorway. 
022.  Now it should be totally dark. 
023.  Go RIGHT all the way and into the doorway. 
024.  Then go RIGHT a bit. 
GAME TIP: In this place you will notice that the flames are blowing to 
          the left.  All of them are.  But you will notice right here 
          that as you continue along the wall you will see one that goes 
          to the left and one that doesn't. In between the two of them 
          is a secret passage.  Just go in between them both and press 
          A and it should open the passage up.  Then go inside it. 
025.  Once inside the secret passage go RIGHT all the way till you see 
      two green plant enemies. 
026.  Kill them both and one will have a hole behind it that you can 
      slide into.  Do it for a red jewel.  Then take the other door. 
027.  Now wind should be blowing strongly against you.  You have to run. 
028.  Go RIGHT all the way and UP into the doorway. 
029.  Then go RIGHT all the way.  Then you will see a hole in the wall. 
030.  Slide through it. 
031.  In the next room you will see a bunch of statues. 
032.  Go RIGHT all the way and go in between the last 2 statues. 
033.  Go along the wall till your hair starts to blow. 
034.  Search the wall with A and a secret passage will open. 
035.  Enter. 
036.  Then go RIGHT all the way and take the middle door and search the 
      brown pot for a red jewel.  Then leave the room. 
037.  Then take the far RIGHT doorway. 
038.  Ishtar will be painting.  Talk to Ishtar. 
039.  Then go into the doorway to the RIGHT. 
040.  Go into the first doorway in front of you. 
041.  Leave the room after Ishtar speaks. 
042.  Then go into the next door. 
043.  Of the 3 pots the far right one is blue instead of brown. 
      That's what's different. 
GAME TIP: After you look at the room the next one will be the one where 
          you have to show what is different.  You have a pointer to 
          select which thing is different.  Just move it around and 
          press A on the object that's out of place. 
044.  Leave the room. 
045.  Go into the next doorway. 
046.  Leave when Istar finishes talking. 
047.  Take the next doorway. 
048.  The two pots are different this time.  Both of them are.  Leave 
      the room. 
049.  Go into the next room.  When Ishtar finishes talking go into the 
      next doorway. 
050.  Open the chest for a herb.  You have to get the herb.  Then go into 
      the next room. 
051.  The chest is closed not open.  The chest is different.  Then go 
      into the next room. 
052.  Then go into the next room.  When Ishtar finishes talking go into 
      the next room. 
053.  You will notice that your hair is blowing.  You are different. 
      Use the pointer and select your hair.  Leave the room. 
054.  Go back to where Ishtar was painting.  There is a chest. Open 
      it for the MAGIC DUST.  Then go DOWN through the doorway. 
055.  Then go into the far LEFT doorway. 
056.  Go up to the painting and use the dust. 
057.  Then talk to it again.  Kara will be released from the painting. 
058.  You'll be with your friends again. 
059.  When you're ready to leave talk to Neil. 
060.  Off to Watermia!! 
Watermia is a nice town.  The only reall negative is their gambling. 
New things will happen here.   
01.  Leave the house you're in. 
02.  Then go LEFT all the way till you see two pots in front of a house. 
03.  Climb up the ladder into the house. 
04.  Talk to Lance and his father back and forth till they say the same 
     thing over and over again. 
05.  Then try to leave. 
06.  Lance will tell you about Lilly's party.  Then leave. 
07.  Go RIGHT all the way and back into the house you came out of. 
08.  You'll find out at Lilly's birthday party that Lance loves her. 
09.  Lilly left though.  So did Lance. 
010.  The next morning leave the house. 
011.  Select the letter from your inventory. 
012.  Once out of your inventory read it by pressing B. 
013.  It's from Lance saying he went to the GREAT WALL of CHINA. 
014.  Next go to the house at the bottom LEFT hand corner of the village. 
015.  Go inside it and save your game. 
016.  Then leave the house. 
017.  Then leave the city for the GREAT WALL of CHINA. 
You're following Lance to the Great Wall of China.  Will tracks him by 
picking up pieces of Lilly's necklace.  You will fight a boss here for 
01.  Once you're at the Great Wall of China go RIGHT all the way until 
     your path is blocked by a ramp you cannot go over. 
02.  You should see a doorway right there.  Go in it. 
03.  After you've gone through the doorway go LEFT all the way. 
04.  You will notice a pit with a ladder going down. 
05.  Climb down the ladder or jump off the edge of the pit. 
06.  At the bottom go RIGHT all the way. 
07.  Climb up the last ladder going up. 
08.  Once you're at the top you'll see something shiny on the ground. 
09.  Stand on the shiny object and press A. 
010.  It's part of Lilly's necklace. 
011.  Next go RIGHT all the way and go into the doorway. 
012.  After you've gone through the doorway go LEFT all the way and go 
      into the doorway right there. 
013.  Then go RIGHT all the way and to the next screen. 
014.  Continue on to the RIGHT untill you see a pit. 
015.  Jump down into the pit. 
016.  After the long drop to the ground you will see a lot of statues. 
017.  Go RIGHT all the way and into the doorway. 
018.  Go into the far left door for a jewel. 
019.  Then go into the middle door. 
020.  Next go RIGHT all the way and into the doorway. 
021.  Then go LEFT all the way and go into the far left doorway. 
022.  You will see another doorway.  Go into it. 
023.  Now go RIGHT all the way and go up to the second to last doorway. 
      Don't go in it. 
024.  Pick up the shiny object.  It's another piece of Lilly's necklace. 
025.  Then go in to the second to last door. 
026.  Hit the red switch. 
027.  Then go back through the door. 
028.  Next go in the second door.  The door after the first door you came 
029.  You will see another door.  Go into it. 
030.  Then go RIGHT all the way untill Lilly stops you. 
031.  She will fly into Will's pocket. 
032.  Keep going RIGHt to the next screen. 
033.  Once you're in the next screen go RIGHT untill you see a door. 
      Go into the door. 
034.  A treasure chest with a herb is down here. 
035.  After you get the herb go back through the doorway. 
036.  Now run DOWN the hill in front of you.  Hold the D-pad to the right 
      and keep going all the way to the next screen. 
037.  Once you're in the next screen go RIGHT untill you see a pit with 
      nine blocks next to it. 
038.  If you count from the far left block to the far right block you 
      should jump down between the fifth and sixth blocks. 
039.  When you land you will see five pits. 
040.  Jump down the third pit. 
041.  Once you land jump down the pit right in front of you. 
042.  You will land next to a save point. 
043.  Save your game and walk up to the statue of Will.  You will recieve 
      Will's SPIN DASH. 
GAME TIP: To use Will's spin dash hold the A button for about four 
          seconds and then press L & R simotaniously.  Use the directional 
          pad to select where you want Will to spin. 
044.  Leave the save point. 
045.  Once you're outside of the save point jump down again. 
046.  After you jump down you will see a door.  Go into it. 
047.  Then go LEFT all the way to the next screen. 
048.  Keep going LEFT and stop at the small ramp. 
049.  Use Will's spin dash to go over the ramp. 
050.  After you jump the first two ramps hold the directional pad in the 
      opposite direction so you won't go over the third ramp. 
051.  There is a door right there.  Go into it. 
052.  Then go LEFT all the way and go into the door. 
053.  Next go LEFT and hit the first red switch you see. 
054.  Quickly go UP and RIGHT. 
055.  Hit the other red switch. 
056.  After hitting the second switch you will probably have to hit the 
      first one again. 
057.  Keep going LEFT all the way to a save point. 
058.  Save your game and turn into Freedan.  Then leave the save point. 
059.  Once you're outside of the save point go RIGHT and back through the 
      door you came in. 
060.  Now go RIGHT all the way untill you see two spears and a red switch. 
061.  Hit the red switch twice as Freedan. 
062.  Then go RIGHT all the way past the spears and into the doorway. 
063.  Continue on to the RIGHT all the way to the next screen. 
064.  Once you're in the next screen go RIGHT until you see a blocked 
      door. An archer will be firing arrows at you too to the right. 
065.  Kill the archer with Freedan's Dark Friar and the blocks in front 
      of the doorway will blow up. 
066.  Go into the doorway. 
067.  Then go LEFT all the way and go into the door. 
068.  Once you've gone through the door you will see a statue blocking 
      your path. 
069.  Use L or R to pull the statue towards you. 
070.  Then go around it. 
071.  Keep going untill you see another statue.  Go around it. 
072.  Another statue will be blocking your path. 
073.  Go to the left side of the two blocks close to the statue and pull 
      it using L or R to the left. 
074.  Then go LEFT, UP, RIGHT so you are directly north of the statue. 
075.  Pull it up using L or R. 
076.  Then go LEFT and DOWN and pull him left. 
077.  Next go around him. 
078.  For the next statue you should be to the far left of it. 
079.  Pull the statue using L or R to the left. 
080.  Then go directly north of the statue and hit it. 
081.  Hit the other statue. 
082.  Then go around it. 
083.  Hit the red switch and the statues will come to life. 
084.  This is so you can kill the last one that was blocking your path. 
085.  After you kill him go into the doorway. 
086.  Then go LEFT all the way and into the door. 
087.  Next go RIGHT all the way to the next screen. 
088.  Once you're in the next screen go RIGHT and into the door. 
089.  Now go RIGHT and take the first doorway you see. 
090.  In this room press start to find out which statues are really alive. 
      Hit the statues that are and they will come to life. 
091.  When you've killed them all a save point will appear. 
092.  Turn back into Will and save your game.  Then leave the save point. 
093.  Next go back through the doorway. 
094.  Then go LEFT and into the door. 
095.  Use Will's spin dash to go over the ramp. 
096.  Run or walk to the LEFT all the way to the next screen. 
097.  Go RIGHT and jump down when you can. 
098.  Now you will have to fight the boss for a MYSTIC STATUE. 
099.  After you defeat the boss climb up the ladder. 
100.  Once you're at the top go RIGHT to the next screen. 
101.  Keep going and you'll find Lance.  Lilly will come.  Talk to them 
      both until they say the same thing. 
102.  Then go to the RIGHT. 
103.  You'll find out that Lilly loves Lance too. 
You have made it through the Great Wall of China.  Now you have to go to 
another place called Euro. 
01.  Go to the bottom right hand corner of the town. 
02.  You will see a building there with stairs going into it. 
03.  This building is different from the other buildings. 
04.  Go around the right hand side of the building. 
05.  Wait a while and a leaf will float right up to you. 
06.  Walk on to it. 
07.  It will carry you across the water. 
08.  On the other end talk to the guy blocking your path. 
09.  You do want to join the RUSSIAN GLASS CLUB. 
010.  After you're done talking to him and he lets you go by him talk to 
      the guy with the big hat.  DON'T DRINK THE BOTTOM RIGHT HAND GLASS! 
011.  After he drinks a glass you drink one until there is only 1 left. 
012.  You will win no matter what which means the other guy DIES! 
013.  After he dies you will end up at his wife's house. 
014.  You will recieve a letter and you will recieve the four kruks 
      outside. Then leave the building. 
015.  Go back to the house with your friends in it (upper right hand corner 
      of town). 
016.  Talk to Neil. 
017.  Then talk to Lilly and Lance once. 
018.  Talk to Neil once more and you will leave for the city of Euro. 
This city is a scam.  Rolek company trades slaves here before and after 
dinner. Your job is to find the Tea Pot which will reveal the true nature 
of Neil's parents.  Good luck! 
01.  You will be in Neil's room.  Leave his room. 
02.  Then go LEFT all the way and leave the house. 
03.  From there go strait DOWN all the way. 
04.  Next go RIGHT all the way. 
05.  Go RIGHT all the way.  Don't leave the city.  Go UP past the guy 
     with the green hair. 
06.  Stop when you see the blue haired girl facing to the right. 
07.  There is a door next to her. 
08.  Go in and talk to both men. 
09.  Then leave the house and go DOWN.  Go in the first building you see. 
010.  Go into the doorway to the 2nd level of the house. 
011.  Save your game. 
012.  Then leave the town for the MOUNTAIN TEMPLE. 
This place is very confusing.  Here you will get the Tea Pot.  Good luck! 
01.  Now go LEFT all the way and then UP. 
02.  Continue on to the LEFT all the way and then UP again. 
04.  Then go RIGHT and UP all the way. 
05.  Next go LEFT to the next screen. 
06.  Once you're in the next screen go LEFT all the way and then go UP 
     all the way. 
07.  Then go LEFT all the way and DOWN untill your path is cut short by 
     a small ramp. 
08.  Use the spin dash to jump it. 
09.   You should land on red mushrooms. 
010.  You should see a save point. 
011.  Save your game and turn into Freedan.  Then leave the save point. 
012.  Now go LEFT all the way and then UP. Stop when you see two paths. 
013.  Take the RIGHT path and continue UP to the next screen. 
014.  Once you're in the next screen go UP and the vine will be cut short. 
      A little stump will be on the end of the path. 
015.  Walk on to it and you will go to the other side.   Then go LEFT to 
      the next screen. 
016.  Once you're in the next screen  go DOWN all the way. 
017.  Then go LEFT and DOWN all the way. 
018.  Next go RIGHT and DOWN all the way. 
019.  Continue on to the LEFT all the way and then go UP all the way. 
020.  Then go LEFT all the way and then DOWN. 
021.  Go LEFT when you can and then go UP. 
022.  Continue on UP all the way and then go UP once more. 
023.  Then go RIGHT all the way and UP.  Then go RIGHT all the way. 
024.  Kill the gold skull and he wil make a shortcut back. 
025.  Then go UP all the way and then go LEFT all the way. 
026.  Then go DOWN and LEFT to a chest. 
027.  Inside it are MUSHROOM DROPS. 
028.  After you get the mushroom drops go RIGHT and UP all the way. 
029.  Then go RIGHT all the way and then DOWN. 
030.  Next go DOWN again over the shortcut you made earlier by killing 
      the gold skull. 
031.  Then go RIGHT to the next screen. 
032.  Once you're in the next screen go RIGHT and then UP all the way. 
033.  Next go RIGHT and then DOWN all the way. 
034.  Then go RIGHT all the way to the next screen. 
035.  Once you're in the next screen keep going and you'll see a save 
036.  Save your game and then come back here and go back to the previous 
037.  After you've saved your game and come back through the screen again. 
      Go UP all the way and then LEFT. 
038.  You'll come to a vine that's cut off. 
039.  Use the mushroom drops on it to make it grow. 
040.  After the vine grows go LEFT all the way and then UP to the next 
041.  Once you're in the next screen go UP and keep going UP. 
042.  Then go RIGHT past the red mushrooms and then DOWN when you can until 
      you see red mushrooms. 
043.  Step on to the red mushrooms and walk to the other side. 
044.  Once you're on the other side go UP and then RIGHT all the way when 
      you can. 
045.  Continue on DOWN and then RIGHT to the next screen. 
046.  Once you're in the next screen go RIGHT on to the red mushrooms. 
047.  Then go strait UP all the way and then RIGHT all the way. 
048.  Next go UP all the way and then LEFT to a chest. 
049.  Inside the chest you'll find MUSHROOM DROPS. 
050.  After you get the mushroom drops go back and go through to the 
      previous screen. 
051.  Once you're in the previous screen go LEFT and then UP. 
052.  Continue on to the LEFT and then UP again. 
053.  The vine will be cut off again. 
054.  Use the mushroom drops on it to make it grow. 
055.  Then go RIGHT and  UP all the way to the next screen. 
056.  Once you're in the next screen go UP and then go strait to the RIGHT. 
057.  Then go DOWN and then RIGHT all the way. 
058.  Next go UP and RIGHT to a save point on red mushrooms. 
059.  Save your game and walk up to the statue of Freedan to recieve a new 
      dark power called AURA BARRIER. 
GAME TIP: To use Freedan's Aura Barrier press and hold A for about four 
          or five seconds and then press L & R simotaniously.  Just 
          like Will's spin dash. 
060.  Leave the save point. 
061.  Once you're outside of the save point go LEFT and DOWN all the way. 
062.  Then Go UP the first chance you get. 
063.  Next go UP and LEFT. 
064.  Continue on UP again. 
066.  Now go RIGHT all the way and go DOWN the hill and walk on to the 
      stump at the end. 
067.  On the other side go UP, RIGHT when you can all the way.  Then go 
      UP, RIGHT, DOWN all the way, LEFT and DOWN the hill. 
068.  Walk on the stump to go across to a treasure chest. 
069.  Inside you'll find MUSHROOM DROPS. 
070.  Now go back to the previous screen. 
071.  Once you're back in the previous screen go DOWN all the way and 
      then LEFT to the vine that's cut off. 
072.  Use the mushroom drops on the cut off vine. 
073.  Then go LEFT all the way and UP. 
074.  Now go LEFT to the next screen. 
075.  Once you're in the next screen go LEFT and DOWN all the way. 
076.  Then go LEFT and UP. 
077.  Now go LEFT and then go on to the red mushrooms. 
078.  Walk along the red mushrooms to the other side. 
079.  Once you're on the other side go LEFT all the way and UP to the 
      next screen. 
080.  Once you're in the next screen go UP and then RIGHT. 
081.  Next go strait UP on the red mushrooms to a chest. 
082.  Inside the chest you'll find the TEAPOT. 
083.  Leave the Mt.  Temple/Mt. Kress and go back to Euro. 
084.  Just back track. 
085.  You'll need to turn back into Will because you need his spin dash. 
Now that you have the Tea Pot you can find out who Neil's parents really 
01.  Once you're back in Euro go LEFT untill you're at the market. 
02.  Then go UP all the way back into Neil's parent's house. 
03.  Once you're inside the house go UP into the doorway you see when you 
     first enter.   Go into the RIGHT doorway when you enter Neil's house. 
04.  You'll see Neil sitting down with his parents. 
05.  Stand next to Neil's mother and use the tea pot. 
06.  Neil's parents are dead and they have been replaced with two members 
     of the Moon Tribe. 
07.  After they fly away talk to Neil. 
08.  You'll end up in the guest room. 
09.  Neil will walk in with some bad news. 
010.  After he's done talking talk to Kara and you will head for the 
Kara will loose a close friend of hers here.  From the Native's village 
you will go to Angkor Wat. 
01.  When everyone stops walking talk to Kara. 
02.  Follow them into the hut. 
03.  Once you're inside the hut talk to Kara again. 
04.  You'll rest for a while. 
05.  You'll wake up to the natives.  They're hungry and you look like 
     steak to them. 
06.  After a little while Hamlet will jump into the fire so they will eat 
     him instead. 
07.  Talk to the native to the right. 
08.  He will mark your map. 
09.  Go back to Euro and save your game. 
010.  Then come back to the Native's Village and leave for ANGKOR WAT. 
These ruins will be some of the hardest yet.  Tons of puzzles and 
monsters.  Here you will get the Gorgon Flower which will restore the 
three native girls from stone. 
01.  Once you're at the entrance of Ankor Wat go strait Up all the way 
     into the doorway. 
02.  Once you're inside go RIGHT and then UP. 
03.  Next go RIGHT all the way the first chance you get. 
04.  Make sure you went RIGHT all the way. 
05.  Now go UP to the next screen. 
06.  Once you're in the next screen go UP untill your path is blocked by 
     a hill you can't go up. 
07.  Use Will's spin dash to go up it. 
08.  Continue on UP all the way untill you see 2 worms up on a wall. 
09.  Kill them both and one of them has a force that will make an opening. 
010.  Use Will's psycho slide to go through the opening. 
011.  After you slide through go UP all the way to the next screen. 
012.  Once you're in the next screen go UP untill you see a flight of 
013.  Go UP the stairs and then go LEFT untill you see a place where you 
      can jump down. 
014.  A hole will open up and you will fall down into it. 
015.  When you reach the bottom the floor beneath you will be moving. 
016.  Now go LEFT untill you see another flight of stairs. 
017.  Go UP the stairs and keep walking untill you reach the OTHER flight 
      of stairs. 
018.  Go DOWN the stairs and then go LEFT all the way to the wall. 
019.  Once you reach the wall go UP and you'll see something that looks 
      like a worm. 
020.  Kill it and it will make a staircase. 
021.  Go UP the stairs and in the doorway. 
022.  After you go through the doorway go RIGHT and then DOWN all the way 
      to the wall and then stop. 
023.  Next go LEFT and then DOWN to the next screen. 
024.  Once you're in the next screen go DOWN untill you can't go further. 
025.  Slide through the opening using Will's psycho slide. 
026.  After you slide through go DOWN to a chest with a herb inside it. 
027.  After you get the herb go to the north end of the hill that's next 
      to the chest.  The hill is silver.  Use Will's spin dash to jump it. 
028.  You'll jump over the chest and you'll keep going to a wall which 
      you will then jump off. 
029.  After you jump down go strait DOWN all the way to the next screen. 
030.  Once you're in the next screen go DOWN and then RIGHT when you can 
      all the way past the skeleton heads untill you can't go right 
031.  Then go UP and RIGHT till you see 2 statues on both sides of a 
      passage. One statue on each side. 
032.  Go UP the path to the next screen. 
033.  You'll be back outside in a garden. 
034.  There is a save point here. 
035.  Find it and then go into it.  Turn into Freedan and save your game. 
036.  Then leave the save point. 
037.  Go through the bushes untill you reach the stairs at the top of the 
038.  Go UP the stairs and into the door. 
039.  Once you're inside go RIGHT to the wall and then go UP. 
040.  Continue on to the RIGHT all the way to the wall past the skeleton 
041.  Go UP along the passageway to the next screen. 
042.  Once you're in the next screen keep going until you see a pit 
      with two skeleton heads on each side of it... 
043.  Use Freedan's dark friar to kill the skeleton head to the RIGHT. 
044.  It has a force inside it which will destroy the wall blocking your 
045.  Continue on UP all the way to a save point.  Go inside and save your 
046.  Go up to the statue of Freedan to recieve a new dark power for him 
      called EARTHQUAKER. 
GAME TIP: To use earthquaker jump off a wall or a place where you can jump 
          down and press A.  Freedan will put his sword into the ground 
          which will shake it and freeze all the enemies in the area for 
          quit a long time. 
047.  Then leave the save point. 
048.  Once you're outside of the save point go DOWN all the way and follow 
      the path to the previous screen. 
049.  Once you're in the previous screen go  LEFT to the wall. 
050.  From the wall go DOWN and then go LEFT when you can. 
051.  Continue on DOWN and then go strait to the LEFT untill you reach 
      the wall. 
052.  From the wall go UP, LEFT, DOWN and LEFT to a flight of stairs. 
053.  Go UP the stairs and then jump down off the edge and use Freedan's 
      earthquaker by pressing A. 
054.  Then go LEFT and then UP all the way to the next screen. 
055.  Once you're in the next screen go UP and then DOWN the other path 
      all the way to the next screen. 
056.  Once you're in the next screen go DOWN and then RIGHT all the way. 
057.  You will see 2 statues on each side of a passage going up. 
058.  Go UP along the passage to the next screen. 
059.  Once you're in the next screen keep going till you reach the top of 
      the screen. 
060.  Go UP the stairs and enter the MAIN HALL. 
061.  Once you're inside the main hall go LEFT, UP, RIGHT, DOWN, RIGHT all 
      the way, UP, RIGHT, DOWN, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, DOWN, LEFT and then 
      DOWN to the next screen. 
062.  Once you're in the next screen go DOWN the stairs and RIGHT up the 
      other flight of stairs. 
063.  An enemy disguised as a bush will be there. 
064.  Kill it and you will see a shiny object under it. 
065.  Stand on it and press A. 
066.  You have recieved the BLACK CRYSTAL GLASSES! 
067.  Then go LEFT up the stairs.  After that go UP the other stairs and 
      keep going to the next screen. 
068.  Once you're back in the Main Hall go along the path till you see a 
      flight of stairs. 
069.  Go UP the stairs and through the door. 
070.  Use the Black Crystal Glasses to keep it from getting too light. 
071.  After you use the glasses go RIGHT all the way and then strait DOWN 
      to a pit. 
073.  Jump down to a save point. 
074.  Turn back into Will and save your game. 
075.  Then leave the save point. 
076.  Jump down and follow the path to the stairs again.  Go up them again. 
077.  Go back to the pit where you jumped down to the save point. 
078.  Don't jump down this time. 
079.  Go LEFT and DOWN. 
080.  Slide through the opening using Will's psycho slide. 
081.  After you slide through go DOWN and LEFT to a flight of stairs. 
082.  Go UP the stairs and through the door. 
083.  You'll be in Main Hall 3F. 
084.  Go LEFT and then DOWN. 
085.  Then go LEFT and UP to an opening. 
086.  Slide through the opening using Will's psycho slide. 
087.  After you slide through go RIGHT and then UP to a wall. 
088.  Then go RIGHT and then DOWN. 
089.  You'll see a flight of stairs. 
090.  Go UP the stairs and through a doorway. 
091.  You'll be in Main Hall 4F. 
092.  Next go LEFT and then DOWN to a pit. 
093.  Jump down into the pit. 
094.  You'll be back in Main Hall 3F except in a different place. 
095.  Follow the path making sure you don't jump down anywhere.  Keep 
      going until you see a flight of stairs.  There is only 1 way to go. 
096.  Go UP the stairs and through the door. 
097.  You'll be in Main Hall 4F. 
098.  Go RIGHT and then DOWN all the way. 
099.  You'll see a flight of stairs and 1 statue on each side of them. 
100.  Go UP the stairs and through the door. 
101.  After you go through the door go strait UP to another flight of 
102.  Go UP the stairs and talk to the white flame sitting there. 
103.  Talk to it and you will recieve the GORGON FLOWER! 
104.  Now you have to go back to the Native's Village. 
105.  I'm not going to take you through it.  Just back track. 
106.  When you get to the passage that you could only go 1 way on you have 
      to jump down the first chance you get and go up the stairs and 
      through the door. 
Now you have to restore the 3 native girls to flesh and blood.   From 
here you will travel to Dao. 
01.  Go into the upper right hand corner hut. 
02.  You should see 3 girls who have been turned into stone. 
03.  Use the Gorgon Flower on the first girl and then the other 2. 
04.  After you do this talk to Kara. 
05.  Yes you want to go to the trader's village DAO. 
You will recieve a letter from your grandparents and your father's journal. 
Dao's purpose is to prepare you for the Pyramid. 
01.  Once you're in Dao leave the house you're in. 
02.  Talk to the man outside of your house. 
03.  He will give you a letter from your grandparents and your father's 
04.  Select the letter from your inventory and read it by pressing B. 
05.  Go UP the left side of your house into an alley. 
06.  You'll find a save point here.  Go inside and save your game. 
07.  Then go into the house that's next to yours. 
08.  Inside you'll find Neil! 
09.  He'll tell you about the Pyramid. 
010.  Save your game and then leave Dao for the PYRAMID. 
Here you will get a new morph called Shadow.   Shadow is the ultimate 
warrior.  He will help you get through the Pyramid.  The Pyramid is mostly 
underground.  Good luck! 
01.  Once you're inside the Pyaramid go RIGHT down the stairs untill you 
     see two monsters that look like crystal balls. 
02.  Kill them both and one of them has a force inside them that will 
     destroy some blocks.  You can go into the save point now. 
03.  Inside you will see a different statue. 
04.  Walk up to it to transform into the ultimate warrior SHADOW. 
05.  Save your game and Gaia will give you AURA. 
GAME TIP: To use Aura select it from your inventory and press B and 
          Shadow will attempt to go through the cracks if there are any. 
          This is especially good when you're trying to dodge attacks 
          from enemies or bosses.  Only Shadow can use this. 
GAME TIPS: In order to tell if Shadow can leak through the cracks you have 
           to know two things: 
           1. If you can see a place below the surface then you can most 
           likely go through the cracks. 
           2.  If you see a lot of stone under the surface then you can 
           most likely go through the cracks.  You will need to leak 
           through the cracks in order to get jewels in the Pyramid and 
           to complete it. 
06.  Leave the save point. 
07.  Once you're outside the save point use Shadow's Aura to go through 
     the floor. 
08.  Once you're on the next level go into the save point and save your 
09.  There are six doors. 
010.  Three doors on each side of the save point. 
011.  I will tell you if you need to use Freedan, Will, or Shadow for 
      each door. 
012.  When you're through with each door you should have six HIEROGLYPH 
                            1ST DOOR/FAR LEFT 
013.  For the first door on the far left you need to use Will because you 
      need his spin dash. 
014.  You shouldn't have any trouble in this door. 
015.  The first hill you come to that's going DOWN you need to use Will's 
      spin dash to go down it so you can make it up the other hill. 
016.  When you come to a door and what looks like a blue pool on the floor 
      you've reached the end of the first door. 
017.  Go into the room and get a HIEROGLYPH STONE. 
018.  Step on to the blue pool and press A and it will take you back to 
      the entrance of the Pyramid. 
019.  Turn into Shadow again and go through the cracks. 
020.  For the second door you will need Shadow. 
021.  When you first enter this door you will have gone down two large 
      flights of stairs before you reach a doorway that leads to a dead 
022.  After you've gone down the second large flight of stairs  use Shadow's 
      Aura to go through the cracks.  Do this RIGHT after you go down the 
      second flight of stairs. 
023.  After you go through the cracks you will encounter a pit.  Don't 
      even think about jumping into it. 
024.  As you continue on through the door you will have to find another 
      place where you can leak through the cracks. 
025.  In the room with many flights of stairs there are two lines of 
      monsters that look like crystals.  They are in a line.  You will 
      know them when you see them.  Both lines are in different places. 
      The first line is where you need to go.  Kill the monsters and 
      then use Shadow's aura go leak through the cracks. 
026.  Once you land go into the door right there for a HIEROGLYPH STONE. 
027.  You need to use Shadow for the third door. 
028.  In this door keep going until you reach a dead end with invisible 
      enemies firing fireballs at you. 
029.  Use Shadow's aura to go through the cracks. 
030.  Once you land go LEFT. 
031.  The rest is easy. 
032.  You'll need Will for the fourth door. 
033.  You'll come to a part where the ceiling has spikes on it and it 
      comes down and then goes back up. 
034.  Walk under it and under the second one and you'll see a ramp.  Use 
      Will's spin dash to jump it. 
035.  You'll have to use Will's spin dash a lot in here.  You have to be 
      fast in here. 
036.  You need Shadow for the fifth door. 
037.  Once you enter the fifth door keep going untill a pit blocks your 
038.  Use Shadow's aura to go through the floor.  Remember to go through 
      the floor where you can see a lot of stone. 
039.  After you go through the floor go LEFT up two flights of stairs 
      and stop at the top of the second flight of stairs. 
040.  Use Shadow's aura to go through the floor. 
041.  The rest is easy. 
042.  It doesn't matter who you use for the 6th door. 
043.  The only thing you need to remember is to check behind mummies when 
      they come out to attack you. 
044.  Sometimes a doorway is behind them. 
045.  Just keep going and remember what I said and in no time you'll find 
      the last HIEROGLYPH STONE.  Step on to the blue pool and press A 
      to go back to the entrance. 
046.  Go UP the large flight of stairs and into the doorway. 
047.  The Jackal and Kara will come in. 
048.  You'll find out that King Edward wanted power from the comet. 
049.  When you're told to play a melody play Lola's melody. 
050.  The jackal will be burned alive. 
051.  After Kara's done talking leave the room and come back in. 
052.  Equip each Hieroglyph tile and press B at the slots to put them in. 
053.  To see what order you need to put them in look in Olman's journal. 
      You have to put them in right. 
054.  After you do this leave the room. 
055.  Save your game and turn into Freedan or Shadow to fight the boss. 
      I use Shadow because he can go through the cracks.  When he can't 
      go through he dodges missile weapons.  Freedan has dark friars. 
      Check out SiegfriedH's boss strategies to help you out with this. 
056.  After you choose who you're going to use go UP the stairs again and 
      you will see a blue pool where there wasn't one before.  Step on to 
      it and press A to fight the boss. 
057.  After you win you will recieve a MYSTIC STATUE and then you will 
      return to Dao. 
You need Neil to fly you to the Tower of Babel.  This is the last town 
you'll ever see. 
01. You'll be in Neil's house. 
02. Save your game in the alley and then come back to his house. 
03.  Talk to Neil and he will fly you to the TOWER OF BABEL 
The Tower of Babel is where your father's expedition was lost.  This is 
the last stop in the game.  Your skill will determine the fate of the 
01.  After you parachute down go UP into the large doorway. 
02.  In the next room go RIGHT all the way to a pit of spikes. 
03.  Go right up to them and then up again and you will climb on to the 
     edge. Then you can edge along the spikes to the other side. 
04.  Once you're on the other side keep going RIGHT to a door blocked by 
     beams of light. 
05.  Go UP to the door and press A. 
06.  Something will fall out of the flute. 
07.  Stand on the shiny object and press A for the CRYSTAL RING. 
08.  Equip the ring and press B right when you're about to touch the beams 
     of light and you'll go through the doorway. 
09.  After you go through the doorway go LEFT untill Kara stops you. 
010.  After she's through talking continue on to the LEFT until you're 
      stoped by a wall. 
011.  Go into the doorway. 
012.  After you go through the doorway go RIGHT untill you reach a save 
      point next to a door. 
013.  Save your game and then go into the large door to a guardian. 
014.  After you beat the boss save your game. 
015.  Then go RIGHT all the way to a door. 
016.  Go into the doorway. 
017.  After you go through the doorway go LEFT untill you see a door like 
      the last one where you fought the first guardian. 
018.  After you defeat the guardian go LEFT all the way to a door.  Go 
      into it. 
019.  After you go through the doorway go DOWN a bit and you will be 
      lifted to the top floor. 
020.  Once you've reached your destination go in the door. 
021.  After you go through the door go RIGHT untill you see another door. 
022.  Go into the doorway to fight another guardian. 
023.  After you defeat the guardian go LEFT to a doorway.  Go into the 
024.  After you go through the doorway go RIGHT untill you see one of the 
025.  Talk to him and he'll take you to the top floor. 
026.  Once you reach the top floor go LEFT to a doorway.  Go into the 
027.  After you've gone through the doorway go RIGHT untill you see a door. 
028.  Go into the doorway to fight another guardian. 
029.  After you defeat the guardian go RIGHT untill you see a door.  Go 
      into it. 
030.  After you've gone through the doorway go LEFT to another door.  Go 
      into it. 
031.  When you can move go talk to the Vampire and he'll take you to the 
      top floor. 
032.  Once he drops you off go UP into the door. 
033.  Kara will greet you AGAIN. 
034.  Then go RIGHT to a save point. 
035.  After you save go into the doorway. 
036.  After you go through the doorway go LEFT all the way to another 
      doorway.  Go into it. 
037.  A pile of bones is lying there. 
038.  Go up to the bones and press A. 
039.  Your father will appear in a different form. 
040.  After a long talk with him you'll recieve the SIXTH MYSTIC STATUE. 
041.  Your father will take you to the roof of the tower. 
042.  Talk to everyone and then talk to your father again. 
043.  You will recieve all of their powers. 
044.  Then talk to Kara. 
045.  Now you will recieve the FIRE BIRD.  A power only shadow can use. 
GAME TIP: To use Shadow's fire bird simply attack and a fire bird will come 
          out each time. 
046.  Now you will go to the comet.  The rest is for you to see.  You no 
      longer need a walkthrough to get you through the game. 
047.  Congratulations for making it so far!! 
048.  Good luck on the last leader.  For help with him look at SiegfriedH's 
      boss strategies.  If you do it the right way the comet and the last 
      leader is very very easy. 
                          Part 2 - Core Info 
*****Boss Strategies (SiegfridH)***** 
A.  CASTROTH (Incan Ruins Guardian) 
Castroth is one of the tougher guardians in the game. 
The main trick is dodging the fire beams whle getting your shots in at 
his head.  If you stay at the very bottom of the screen his straight beams 
will miss you and it's easy to dodge the bouncing crystals.  From here use 
Freedan to hit it's right and left hands as he lifts them to attack.  When 
they both drop off the screen, wait until it's eyes start to glow, then go 
to the middle of the bottom  of the screen and slash upwards as fast as you 
can.  You should be able to hit him.  when he starts to vibrate, run behind 
him to avoid the lasers.  Watch out for the fire that comes from the top of 
the screen.  When he finishes shooting the lasers repeat the pattern. 
B. VIPER (The sky guardian) 
Viper is one of the easiest guardians to kill.  He has three main modes 
of attack which he uses randomly.  The first is to shoot a laser from his 
mouth but he can only do this at a 45 degree angle and only downwards. 
You can usually slip in on a side and hit him a couple of times. 
The second is to shoot two sets of three blades.  The blades go in the 
same path all the time and move at only a moderate speed so they are easy 
to avoid. Since he swoops and does this it is hard to hit him. The third 
is to shoot a rotating cross of 4 blades which break apart and fly in the 
direction they are pointing.  After shooting the blades he flies toward 
you. Dodge the four blades (Easier said than done) and hit him.  He 
should be no trouble at all. 
C. THE VAMPIRES  (Mu guardians) 
These two are brutal.  You need at least two herbs if you expect to 
survive. You have only about two and a half minutes because they have 
taken Erik hostage and tied him to a bomb.  Try to destroy them one at a 
time.  Take on Jack first because he has 4-way shots.  Try to keep the 
two seperated.  If they move into the same area and their capes flash run 
away! They will unleash a huge fireball that takes away about a third of 
your energy provided that you have full life.  Your best bet is to go 
right next to one and hit it as much as you can until it dies.  Be on your 
guard.  Heal yourself with a herb.  Then go after the other one.  If this 
doesn't work, use a hit and run strategy. Be patient if you have trouble. 
It takes practice to defeat them.  After you defeat them  run over to the 
bomb and press A.  You can cut either of the two wires.  They both defuse 
the bomb. 
D. SAND FINGER (The Great Wall of China guardian) 
Another easy guardian.  The only problem is that you can only use Will. 
It has three main forms of attack: 
1.  It flies up out of the sand and tries to land on top of you but it can't 
land on the very bottom of the screen.  Hit it as it comes up out of the 
2.  It makes a bunch of semicircle leaps to the other side of the sand pit. 
It's much too fast to hit so just run after it so you'll be ready for it's 
next attack. 
3.  It spits out 2 eggs that turn into miniature Sand Fingers.  Or they 
bounce all over the place.  Hit the big one as many times as you can and 
then kill the little ones and bouncing eggs after it goes into the sand. 
E. MUMMY QUEEN (The Pyramid) 
This guardian is medium in difficulty.  It is a good idea to use Shadow 
as you fight her so you have the Aura power.  She has two forms.  As a 
queen and as eight evil spirits. 
Queen:  She can shoot energy balls and cause earthquakes.  The earthquakes 
cause giant stones to fall from the ceiling but they are not hard to dodge. 
Avoid the energy shots by moving back and forth and hit her when she starts 
an earthquake or gets close enough. 
When she breaks into the spirits she either forms a ring or chases you. 
If she chases you use the Aura to melt and avoid her.  Or use the 
teleporters or jump from the top level to the ground to avoid her. 
Remember, you are invincible while falling.  When she turns into the 
ring of spirits hit the one that is not flashing and she will reform. 
She can be annoying but is not incredibly hard to kill. 
F. SOLID ARM (True form of Jeweler Jem and first boss from Soul Blazer... 
another Enix game) 
He is one of the hardest guardians, mostly because you have to fight your 
way through his monster packed mansion before you battle him. 
The area he battles you in has three conveytor belts.  The center one 
moves toward him.  The others move toward the bottom.  Don't go on the 
center one! It will sweep you right into him and you will take massive 
damage.  His main attack is his fireballs but he can also hit you with 
his bladelike arms if you come too close.  He can shoot fireballs two 
ways.  He can shoot one that moves at a 45 degree angle and changes 
direction halfway down the screen.  Or he will shoot three that move 
vertically down and then move horizontally toward you when they reach 
the bottom platform. The easiest way to defeat him is to lure him over 
one side of the side conveytors by standing under it and blocking his 
fireballs.  Then running up the belt and hitting him when he has got 
close enough.  This takes a long so be patient.  This is also the one 
boss you do not battle again in the Tower of Babel. 
G. CHAOS COMET & DARK GAIA (You'll fight these 2 bosses up in the stars 
after the Tower of Babel. 
CHAOS COMET:  You will use Shadow with his Firebird power.  When you battle 
              the choas comet's face simply hit it and then avoid the 
              fireballs that fall. 
DARK GAIA:  After the Comet's face dissapears Dark Gaia will appear.  Watch 
            out for her mouth to open and shoot a couple shots into it and 
            then melt when she shoots a light beam.  Meanwhile, energy 
            balls and blue bubbles are constantly attacking.  Kill the 
            blue bubbles as quickly as possible and use telekeniesis when 
            you can see the energy balls forming.  It takes practice but 
            if you preserve and have an herb or two saved up your sleeves 
            it shouldn't be too hard. 
*****Monster Strategies***** 
These are for all the enemies of illusion of Gaia except in the special 
stage when you collect 50 red jewels.  When you see an enemies name you will 
see for Will and Freedan next to it maybe.  That means I will tell you how 
to fight that monster using Will or Freedan.  Later in the game Shadow will 
be one of the names.  If I don't have someone's name it's because you 
shouldn't be using that character in that part of the game or that character 
isn't available. 
King Bat - For Will and Freedan 
Will - You don't even need a strategy for this monster.  Just stand at a 
       safe distance and attack until it's dead. 
Freedan - What a joke.  It should take you 1 hit to kill one of these 
          using Freedan. 
Canal Worm - For Will and Freedan 
Will - When the canal worm comes up out of the water hit it once with a 
       jump attack and then hit it with a regular attack.  Right after 
       the last attack block it's fireball using L or R. 
Freedan - Hit the worm about 3 times.  Then block using L or R. 
Ribber - For Will and Freedan 
Will - Use jump attacks and regular attacks.  Every once in a while block 
       the bones it throws at you using L or R.  If you continue to hit 
       it you shouldn't have to block. 
Freedan - Hit the ribber 3 or 4 times.  Then block the bones it throws at 
          you using L or R.  You'll probably be able to keep hitting it 
          until it dies before it gets a chance to attack. 
Skull Chaser - For Freedan 
Freedan - Hit the skull chaser until only it's head remains floating in 
          the air.  Continue to hit the head until it blows up.  Both 
          Skull chasers in Edward's prison have a force inside them that 
          will destroy blocks in your path. 
Slugger - For Will and Freedan 
Will - Just use the jumping attack on thelm as much as you can followed 
       by a regular attack. 
Freedan - Just keep hitting it.  It'll be dead before you know it. 
Mudpit - For Will and Freedan 
Will - Use a jump attack and then use a normal attack. 
Freedan - Just keep attacking them.  If they get a chance they'll charge 
          you. Just get out of the way and keep attacking.  This goes 
          for Will too. 
Scuttle Bugs - For Will and Freedan 
Will - Do the same thing with this monster as you did with the slugger. 
Freedan - Use the same strategy as Will. 
Stone Lord - For Will and Freedan 
Will - Get them against the wall and keep hitting him.  Get in a position 
       where his flame can't hit you. 
Freedan - Use the same strategy as Will. 
Splop - For Will and Freedan 
Will - Watch where these guyes pop up.  Then do a jump attack and one 
       normal hit.  Repeat the pattern. 
Freedan - Watch out for them.  When they come up through the floor use 
          a normal attack on them. 
Whirligig - For Will and Freedan 
Will - Attack it and back off.  Repeat the pattern.  If you can just keep 
       attacking it every time it attempts to dive down and hit you. 
Freedan - Use the same strategy as Will. 
Stone Guard - For Will and Freedan 
Will & Freedan - Use the same monster strategy used on the Stone Lord. 
Flayzer - For Will and Freedan 
Will - Get him in a corner and keep hitting him.  You might have to dodge 
       if he gets a chance to attack 
Freedan - Use the same strategy as Will. 
Grundit - For Will and Freedan 
Will - Just wait until it surfaces.  Then hit it until it's dead.  You 
       might have to block one of it's fireballs.  Use L or R for this. 
       There is usually a skull on the ground close to it. 
Freedan - Do the same thing.  The dark friar is good to use if you can't 
          reach the worm. 
Eye Stalker - For Will and Freedan 
Will - Hit the eye stalker about 3 times.  Then move out of the way because 
       it's about to shoot you with a laser beam.  If it turns to stone 
       just wait for it to turn back.  Then finish it off. 
Freedan - Use the same strategy as Will. 
Blue Cyber - For Will and Freedan 
Will - Get the cyber in a corner and hit it repeaditly.  If you can't get 
       it in a corner then just hit it 3 times and then block it's arms 
       using L or R. Stand between his arms and they'll go right past you 
       when he fires them. 
Freedan - Use the same strategy as Will. 
Dinapede - For Will and Freedan 
Will - All you have to do is dodge and attack. 
Freedan - Use the same strategy as Will. 
Nitropede - For Will and Freedan 
Will - Use the same strategy used on the dinapede.  Except when you kill 
       one get out of the way because their body falls on the ground and 
       blows up. 
Freedan - Same strategy as Will. 
Slasher - For Will and Freedan 
Will - Hit the sword and the sword will come to life.  Try to get in the 
       way of the sword when it's trying to return to the knight.  Keep 
       hitting it making sure not to let it back to the knight until it's 
Freedan - Use the same strategy as Will.  Freedan can use the Dark Friar 
          to make the sword come to life at long distances. 
Red Cyber - For Will and Freedan 
Will - Use the same monster strategy as the Blue Cyber.  They're both 
       the same except the red cyber has more life and his arms come back 
       to him. 
Freedan - Use the same strategy as Will. 
Stinger - For Will and Freedan 
Will - Go close to it and the sword will attack you.  Back away and it 
       will follow.  Destroy the sword to render the knight useless. 
Freedan - Use the same strategy as Will. 
Skuddle - For Will and Freedan 
Will - Skuddles are very easy.  You can walk up to them and kill them 
       with no problems.  Watch them because they'll lunge at you 
Freedan - Use the same strategy as Will. 
Cyclops - For Will and Freedan 
Will - When approaching the cyclops be carefull.  Be ready to block the 
       stones he'll throw at you.  After you hit him a lot he'll get 
       angry and turn red. At this time you need to block.  He'll fire 
       stones out in all directions. The best attack for the cyclops is 
       to use the psycho slide on them. 
Freedan - Use the same strategy as Will except for the psycho slide. 
Flasher - For Will and Freedan 
Will - Once you see one appear go up to it and quickly and keep hitting it. 
       If you get there in time it won't get a chance to attack.  If you 
       get there too late block it's fireball. 
Freedan - Use the same strategy as Will. 
Slipper - For Will and Freedan 
Will - They're very easy to defeat.  Make sure you dodge.  It should 
       only take one hit to kill them. 
Freedan - Use the same strategy. 
Dive Bat - For Will 
Will - As you walk along the dive bat will swoop down from the ceiling 
       in an attempt to hit you.  When they do this back up a bit. 
       Then turn around and keep hitting them.  If you get below them 
       keep hitting them so they won't have a chance to even make it to 
       the ground. 
Steelbones - For Will 
Will - They're the same as Ribbers except they're stronger and the bones 
       they throw go further. 
Draco - For Will 
Will - They're pretty easy.  Go up to them and keep attacking.  You'll keep 
       hitting their head and eventually they'll die. 
Ramskull - For Will 
Will - Use the psycho slide on the ramskull.  If they get a chance to 
       attack just block their fireballs. 
Archer - For Will and Freedan 
Will - It's very easy to defeat archers.  Before you attack make sure 
       you block any arrows they fire at you.  Use the psycho slide on 
       them twice to kill them. 
Freedan - Use the dark friar once.  Then attack it making sure to block 
          it's arrows. 
Eyesore - For Will and Freedan 
Will - This enemy will dive down from the sky in an attempt to hit you. 
       Stand beneath it and keep hitting it so it doesn't make it to the 
       ground.  Move out of the way when they throw fire on the path. 
Freedan - Use the same strategy as Will. 
Fir Bug - For Will and Freedan 
Will - Use the psycho slide on the fire bug twice and he'll die.  Watch 
       out for the fire it will shoot everywhere. 
Freedan - Simply walk up to it and attack it until it's dead.  Watch out 
          for it's fire. 
Asp - For Will and Freedan 
Will - One psycho slide should kill the asp depending on your strength. 
Freedan - Keep attacking the asp until it's dead.  It'll lunge at you every 
          once in a while.  Make sure you watch out for that. 
Skulker - For Will and Freedan 
Will - As the skulker flies left and right, up and down get a safe distance 
       away and hit it as much as you can when it comes down to where you 
Freedan - Use the same strategy as Will.  If you got atleast 30 red jewels 
          and went to the jeweler jem in Euro your dark friar's power is 
          increased. If the skulker is close to other enemies throw a 
          dark friar at it and press A right when the dark friar hits. 
Yorrick - For Will and Freedan 
Will - If you move in front of it, it will fire at you.  Use the psycho 
       slide on it. If you can't hit it with the psycho slide use a 
       regular attack or a jump attack.  If it fires at you block it's 
Freedan - Keep attacking it making sure you block it's fireballs.  Use 
          the increased power of your dark friar if it's around other 
          enemies.  Look at the strategy for the skulker. 
Acid Spider - For Will and Freedan 
Will - Watch out for it's acid.  It can also go from one vine to the next. 
       Get it in a corner and rip it apart.  When you first approach it 
       use Will's psycho slide on it. 
Freedan - Use the same strategy as Will.  Look at the strategy for the 
          skulker to find out about the increased power of the dark friar. 
Fire Sprite - For Will and Freedan 
Will - Use the psycho slide on them once.  Then finish it off with regular 
       attacks and jumping attacks. 
Freedan - Hit the fire sprite with the dark friar once.  Then finish it 
          off with  attacks. 
Zombie - For Will and Freedan 
Will - When the zombie throws it's head at you hit it until it blows up. 
       Then you can hit the zombie.  Try to get hit his head away from 
       him.  If it makes it back to it's body it replenishes it's life. 
Freedan - Use the same strategy as Will. 
Zip Fly - For Will and Freedan 
Will - The zip fly is very fast.  You have to be patient and you have to 
       time your attacks. 
Freedan - Use the same strategy as Will.  Also use Freedan's Aura Barrier. 
Shrubber - For Will and Freedan 
Will - The shrubber is pretty easy.  You can tell that it's different 
       from the rest of the bushes.  The shrubber is a darker bush than 
       the normal bush. Use the psycho slide on it. 
Freedan - Use the same strategy as Will except for the psycho slide. 
          When enough of them are around each other use the aura barrier. 
Wall Walker - For Will and Freedan 
Will - Hit the wall walker three times.  Then block it's fireballs. 
      It will also throw little green monsters on the ground.  They'll 
      attack you.  It only takes one hit to kill each one of them. 
Freedan - Use the same strategy as Will.  If there are two wall walkers 
          on the wall use Freedan's dark friar. 
Gorgon - For Will and Freedan 
Will - Use the psycho slide on the Gorgon.  Then back away.  He'll extend 
       his arms and swing them like a helicopeter.  Don't go near him 
       when he does this. Sometimes the gorgon will be up on a wall. 
       He'll jump down and tons of rocks will fall to the ground.  You 
       can see where they're coming by the shadows on the ground. 
Freedan - Hit the gorgon two to three times.  Then step away.  Repeat 
          the pattern. 
Frenzie - For Will and Freedan 
Will - Use the psycho dash on them twice.  Each time you hit them they start 
       to go faster. 
Freedan - Use the aura barrier. 
Goldcap - For Will and Freedan 
Will - The goldcap is just like the skulker except it's 100 times stronger 
       and it uses different patterns.  It can split into two sometimes. 
       If it does this don't bother attacking it.  You can't hit it when 
       it splits.  Use the same strategy for the skulker on the goldcap. 
Freedan - Same thing. 
Mystic Ball - For Will, Freedan, and Shadow 
Will - Use the psycho dash on them.  Then finish the mystic ball off with 
       regular attacks.  You cannot block the laser beams they fire. 
Freedan - Dodge the laser beams and keep attacking until it's dead. 
Shadow - Use the same strategy as Freedan.  Dodge the laser beam by turning 
         into water using Shadow's aura. 
Tuts - For Will, Freedan, and Shadow 
Will - Walk up to them and turn away.  Walk slowly in the other direction. 
       When you see them move their shield and spear turn around and use 
       the psycho slide on them.  Finish the tut off with regular attacks. 
Freedan - Do the same thing. 
Shadow - Do the same thing. 
Haunt - For Will, Freedan, and Shadow 
Will, Freedan, and Shadow - When you see one attack as much as you can. 
                            The spirit of the mummy will come out soon. 
                            Kill the spirit before it enters your body 
                            and does damage.  Use the psycho slide on 
                            the mummies with Will. Use the aura barrier 
                            with Freedan.  Use Shadow's normal attack. 
Blaster - For Will, Freedan, and Shadow 
Will - These enemies are invicible and they can be very hard.  You'll know 
       when they're around you when you see fireballs coming from mid-air. 
       Attack the sorce of the fireballs and the blaster will appear. 
       He will fire small electricity balls at you.  They come really 
       fast, too.   You'll have to block them unless you want to die. 
       Use Will's psycho slide once.  Then finish it off. 
Freedan - Use the same strategy as Will.  Also use Freedan's aura barrier 
          if there is more than one blaster. 
Shadow - Use the same strategy as Will and Freedan.  Use normal attacks 
         to kill the blaster. 
*****Boss List***** 
There are eight bosses in all.  This includes Solid Arm (found in the 
secret level after you collect 50 red jewels and talk to the Jeweler Jem). 
1. CASTROTH    - First guardian.  Found in the Incan Ruins.  Fight Castroth 
                 to get to the Incan gold ship. 
2. VIPER       - Second guardian.  You'll get a Mystic Statue from this 
                 guardian. You'll find him in the Sky Garden over the 
                 Nazca Painting. 
3. VAMPIRES    - Jack and Silvana. These two are the third guardians. 
                 You'll find them in Mu. 
4. MEGAPEDE    - You'll recieve another Mystic Statue from this boss. 
                 Found in The Great Wall of China. 
5. MUMMY QUEEN - You'll recieve a Mystic Statue from this boss.  You can 
                 find the Mummy Queen in The Pyramid. 
6.  SOLID ARM  - Collect 50 red jewels and you'll go to a special stage 
                 after talking to the jeweler jem.  This boss is from the 
                 game Soul Blazer. 
7.  COMET      - After you recieve the firebird from the top of The Tower 
                 Of Babel you'll fly to the stars to fight the comet. 
8.  DARK GAIA  - After you fight the comet you'll fight dark gaia to win 
                 the game. 
*****MONSTER LIST***** 
There are 54 monsters in Illusion of Gaia. 
                       Edward's Castle in the Prison 
                       Inca Ruins 
8.  SPLOP 
                       Diamond Mine 
                       Nazca Painting/Sky Garden 
                            Angel Village 
3.  DRACO 
                            The Great Wall of China 
4.  ASP 
                            Mt. Temple/Mt. Kress 
                            Angkor Wat 
2.  ZIP FLY 
                            The Pyramid 
2.  TUTS 
3.  HAUNT 
*****ITEM LIST***** 
RED JEWEL       - Collect red jewels and get bonuses from the jeweler jem. 
FLUTE           - Will's weapon.  Will can use this to play music too. 
HERB            - Restores some hit points 
LETTER (Edward) - With this letter you can leave town.  You'll get this 
                  letter in South Cape. 
LOLA'S MELODY   - This melody will help you out through the game.  You'll 
                  learn it in South Cape. 
LETTER (Kara)   - When you're in jail in Edward's Castle Kara sends 
                  a letter to you. 
PRISON KEY      - Use this to get out of prison in Edward's Castle. 
LEG OF YAK      - You and Kara will get this from the cellar of Edward's 
                  Castle and you both will eat it much later. 
INCAN STATUE A  - This is the first of two statues that you need for the 
                  Incan Ruins. 
INCAN STATUE B  - Use this statue along with Incan Statue A in the Incan 
DIAMOND BLOCK   - You'll use this in the Incan Ruins. 
WIND MELODY     - You'll get this in the Incan Ruins.  It will open a 
                  secret door for you that goes to Castroth. 
MYSTIC STATUE   - Collect six in the game.  You can't hope to beat the 
                  last leader without all six. 
ELEVATOR KEY    - Use this in Diamond Mine to open up the locked elevator. 
MINE KEYS       - You will need both to open the last elevator in the 
                  Diamond Mine. 
CRYSTAL BALL    - Get four of these in the sky garden and they'll make a 
                  path going to the guardian. 
PURIFICATION    - Use this in the Seaside Palace. 
KEY TO MU       - Use this to get to Mu from the Seaside Palace. 
STATUE OF HOPE  - This will drain the water in Mu.  You'll find two of 
                  these statues in Mu. 
RAMA'S STATUE   - You'll find two of these in Mu.  You'll need them 
                  to get through Mu to the guardian. 
MAGIC DUST      - Use the dust to free Kara from the painting in Angel 
LETTER (Lance)  - A letter to Will in Watermia from Lance saying he's 
                  going to the Great Wall of China to find a cure for 
                  his father. 
PARTS/NECKLACE  - As you track Lance through the Great Wall of China 
                  you'll find pieces of Lilly's necklace. 
WILL            - This is the will you recieve from the man who loses 
                  at Russian Glass.  He gives you four kruks so you can 
                  cross the desert to Euro. 
MUSHROOM DROPS  - Use these in the Mt.  Temple to make vines grow. 
TEA POT         - You'll get this from the Mt. Temple.  You'll use it 
                  on Neil's parents back in Euro to reveal who they 
                  really are. 
CRYSTAL GLASSES - Use these in Angkor Wat to reduce the light 
                  in a special room. 
GORGON FLOWER   - Use this to return the three native girls back to flesh 
                  and blood.  They were turned to stone. 
LETTER (GrdPrnt)- In Dao you'll get a letter from your grandparents and 
                  your father's journal.  You'll need this for the Pyramid. 
AURA            - Shadow uses this to leak through cracks in the floor. 
                  You get it in the Pyramid. 
HIEROGLYPH STONE- You'll get six of these in the Pyramid.  You need them 
                  to complete the Pyramid. 
CYRSTAL RING    - You'll find this in the Tower of Babel.  Use it to go 
                  through the door blocked by beams of light. 
*****Game Genie Codes***** 
                        GAME GENIE CODE CREATORS CLUB               TM 
|(C) 1996, Game Genie Code Creators Club, All rights reserved.              | 
|This material may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,         | 
|transmitted, or published, in any form or by any means, electronic,        | 
|mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without being fully                 | 
|credited or without prior written permission of the club.  E-mail to       | 
|gwsmara@aol.com                                                            | 
If you want to join the Game Genie Code Creators Club e-mail SirGarland. 
Created by mstuart@ionet.net 
             NOTE: may only be at the beginning when starting a new game. 
                     Part 3 - Miscellaneous Info 
*****Controller Functions***** 
Directional Pad - Use this to move in any of the eight directions. 
Select Button - Push select to go into the item window and push it again 
                to leave it. 
Start Button - To begin a game or to pause a game, press start. 
A Button - Press A to attack an enemy or to talk.  Continue to press 
           A while you're talking. 
B Button - Use B to use an item you've selected from your inventory. 
L & R Buttons - To use Will's flute for defense or to move objects. 
                        BASIC TALENTS for Will 
To perform a JUMP ATTACK push the directional pad toward the monster after 
pushing A.   
To DEFEND against missile weapons like fireballs and bows and arrows press 
and hold L or R. 
To RUN push the directional pad twice in the direction you want to run. 
Hold it in that direction to continue running. 
To JUMP at an opening, wall, or roof move to the edge and push down on the 
directional pad. 
To perform a RUNNING JUMP hold the directional pad in the direction you're 
going.  Do this when going down a hill. 
To use TELEKINESIS hold L or R.  This moves objects. 
To have a simple CONVERSATION with someone walk up to them and press A. 
To SEARCH things like trashcans and pots go up to the object and press A to 
search it for herbs, red jewels, ect. ect. 
*****Will's Dark Powers***** 
1.  PSYCHO DASH-Press and hold the A button for about 4 seconds and Will 
starts to flash.  Release the A button and you can smash obstacles and hurt 
enemies pretty badly. 
2.  PSYCHO SLIDE-Press the A button while running to slide under openings 
in the wall and to attack enemies. 
3.  SPIN DASH-Hold the A button for about 4 seconds and Will starts to glow. 
Press L&R simotaniously.  Press the directional pad in the direction you want 
to spin.  Use this to jump ramps and hit enemies. 
*****Freedan's Dark Powers***** 
1.  DARK FRIAR-You can shoot a fireball from Freedan's sword.  Use this to 
fry enemies. 
2.  AURA BARRIER-Press A for about 4 seconds.  Then press L&R simotaniously. 
Hold L & R to preserve the barrier.  It makes a barrier around Freedan that 
takes lots of damage off enemies and it will protect you from damage 
3.  EARTH QUAKER-To use this jump down from somewhere and press A in the air. 
It freezes all enemies around you for a certain amount of time. 
*****Shadow's Dark Powers***** 
1.  LIQUIFY-Use Aura from your inventory and press B to use it.  Shadow will 
liquify.  He can go through cracks in the floor and he can dodge enemies 
attacks by doing this. 
2.  FIREBIRD-The strongest dark power in the game.  Shadow will get this in 
the very end.  Every time he attacks a firebird comes out. 
*****Red Jewel Locations***** 
Here are the locations of all the Red Jewels: 
1. Search the left side of the bell tower on Will's School. 
2. Search the downstairs of Lance's house in south cape. 
3. Go in and out of the friend's cave near the docks until the  
   fisherman appears right below the exit. Search the pot he has  
   pulled up for a jewel. 
4. Talk to a hidden person behind a pilliar in Edward's Castle. The  
   pilliar ids on the right side of the castle. 
5. When you find a rusted switch in the prisons of the castle, jump on  
   it. It will open a passage to a red jewel. 
6. In a chest. Explore thouroughly. 
7. Search the barrels in the room where you meet Lily (In human form). 
8. Look in a log pile in Itory Villiage. 
9. Chest in Incan Ruins. 
10. After you wake up on the deserted Gold Ship, talk to Seth before you  
    enter the ship's hold.  
11. Search the pots outside of the building where you end up after being  
    saved form the raft. 
12. Search a pot on the second floor of Freejia Inn. 
13. Search the flower beds for a place with a path through to the bottom. 
    Jump over the edge at one end of this path (It is between two  
    buildings). On the other side, a man will give you  a jewel. 
14. Tell the slave traders where the escaped slave is. 
15, 16, 17.  Look for a place where Will's hair blows around. Use the  
    Psycho Dash on an adjecent wall to free a trapped miner. 
18. Chest in Sky Garden. 
19. Chest in sky garden. 
20. Chest in seaside palace. 
21. See 20 
22. See 21 
23. Chest in Mu 
24. Check a the fountain in the Dance Hall of Angel Villiage. 
25. Chest in Angel Villiage. 
26. Search a red pot in a room near Ishtar's Studio in Angel Villiage. 
27. One of the puzzles Ishtar maes you solve is finding the difference  
    between two rooms with chests in them. After yu solve the puzzle,  
    search both chests. One contains a red jewel. 
28. Search a pot in the upper-left corner of Watremia. 
29. Search the jars in the gambling hall. 
30. Great Wall Treasure Chest. 
31. Search a seemingly dead end near Rofsky's. 
32. In the house of Neil's parents, there is a person who asks for an  
    apple. Keep bringing her apples form the marketplace, and she will  
    give you a Red Jewel. 
33. When you discover a secret room with some captive laborers, search  
    a barrel on the right side. 
34. Return to Watremia, and speak to Lance And Lily, who will give you  
    a Jewel. 
35. Chest on Mt. Temple 
36. Search a Jar in the Natives' Villiage, in a hut with three statues. 
37. Treasure Chest in Angkor Wat 
38. See 37 
39. See 37 
40. See 37 
41. After you restore the three statues, talk to them. One will give you  
    a jewel. 
42. Search the bushes on the Right side of Dao. 
43, 44. If you do well enough in the Snake-panic game, you will be  
    rewarded with two red jewels.  
45. This is probably the hardest in the game to find. In the pyramid,  
    switch to Shadow and go to the top-right of the main area, on the  
    landing at the top of the exit stairway. There, use the Aura Ball  
    to melt throught the fllor. You will find yourself in a small room.  
    Search the pilliars on the back wall, an exit through another floor. 
46-49. In chests throughout the pyramid. 
50. In a chest on an altar in the Tower of Babel, between two Freedan  
After you get all of these, enjoy a trip through Gem's otherworldly  
1.  Save your game often. 
2.  Kill all the enemies in a screen because some of them have a force 
inside that will give you bonuses or clear a path or open a secret door. 
3.  Use Will's morphs throughout the game.  Freedan and Shadow. 
4.  Talk to everyone in a town. 
5.  Try to avoid being hit by enemies so you can save your herbs. 
6.  If you're lost somewhere press Start to see if one of the enemies has 
a force inside.  The force could lead to the next area. 
7.  Look for red jewels.  That won't be very hard with my jewel locations. 
8.  Always be on guard. 
9.  In order for the game to go quicker and for you to have a better chance 
of dodging attacks run a lot. 
10.  Use all the dark powers you get with each morph.  They prove very 
11.  If you die shortly after you save reset the game.  It's not worth 
loosing the life. 
12.  Search pots, walls, trashcans, ect. ect. for red jewels and herbs. 
13.  Search the walls sometimes for a secret door. 
14.  When attacking a monster make sure you learn his attack pattern before 
you attack.  If he comes on strong get a safe distance away.  Then go back 
to attacking him. 
                          Part 4 - Credits 
SiegfriedH - Boss Strategies & Jewel Locations 
AOL: SiegfriedH 
Internet: siegfriedh@aol.com 
Micah Stuart - Game Genie Codes 
IONET: MStuart 
Internet: mstuart@ionet.com 
GWS Wizard - Editing & Title Artwork 
AOL: GWS Wizard 
MSN: GWS_Wizard 
Internet: gwswizard@aol.com, gws_wizard@msn.com 
Everything else by Darth GGW... 
Internet: darthggw@aol.com 
Real Name: Geoff Waters 
The Game Genie Code Creators' Club can be found by doing the following: 
1. Sign on to America Online 
2. Go to Keyword: GAMEWIZ 
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5. Enter the Game Genie Code Creators' Club folder. ;)