Langrisser 3 Question Translations
Written by PYee and Outis Longxing

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Langirser 3(C) 1996 Masaya/NCS

Question 1:
"What is the most important Factor in becoming an invincible Army ?"
* Leadership                      go to Q2
* Mobility                        go to Q3
* Attack Strength                 go to Q4

Question 2:
"What is the most important Factor of being a Hero ?"
* Courage                         go to Q5
* Charisma                        go to Q6
* Indomitable Spirit              go to Q8

Question 3:"What is the most important Factor of being a Hero ?"

* Kindness                        go to Q6
* Courage                         go to Q7
* Indomitable Spirit              go to Q9

Question 4:
"What is the most important Factor of being a Hero ?"

* Kindness                        go to Q5
* Charisma                        go to Q7
* Indomitable Spirit              go to Q10

Question 5:
"Which do you like best ?"

* The quiet Before the Storm      go to Q11
* The smell of Sea Breaze         go to Q11
* Autumn wind with fallen leaves  go to Q11

Question 6:
"Which do you like best ?"

* The smell of Sea Breaze         go to Q11
* Autumn wind with fallen leaves  go to Q11
* Summer wind across a field      go to Q11

Question 7:
"Which do you like best ?"
* A Refreashing Wind              go to Q11
* Autumn wind with fallen leaves  go to Q11
* The smell of Sea Breaze         go to Q11

Question 8:
"Which do you like best ?"
* The quiet Before the Storm      go to Q11
* Summer wind across a field      go to Q11
* The smell of Sea Breaze         go to Q11

Question 9:
"Which do you like best ?"
* Summer wind across a field      go to Q11
* A Refreashing Wind              go to Q11
* The smell of Sea Breaze         go to Q11

Question 10:
"Which do you like best ?"
* The quiet Before the Storm      go to Q11
* A Refreashing Wind              go to Q11
* The smell of Sea Breaze         go to Q11

Question 11:
"Where does God Exsist ?"
* Heaven                          go to Q12
* God Doesnt Exsist               go to Q14
* In everything that has shape    go to Q13

Question 12:
"What will save the world on its brink of extinction"

* The Great Gods                  go to Q15
* Wealth of Knowledge             go to Q16
* Power of Self                   go to Q17

Question 13:
"What do you request from your Troops ?"

* Sufficiant Troops               go to Q16
* High Morale                     go to Q17
* Complete Control                go to Q18

Question 14:
"What superior traits do you consider an ideal troop has ?"

* Your own strength is more important that the army's power                go to Q17
* Impregnable Defence                                                      go to Q18
* Power to Defeat the Enemy                                                go to Q19

Question 15:
"What do you Spend your Lifetime Searching For ?"

* Power                           go to Q20
* Wealth                          go to Q21
* Knowledge                       go to Q22

Question 16:
"What is your Purpose in life ?"
* To protect the one you Love     go to Q20
* To Improve yourself             go to Q21
* To Live Forfill your Dream      go to Q22

Question 17:
"While you're resupplying your troops, you were ambushed, what do you do ?" 

* Retreat                         go to Q21
* Counterattack                   go to Q22
* Defend                          go to Q23

Question 18:
"A Friendly Reconnisance Group is surrounded, Your troops are also in danger, 
 What wiil you do ?"

* Retreat                         go to Q22
* Request reinforcements, defend  go to Q23
* Help Reconnisance Group         go to Q24

Question 19:
"If you acquired great powers, what would you use it for ?"

* To Protect People               go to Q22
* To Control Everything           go to Q23
* To Uphold Justice               go to Q24

Question 20:
"What is love to you?"
* Something to give to each other go to Q25
* Something to receive            go to Q25
* A source of infinite strength   go to Q25

Question 21:
"What do you hope for your world ?"

* Love , Courage and Hope                                   go to Q25
* Freedom to live according to your own will                go to Q25
* To be Unified                                             go to Q25

Question 22:
"What do you think is the ability needed in a ruler ?"

* Charisma                        go to Q25
* Decisiveness                    go to Q25
* Executive Power                 go to Q25

Question 23:
"You and Your Lover Seperate on the last night of Battle, What do you do ?"

* Reassure Him/her not to worry   go to Q25
* Embrase Him/Her                 go to Q25
* Just smile and leave            go to Q25

Question 24:
"Man is ... ?"
* All-embracing love              go to Q25
* Hot Spirited                    go to Q25
* Body like steel                 go to Q25
(<Outis> Just like Toho Fuhai and Domon... ;0)

Question 25:
"What ablity do you request from yourself before battle ?"

* Rich Knowledge of Tactics       go to Q26
* Cool-Headed Judgement Ablity    go to Q26
* Abundance of Power              go to Q26

Question 26:
"What type of unit is Ideal for you ?"
* Small Elite Force                      go to Q27
* Large but Individually weak Force      go to Q27
* Yourself is all you need               go to Q27

Question 27:
"Lastly, What do you Fight for ?"

* To Obtain Honor
* To Defend your home Country
* To Protect the ones that you love

Questions taken from The RPG Data Libiary