GUIDE  TO

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                              AND  THE  FORTRESS  OF  DOOM

                                       VERSION  0.3

                                   CHECK OUT THIS FAQ!
                               SECRET OF MANA (snes rpg)
                             by CaSPeR   (www.gamefaqs.com)

Welcome to my guide for Lufia! I've played this game through quite a few
times and have really enjoyed it, so I thought I'd write a guide for it!
There are a couple of other Lufia guides available on the Net, but I plan
to make this guide the best Lufia guide out there! I hope you enjoy it as
much as I enjoyed writing it! Lufia is a SNES RPG written by Taito in 1993.
It has only been available where I live (Australia) for a couple of years
though. If you don't have this game, go out and get the emulated version
somewhere because this game should not be missed. The sequel Lufia 2 is
really great also, it's actually a prequel to the first Lufia. This is my
first attempt at writing a guide. Hopefully it will meet all of your
expectations out there. If you want to know how long it takes to finish,
it will end up taking the average player about 30 hours to finish. Okay
now on to the guide! Have fun!

version 0.1
   Began the guide :)

version 0.2
   Began the actual Walkthrough
   Updated all lists
   Added extra info for Characters
   Spell and grammar checked and fixed errors
   Added extra weapon info
   Started List of Bosses
   Began Learning Spells section
   Began Locations Of Weapons section

version 0.3
   Made the guide look more presentable
   Placed on Gamefaqs ready for download

   Level Guide
   Brief Storyline
   The Main Characters
   Locations of Weapons
   Learning Spells
   List of Weapons
   List of Armour
   List of Accessories
   Magic List
   The Walkthrough
   List Of Bosses
   My Thoughts

To go alongside of this guide, I will be creating another document which
will show each point in the game, and what your characters statistics should
be. This is very handy, mainly because if you are having trouble with the
enemies or bosses at a certain section of the game, you can check your
statistics against the ones laid out in my document. If your statistics are
lower, you should consider powering up your statistics to be close to the
ones in my level guide, which will make things a hell of a lot easier for you.
If you have this guide, but don't know where to find the Level Guide and are
looking for it, head on over to GAMEFAQS (www.gamefaqs.com) and you are sure
to find it there in addition to a lot of other great guides!

Below is the introduction to the game, which you see when you start a new game.

"Without warning, the island suddenly appeared in the sky. Four foul and wicked
beings claimed it for themselves. They possessed the frightening powers of
Chaos, Destruction, Terror, and Death. The people were horrified. They called
the evil ones "Sinistrals". The reign of Terror continued. The world masses
its warriors to battle their dark foes. But the Sinistrals were all powerful.
In desperation, the people called on their bravest fighters: Artea, Guy, Maxim,
and Selan. And so began the final battle..."
--- more coming soon! ---


Maxim - *** more coming soon ***

CAN HE USE MAGIC?:  YES, he can use Healing Magic and Defensive Magic.

(ATP = Attack Power, DFP = Defence Power, STR = Strength, INT = Intelligence,
AGL = Agility, MGR = Magic Resistance)

---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---
579   223   234   142   130   237

Artea - *** more coming soon ***

CAN HE USE MAGIC?: YES, he can use Healing Magic, Offensive Magic and
                   Defensive Magic.

---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---
326   221   211   249   164   227

Guy - *** more coming soon ***


---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---
583   203   255    88   117   153

Selan - *** more coming soon ***

CAN SHE USE MAGIC?: YES, she can use Offensive Magic and Defensive Magic.

---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---
272   137   145   250   129   254

Hero - You are a young Alekian knight, who has the blood of Maxim running
through your veins. You will become the greatest knight ever, perhaps
even surpassing the great Maxim yourself.

CAN HE USE MAGIC?: YES, he can use Healing Magic.

---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---
 19    12     6     4     4     2

Lufia - Lufia seemed to come out of nowhere nine years ago to Alekia, and
she immediately became friend with the Hero. Today, deep down Lufia loves
the Hero and doesn't want to be parted from him.

CAN SHE USE MAGIC?: YES, she can use Offensive and Defensive Magic.

---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---
 14     8     4     9     7     5

This is a list of all of the items in the game. Not all of the items can
be bought in stores.

ITEM           EFFECTS                                     BUYABLE?   PRICE

Antidote       Cures poison status                            Y         6G

Arrow          Attacks an enemy with an arrow                 Y         2G

Awaken         Awakens a sleeping character                   N        N/A

Escape         Allows you to escape a dungeon once            N        N/A

Ex Arrows      Arrows attack all enemies of that type         N        N/A

Ex Bomb        Bomb attack against all enemies of that type   N        N/A

Ex Magic       Restores all MP                                N        N/A

Ex Potion      Restores all HP                                N        N/A

Foul Water     Attracts enemies towards you                   N        N/A

Great Potion   One character gains up to 3 STR points         N        N/A

Grilled Newt   Restores a few HP                              N        N/A

Mid Arrow      Attacks enemies with a stronger Arrow.         N        N/A

Mind Potion    One character gains up to 3 INT points         N        N/A

Miracle        Restores all HP and MP                         N        N/A

Mystery Pin    ???                                            N        N/A

Potion         Restores some HP to one character              Y         8G

Power Potion   Increases MAX HP by 4                          N        N/A

Revive         Revives a dead character                       N        N/A

Shriek         ???                                            N        N/A

Smoke Ball     Allows you to escape from battle               N        N/A

Speed Potion   One character gains up to 3 agility points     N        N/A

Spell Potion   One character gains up to 5 more MAX MP        N        N/A

Stone Cure     Cures stone status                             N        N/A

Stuffed Bear   Item used to throw at enemies. Useless         N        N/A

Sweet Water    Makes monsters stay away                       Y        10G

Swing Wing     Warps you to a town that you've been to        N        N/A

Dual Blade      At the beginning of the game (equipped by Maxim)
Knife           Equipped by the Hero at the start of Alekia
Dagger          Sold at the weapons store in Alekia
Zircon Axe      Equipped by Guy at the beginning of the game
Silver Rod      Equipped by Selan at the beginning of the game
Artea's Bow     Equipped by Artea at the beginning of the game
Small Knife     Equipped by Lufia at the start of Alekia

During the course of the game, your characters will learn certain magic.
Below is a list of the spells that your characters will learn and what level
they will learn them on.


Strong         4


Flash         1
Waken         1
Shield        3

This is a list of all of the weapons that are found in the game. Next to the
name of each weapon is the weight of that particular weapon.

SWORDS: Maxim can equip Swords at the introductory start of the game,
        and the Hero can equip swords for the main game.

1. Dual Blade        0          300
2. Knife            10           13
3. Dagger            5           19
4. Small Knife       1           10

AXES: Guy can equip Axes at the introductory start of the game.

1. Zircon Axe       85          288

RODS: Selan can equip Rods at the introductory start of the game.

1. Silver Rod       50          112

BOWS: Artea can equip Bows at the introductory start of the game.

1. Artea's Bow       50          100

This is a list of all the armour in the game. Next to the name of the armour
is the defence rating, and then comes the cost (if cost is N/A, then the
armour can't be bought at a store), and then comes who can equip it.

Dress                 4             120     Lufia
Cloth                 8             140     Hero, Lufia
Silver Robe          34             N/A     Selan, Artea
Zircon Robe          44             N/A     Artea
Zircon Armour        50             N/A     Maxim, Guy

Bracelet             2             N/A     Lufia
Silver Wrist        20             N/A     Selan, Artea
Silver Plate        23             N/A     Guy, Maxim
Zircon Wrist        25             N/A     Artea
Zircon Plate        40             N/A     Maxim, Guy

Cloth Helm          2             120     Hero
Sakret             12             N/A     Selan, Artea
Zircon Beret       16             N/A     Artea
Silver Helm        18             N/A     Guy, Maxim
Zircon Helm        25             N/A     Maxim, Guy

Here is a list of all of the accessories that you find in the game. The
accessories comprise of all the shoes and rings that are in the game, which
come up in the Equip menu. All accessories can be equipped by anyone in the

(DFP = defence rating, ATP = attack rating, AGL = agility rating)
SHOES         RATINGS             COST
Sandal        +2 DFP                50
Mach Shoes    +3 DFP, +10 AGL      N/A
Cat Heels     +3 DFP, +15 ATP      N/A
Sword Shoes   +8 DFP, +15 ATP      N/A

(DFP = defence rating, ATP = attack rating, INT = intelligence rating,
 AGL = agility rating, MGR = magic resistance rating)
RING           RATINGS                                        COST
Flash Ring     -                                               N/A
Hi Daze Ring   +40 DFP, +10 MGR                                N/A
White Ring     +21 DFP, +40 ATP, +4 AGL                        N/A
Wave Ring      +22 DFP, +30 ATP, +15 INT, +8 AGL, +15 MGR      N/A



Valor        35MP     Completely restores HP for all party members

Boost        15MP     Partially restores HP for all party members

Champion      8MP     Completely restores HP for one party member

Stronger      5MP     Partially restores HP for one party member

Poison        2MP     Cures poison for one party member

Stun          2MP     Cures paralysis for one party member

Dead         10MP     Revives one party member

Stone         5MP     Cures statue for one party member

Waken         4MP     Wakes up all party members

Protect       5MP     Casts a shield against spells for all party members


Thunder        12MP     Huge bolt of lightning hits one enemy

Bolt            7MP     Big bolt of lightning hits one enemy

Vulcan         15MP     Huge column of flame hits all enemies of one type

Glacier        18MP     Huge lumps of ice hits all enemies

Blizzard       13MP     Small lumps of ice hits all enemies

Succumb         8MP     Destroys all weak monsters of one type

Fake            4MP     Increases agility to all party members

Mirror          3MP     Deflects enemy spells from one party member


Flood        15MP     Huge column of water hits a group of enemies

Sunder       20MP     Huge explosion that hits all enemies

Dread         5MP     Lowers enemy defence points to a group of enemies

Mirror        3MP     Deflects enemy spells from one party member

Bounce        5MP     Prevents monster magic affecting all enemies

Trick         5MP     Increases attack power for one party member

Valor        35MP     Completely restores HP to all party members

Champion      8MP     Completely restores HP to one party member

Rally        30MP     Restores fight power to one party member

Courage       5MP     Increases defence power to all party members

Waken         4MP     Wakes up all party members

Warp          8MP     Warps whole party to any town


Strong        3MP     Restores a few HP to one character


Flash         2MP     Bolt of lightning that hits one enemy
Waken         4MP     Wakes up your party from sleeping
Shield        2MP     A shield against spells affecting the whole party

Throughout the entire guide, I will be revealing as little of the storyline
as possible so that you can get maximum enjoyment out of playing this game.

n addition to the essential quests during the game, I will also walk you
through the optional stuff which benefits your party. In buying weapons and
armour, I will display the cost price of that weapon/armour and by how much
it will benefit your party. Also, remember that as soon as you buy a weapon
or armour, make sure you equip it, so you can use it. Also when you equip
new stuff, make sure you sell your old stuff that you don't want anymore,
which will not only lighten your inventory, but also bring in more money.
One last thing: you will notice that the walkthrough is currently not
finished. This is because in addition to forwarding the release date of the
guide, it also gives me the opportunity to receive feedback from you so I
know what you think of the guide, which will give me ideas on how to improve
the guide for you.

                           THE FORTRESS OF DOOM
ENEMIES IN THIS AREA: Mad Wolf, Mega Frog, Rock Golem, Mad Knight, Hydra,
                   Efreet, BOSS: Gades, BOSS: Amon, BOSS: Erim, BOSS: Daos
For this section of the game, do not open ANY treasure chests, because you
will be coming back to this place later on in the game and you will need
the items then much more. There are two signs in this first room. You can
read them if you want. They just talk about pressing the X button in the
menu against a spell to see what it does. It really doesn't matter if you
read it or not. Head up the path in the middle of the room. It leads to a
set of stairs going up. Go up these stairs which leads you to the next
floor. From here, go up the path and through the door. This next room is
very long and has a reflective floor. Go through this room and through the
door at the other end. Go down the path and go up the stairs. This next
room also has a reflective floor. Go up the FIRST set of stairs, not the
SECOND set yet, and go left and up the path until you reach a set of
stairs going down. Go down these stairs and go down and to the right until
you see a flashing blue pod. Step on this pod and everyone in your party
will have fully restored MP. Now go to the left of the room and up and
step on the blue flashing pod there and your party's HP will be restored.
Now exit the room the same way you entered. Continue down the path you
here and go up the SECOND set of stairs now and walk up along the blue
carpet. You will pass some pillars and four statues and come to a set of
stairs going up. Go up these stairs and up through the door that you come
to. You will come to a room with a path to the left and to the right and
a path going up which has a few glass steps next to two round structures.
Now start to go up the glass path and Daos will speak to you.
The characters try not to show fear and cross the path. Now step on the
flashing blue portal. In this next room, the first thing you should do is
heal all of your characters HP and MP. Just go into the menu and give a
Miracle to anybody who doesn't already have full HP and MP. Don't worry
you won't run out of Miracles! :) Now step up the steps ahead of you and
you will be challenged by each of the Sinistrals.

                              BOSS: Gades
This guy is extremely easy. It would be very difficult to die from him I
would imagine. The easiest and quickest way to beat this guy is simply
to have Selan using her Thunder magic against Gades, and for everybody
else to use physical attacks. It couldn't be simpler. If for some reason
you become low on HP, just use a Miracle on yourself and you'll be back
in business.

After this easy fight, before you take even one more step, use Miracles
on anybody who doesn't have full HP and MP. Believe me, it is easier to
start a fight against another boss will full HP and MP than it is with
half energy. Now just step up to the next boss.

                              BOSS: Amon
This guy is a bit tougher than Gades, but he is still very easy. You will
probably not need to heal yourself during this fight again, but if your
HP goes below, say 200, then use a Miracle on yourself. The quickest
strategy is just to get Selan using her Thunder magic, and to get
everybody else simply to use their physical attacks. I severely doubt
that you will die from this fight.

After this fight, just heal everybody in your party again using Miracles
who hasn't already got full HP and MP. I doubt that anybody will have
full HP and MP at this stage though. Just step up to the next boss.

                              BOSS: Erim
Once again this boss is extremely easy. This chick deals more damage than
the other bosses so far, but it's nothing to get stressed about. If your
HP get below 300 then just heal using a Miracle. I suggest just using
physical attacks from all your characters against her, because she is
very strong against magic. However, if you do use magic against her, make
sure you stop when she casts Mirror, because if you keep using magic, her
Mirror will reflect that spell back on to you.

For the last time, before facing the next boss, heal all of your members
using a Miracle before facing the next boss. You've nearly defeated all
the Sinistrals! Now just step up to the last boss for the final fight.

                             BOSS: Daos
Daos is the toughest of the bunch, but he's still a walk in the park. But
I am almost certain that you will need to heal yourself during the course
of this fight. If anybody's HP gets below 350, get Maxim to cast Valor,
and you'll be set. Now, otherwise get Selan to cast Thunder, and everyone
else to use physical attacks, and Daos will be defeated in no time at
all! Easy stuff!

You will now watch a lengthy cut-scene showing what happened after you
defeated the Sinistrals. After this, it will tell you that this actually
happened 90 years ago, and since then there were no troubles in the
world, until now ... The next scene shows the hero walk into the store
and talk with Roman (owner of the store) and then a young girl walks in
and calls herself Lufia. She then plays with the Hero, and now we go
another nine years in the future ...

You will have a long talk with Lufia out in the flower garden and then
she agrees to make you some cinnamon pie and you walk back to the Inn so
she can cook it. You will overhear some knights talking about monsters
are starting to attack Sheran. You will run off when you hear this. When
you get control of your character again, go back to the inn and talk to
everyone in here, and then go up the stairs. In the room with one bed in
it, examine the cabinet here and you will get a Dress. Other stuff to do
in this town is to go to the weapons store and buy a Dagger (50G, +6 ATP).
Go to the Item shop next to the weapons store and buy 2 Potions (8G x 2),
2 Antidotes (6G x 2), 2 Sweet Waters (10G x 2) and an Arrow (2G). Now go
to the left to the Church and save your game. Next, go two houses to the
left of the church and examine the cabinet for a Revive item. Now go
down the stairs in the house. Follow the path and you'll see it leads to
the church. Open the treasure chest here for a Sweet Water item. Next,
go to the training room that you saw during the cut-scene which is in
the top left part of the town. Examine the cabinet in here for a Cloth
Helm (+2 DFP). Make sure you equip it. Now exit this house and walk
around to the other side of the house and examine the flower patch here
for a Power Potion. Use the Power Potion on yourself. After talking to
everybody here in the town, proceed up to the northern part of the town
and go into the Castle.

                            ALEKIA CASTLE
Talk to everyone here on the first floor of the castle. There are quite a
few items on this floor of the castle. Go to the top left room here with
the knight sitting down. After talking to him, open the treasure chest to
get an Arrow. Examine the right-most cabinet in the room to receive a
Revive item. Now go to the next room to the right with the woman in a
blue dress. Examine the second cabinet from the left to get a Swing Wing,
and examine the cabinet on the right to get an Escape. Now go up the
stairs to the next floor. There's not much to do on the second floor,
except talk to the couple of people here, and go to the top right room
with the 3 cabinets next to each other. Examine the middle one for a
Potion. Go to the room to the left of it and examine the dresser for
another Potion. No go up the stairs to the next floor. When you get to
this floor speak to the Princess (the closest person to you) and she
will give you 100G. Now go into the Princess' room at the top left of
this floor and examine the dresser at the left for a Stuffed Bear.
Now examine the right-hand cabinet for a Bracelet. Don't sell the
Bracelet because you will need to equip it later on. Now talk to the
King in the Throne room. After that, go to the top right hand side of
this floor and go down the stairs. Keep doing down the stairs until
you reach a room with 3 treasure chest. Open them and you will get a
Revive, an Antidote and a Sweet Water. Now go back up all the flights
of stairs again. Once you reach the top floor again, go back down
the stairs that you entered first to get to this floor. Keep going
down the stairs and out of the castle. Now leave Alekia. Soon you
should head to Chatam before going to Sheran.

                        ON YOUR WAY TO CHATAM
ENEMIES IN THIS AREA: Madshroom, Big Newt, Jellyfish
At the start of walking around on the world map, you will find yourself
constantly having to restore your HP. But don't waste Potions on it.
Just keep powering up on all the enemies in this area until you reach
Level 3. But make sure you fight the enemies that are close to Alekia
because you will need to go to the shrine to the left of Alekia a few
times so don't go to far away. When you become low on HP, walk to the
small shrine area to the left of Alekia. In this shrine area, make your
way to an old man. After telling you what you should do next, he will
instantly restores all of your HP and MP. Keep coming to this old man
when you come to have low HP, because it saves using your precious
Items. But you will probably have to use the occasional Potion during
a fight because if you don't you will probably die. But just make sure
you keep a couple. When you feel you are readily powered up enough,
walk up the map, and you will soon see a small hut to the left. Enter
the town of Chatam.

When you first enter Chatam, examine the first flower patch just under
you, and one of the flowers will give you a Great Potion. Use this
Potion on yourself. This is an Item store here that sells Potions,
Antidotes and Arrows. Buy some of these if you need them. If you have
any unwanted items here you should sell them. If you don't have enough
money to buy all the items you may want, then just return to the world
map and keep killing more enemies until you have enough money. In the
house in the top right corner of the town, if you examine the bookcase
you will get a Smoke Ball. Also if you want to, you can rest at the
inn. Now leave Chatam and head up the world map.

                        BEFORE GOING TO SHERAN
ENEMIES IN THIS AREA: Madshroom, Jellyfish, Big Newt, Spider
You should power up to at least Level 5 by the time you reach Sheran. Go up
the map past the cave entrance to your left, and you will come to a 2nd cave
entrance. Enter here. Follow the path and enter the door that you come to.
Inside this room open the 2 treasure chests to get a Potion and 200G. Now
exit the cave and go down the map and enter the cave entrance that you saw
first. Inside this cave take the right path and keep following it until you
can go no further. Examine the rough patch at the end of the path to get a
Revive. Go back to the start of the cave and follow the left path out of the
cave and enter the castle when you get back on to the world map.

You will see that monsters have basically destroyed the whole village of
Sheran. Just talk to everyone and enter the castle at the north end of town.
When you enter the castle, go into the room just up a bit and to the left.
Open the four treasure chests to receive four Potions. Now enter the room to
the right. Open the four treasure chests to receive an Antidote, Foul Water,
Sweet Water and Awaken. Now go up the stairs near the start of the room. On
this floor enter the room to the left. Examine the bookcase at the left for
Sweet Water, and the one in the middle for Foul Water. Enter the room to the
right. Open the chests to receive 2 Arrows and a Mid Arrow. The dresser
contains a Revive. There is nothing left to do in Sheran Castle, so if you
want to you can go back down all the stairs and leave Sheran and head out
towards Alekia again. Otherwise you can go up the stairs and see some
treasure chests in the throne room that you can't get to yet, because the
doors are locked. So if you looked at the chests you can't open, go back
down all the stairs and head for Alekia.

Once in Alekia head to the inn, and speak to Roman. After taking a break, go
up the stairs and talk to Lufia. Now go up to the part of town and into
Alekia Castle. In the top left room, speak to the Commander. He agrees to
organize a meeting about sending troops to Sheran next week! This really
annoys the Hero. Now go up the stairs to the next floor. There is nothing to
do on this floor so go up the stairs again to the next floor. On this floor,
speak to the Princess and she will ask her father to gather up troops right
away. Now leave the town of Alekia. As soon as you arrive on the world map,
Lufia comes out and stops you. She will talk herself into coming along with
you on your quest to Sheran. After Lufia joins your party equip her with the
Bracelet. If you already sold it don't worry, but she's better with it.
Return to Alekia and go the Armour store. Buy a Cloth (140G, +8 DFP) and
equip Lufia with it. Go to the weapons store and buy a Dagger (50G, +6 ATP)
and equip it to Lufia. Now go to the church and save your game. There's
nothing much else to do here in Alekia, except that some of the people in
the town and the castle will tell you something different now that you are
back with Lufia. Head out back to Sheran ....

On your way to Sheran, you can stop in at Chatam and speak to everyone here
and they will tell you that Lilah has gone into the Northwest cave. When you
go in the cave on your way to Sheran, you will see a man lying face down
along the left path. Speak to him and he will tell you that his sister Lilah
has gone to Sheran Castle. He also gives you the key to Sheran Castle so
that you can save her from the monsters. Continue going to Sheran. Once you
arrive at Sheran, go straight ahead to Sheran Castle. Head up and the stairs
and into the Throne Room. Unlock the doors to the left and right in this
room. In the room to the left, examine the switch at the top of the room and
the switch will lower. In the room at the right, open up the treasure chest
and you will receive 100 gold pieces. Now exit the throne room. Go around to
the left or to the right and enter the room that you come to. Go down the
two sets of stairs in the rooms that you come to. Now you will be in a room
that merges with the other path that you could have taken. In the middle of
this room is a set of stairs going down. Go down the stairs. You will then
come to another room with a set of stairs going down to the right. Go down
these stairs as well. You will come to a room with two cells. Walk up to
the cell on the left and you will find the people you were looking for. Go
into this cell room and examine the bookcase at the top of the room and
you will receive a Great Potion. Give the Great Potion to Lufia which will
increase her Strength. Now leave the cell room and go up the stairs the
way you came. Now keep going up the stairs that you just came down, and
eventually make your way out of Sheran Castle. As you leave Sheran Castle,
you will be confronted by none other than Gades the Evil Sinistral!

                                 BOSS: Gades
This is a one on one battle between the Hero and Gades. Don't worry you
can't win, because this guy does you like 500 damage per hit. It really
doesn't matter what you do, but don't waste items on him.

After Gades defeats you, Lufia will run on screen. After her talk with you,
you will be in Alekia again. Roman will take you into the inn for a talk
with you both. He asks what the hero plans to do now, and after finding out
he wants to speak with Lufia alone. He then tells Lufia that he thinks she
should go with the hero whenever he may go. She decides to go with him.
Immediately go back with Lufia to the inn and speak to Roman. He will let
you rest for free. Now head up back into Alekia Castle. Talk to everybody
in the castle. Go up to the second floor and go to the back rooms. Speak to
Lilah and she will go with you back to Chatam. Go up to the next floor and
speak to the Princess. She will talk to you about Gades. You can also speak
to the King for some praise :) There's nothing else for you to do here in
Alekia Castle, so make your way back out. There's nothing else to do in
Alekia either, so proceed to Chatam ...

As you try and cross the stream to get the right side of the town, Lilah
will see Danil her brother, and they will be reunited. They tell you about a
town called Treck which is to the southwest of Sheran. Finally the thank you
for all the help you've given them. There's nothing else to do but head for

                           ON THE WAY TO TRECK
ENEMIES IN THIS AREA: Anemone, Big Newt, Earwig, Nettles, Baby Crab
From the moment you leave Chatam, you should start powering up Lufia as much
as you can because she is at a very low level at the moment. You should
power her up to at least Level 4. This shouldn't take long especially in the
area around Treck. If you can't find Treck, after Sheran head left and keep
going and you will see a whole hilly section of map. Go down and to the left
from here and you will probably walk over a desert-like place. Keep going
down and left and you will see a small port town right at the bottom. The
area around here is excellent for powering up and if you want to do it
quickly, the best way is to use Foul Water, which makes you have a fight
each step you take for a while. Anyway, after Lufia is powered up enough,
enter Treck.

This is a list of every boss in the game, with their statistics. With
that are their weaknesses and what type of enemy they are.



HP   :   3000
MP   :    999
EXP  :  30000
GOLD :      0
WEAK : Thunder



HP   :   2700
MP   :    999
EXP  :  30000
GOLD :      0
WEAK : Thunder



HP   :   2800
MP   :    999
EXP  :  30000
GOLD :      0
WEAK : None



HP   :   3200
MP   :    999
EXP  :  30000
GOLD :      0
WEAK : Thunder

GADES (Second Fight - One on one with the Hero)

HP   :   3000
MP   :    999
EXP  :   (Doesn't matter, you can't beat him here)
GOLD :    N/A
WEAK : None

I would really like to know what you think of my guide, as well as what you
think of the game, and games nowadays in general. If you would like to give
me suggestions, comments, praise, etc. you can do it these ways:

E-mail me at comleyd@arcom.com.au and I will get back to you as soon as

Contact me through ICQ: my UIN is 6822104.

Well, I look forward to hearing from you!

I never that writing a guide would be so addictive! I also didn't realise how
hard it would be either! But it has all been a fun process so far. I would
like to thank CaSPeR for introducing me to the world of RPG'ing a few years
back. RPG's have given me much fun over the last few years. To anyone who I
should thank and haven't yet, maybe I'll remember next version :) Once again,
if anybody has any comments, suggestions, questions, etc. don't hesitate to
e-mail me at comleyd@arcom.com.au and I'll get back to you real soon. I am
proud to say that so far in this guide, I have not used any external sources
in gathering up information for this guide. I am sure that will change over
the next couple of version or so, because this is getting hard! If I get any
good feedback from this guide, I will most probably end up writing some more
guides either for the Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64 or the PlayStation. A
couple of games I am closely considering next are Bomberman 64 on the N64, or
maybe Bomberman Hero. Or perhaps I will make a guide to the sequel of Lufia,
Lufia 2. But all of this is looking way down the track, because I've got a
tonne of more work to go on this one, which I'm looking forward to! Don't
forget, keep checking back at Gamefaqs (www.gamefaqs.com) for new versions of
this guide. And one more thing before I go: comleyd@arcom.com.au is my e-mail
address if you want to get in contact with me. I'll get back to you as soon as

The list below shows some links that I really enjoy visiting, and perhaps you
will too if you visit them. But please don't e-mail me about have crap links,
because these are the links that "I" like. I will try to keep this link list
as up to date as possible, although some of the pages might go down in the near
future, it's not my choice. Also, please don't ask me for more links about
certain things, because if you want to find out more about something, why don't
you go and look for them yourself?

       (This site is a great MP3 search engine.)

       (This is the greatest emulation site that I have ever seen.)

       (This is the ZSnes homepage, a great SNES emulator.)

       (This is my favourite Neon Genesis Evangelion site.)

       (A great site for Nintendo 64 emulation.)

       (The homepage of my favourite games developer.)

       (The best games news site around!)

       (A site about the new exciting game Final Fantasy 8)

I have written this guide for your personal use only. You can copy and
distribute it online to your friends if you keep it AS IS. Do not use
this guide for profitable reasons (e.g. games magazine, a book or any
other publication) without my prior knowledge and consent.

I am sick and tired of hearing about games magazine writers stealing
online FAQ's and calling them their own when they print them, it really
makes me sick. So don't even think about it. If you see this guide on
somebody else's page please e-mail me the URL of that site, so I can
create of list of the availability of this guide.

(c) Daniel Comley 1999