for the Sega Saturn

by K. Megura  <>

 This FAQ cannot be reproduced without first contacting me by mail or
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 cannot be reproduced in any way other than electronically, and cannot
 be reproduced electronically without being shown in it's unaltered,
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 This FAQ was created and is (c) and owned by me, Kao Megura
 <>.  All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged
 that are not specifically mentioned in this FAQ.

The DarkStalkers series is (c) Capcom of Japan and (c) Capcom USA.

Newest revisions of this FAQ can be found at:


     - Anakaris
     - Bishamon
     - Demitri Maximov
     - Donovan Baine
     - Felicia
     - Hsien-Ko
     - Huitzil
     - Jon Talbain
     - Lord Raptor
     - Morrigan Aenslaed
     - Pyron
     - Rikuo
     - Sasquatch
     - Victor von Geldenheim
     - Appendix Code
     - Turbo Speed Code
     - Adjust Pause Code
     - Change Button Configuration
     - Morrigan's Wardrobe
     - Donovan's New Poses
     - Character Colors
     - Button Setting Glitch
     - Debug Code
     - Change The Ending Music
     - Frog Trick
     - Fireball Momentum System
     - Combos
     - Buffering
     - Chain Combos
     - Air Combos
     - Juggling
     - Dashing and Backstepping
     - Guard Reversals and Reversals
     - Auto Guard Mode
     - The Power Bar

1.  INTRODUCTION  _______________________________________________________

NightWarriors:  DarkStalker's Revenge is the sequel to the original
DarkStalkers game.  The latest installment in the series takes place
a short time after the last tournament.  Once again, the ten warriors
of the night have gathered together to prove who is the strongest,
but they are joined this time by two new fighters; the vampire hunter
Donovan, who seeks to end the threat of his competitors forever, and
Hsien-Ko, the ghostly embodiment of two dead sisters who have risen
from their graves to punish the DarkStalkers for killing their
mother.  Huitzil and Pyron, the two bosses from the last tournament,
have returned as well.

This FAQ includes each warrior's story, special moves, and other
information.  Also included is what they look like when hit by the
Pharaoh's Curse and Hell's Dunk attacks.  The moves are presented 
using the standard ASCII art joystick motions; a diagram of what the
joystick looks like is shown below:

 O   O   O      Jump Backward           Jump Up        Jump Forward   
  \  |  /
 O-- O --O      Walk Backward           Neutral        Walk Forward   
  /  |  \
 O   O   O      Defensive Crouch        Crouch         Offensive Crouch   

The button layout presented below is the game's default setting; the
exact setup can be changed in the Options menu:

   L   R                   Kick x3             Punch x3

 X   Y   Z      Jab Punch         Strong Punch        Fierce Punch

 A   B   C      Short Kick        Forward Kick        Roundhouse Kick

In addition to joystick diagrams, abbreviations are also used:

GR = Guard Reversal     P  = Punch              K  = Kick
ES = Enhanced Special   2P = Two Punches        2K = Two Kicks
EX = EX Special         ?  = # of hits is unknown

(air)    = the move must be performed while jumping
<   >    = use the listed move during the bracketed attack
ALL CAPS = the move is an EX Special and requires one level of
           Power Bar energy to use

Remember that all the attacks in this FAQ are performed while facing
right.  If you end up on the other side of the screen, reverse the
left/right controller motions.

2.  CHARACTER PROFILES  _________________________________________________

To the right of each special move and its' name is a set of numbers
(i.e. 3/4/6).  This shows you how many times that move will hit using
the three button strengths if it isn't blocked.  Keep in mind that
the exact number of hits may change depending on your location and
the size of your opponent.  If the move can be enhanced, then the
letters ES and the number of hits will be shown above the set of
numbers.  A symbol (~, !, *, etc.) after a move means that more
information about that move can be found at the end of the special 
moves list.

ANAKARIS, Pharaoh from the Crypt

Birthplace:     Egypt
Birthdate:      2664 BC
Height:         8 feet, 9 inches
Weight:         18 oz. to 1212 lbs. (variable)
Cursed:         Hieroglyphic slab
Basketball:     Covered in bandages with one eye showing

Anakaris was once the greatest warrior Pharaoh, and now, nearly 5,000
years later, he intends to prove that he is still the greatest warrior
in existence.

Grand Wrap              |  \  --O + Punch                           ES 1
                        O   O                                       1/1/1
Pharaoh's Curse         |  \  --O + Punch  (air)                    ES 1~
                        O   O                                       1/1/1
Long Snake              O--  --O + Punch                            ES 6
The Void                |   /  O-- + Kick  (air)                        !
                        O  O                                        
Retribution             |  \  --O + Kick                            ES 1@
<The Void>              O   O                                       1/1/1
Sarcophagus Slam        O--  or  --O + Same Punch + Same Kick       ES ?
                        (or simply Same Punch + Same Kick)          1/1/1
Axe Kick                --O + Forward  (must be blocked high)
Pyramid Drop            |  or  \  + Forward or Roundhouse  (air)
                        O       O                                   0/1/1
Pharaoh Warp            O--  O--  (at edge of screen)
Low/High Hover          O  or  O  O, then  O--  or  --O  or  |          #
                        |      |  |                          O
HELL HOLE               O--  /  |  \  --O + 2 Kicks                 EX 1
                            O   O   O
PHARAOH'S JUDGMENT      Forward, Jab, |, Short, Strong              EX 4
PHARAOH SPIRIT          Jab, Jab, |, Forward, Roundhouse            EX ?$

~   If this move connects, the enemy is transformed into a smaller
    form that can only move, crouch, and jump.  It is defenseless
    and cannot attack until the attack wears off.

!   This move lets you absorb _most_ projectiles.  You can then spit
    them back using the Retribution for the rest of the round.  Keep
    in mind that Anakaris doesn't have a Guard Reversal (if you absorb 
    Rikuo's Sonic, it will only work as a Reversal).

@   The projectile thrown back can be enhanced, but doesn't always work
    the way it normally does  (i.e.  you can make someone stab themselves
    with the ES Impaler, but you couldn't hit the with a normal Impaler
    and then try to use the Divider or Retriever).  The number of hits
    depends on the strength and type of projectile thrown.

#   Just like when jumping, Anakaris can use the Pharaoh's Curse, Void,
    or punches and kicks repeatedly.

$   This move ends if your lower half goes off-screen or you (the
    upper half) is hit.

BISHAMON, Accursed Warrior

Birthplace:     Japan
Birthdate:      1673
Height:         6 feet, 2 inches
Weight:         132 lbs.
Cursed:         Goblin samurai
Basketball:     Grinning face

Bishamon was charged with protecting his land and his people.  To do
so, he donned a forbidden suit of armor and a cursed sword.  Due to 
the effects of these forbidden items, he has never rested from his
duty.  He has a noble heart, however, and still defends his honor.

The Impaler             O--  /  |  \  --O + Punch                   ES 1
                            O   O   O                               1/1/1
The Divider             |  \  --O + Punch
<The Impaler>           O   O                                       2/2/2
The Retriever           O-- + Punch
<The Impaler>
Upper Slash             --O  |  \  + Punch                       GR/ES 4~
                             O   O                                  1/1/1
Upper Slash             Rotate the joystick 360 degrees             ES 1
                        (counter) clockwise + Punch                 1/1/1
Spirit Hold             O   O  --O + Punch  (air)                   ES 1
                        |  /                                        1/1/1
Long Spirit Strike      Charge  O--  --O + Punch                    ES 9
Low Spirit Strike       Charge  O--  --O + Kick                     ES 9
BUSHIDO CRUSH           --O  \   |   /  O-- + 2 Punches             EX 1
                              O  O  O
WARRIOR SLASH           O--  /  |  \  --O + 2 Kicks                 EX 5
                            O   O   O

~   You can use this move after the Retriever, as a Guard Reversal,
    after landing from a jump, or while getting up after being knocked

DEMITRI MAXIMOV, Prince of Darkness

Birthplace:     Romania
Birthdate:      1483
Height:         6 feet, 5 inches
Weight:         223 lbs.
Cursed:         Vampire bat
Basketball:     Eyes peering out from cape

Demitri has called together the DarkStalkers to prove he is still
lord of the night.  Even after 500 years, his fighting skills have 
not dulled, and he is up to any new challenge.

Hellfire                |  \  --O + Punch  (air)                    ES 3
                        O   O                                       1/1/1
Spinning Uppercut       --O  |  \  + Punch                       GR/ES 7
                             O   O                                  1/1/1
Dashing Uppercut        --O  |  \  + Punch  (while dashing)         ES 7
                             O   O                                  1/1/1
Fallen Angel            |   /  O-- + Kick  (air)                    ES 10
                        O  O                                        3/3/3
Stake Throw             Rotate the joystick 360 degrees
                        (counter) clockwise + Strong or Fierce      0/1/1
MIDNIGHT FURY           |  --O  \  + 2 Punches                      EX 4
                        O        O
DEMON BLAST             |  --O  \  + 2 Kicks                        EX 31
                        O        O


Birthplace:     ???
Birthdate:      ???
Height:         6 feet, 4 inches
Weight:         216 lbs.
Cursed:         Boy with Kilshred
Basketball:     Bunch of prayer beads

An enigmatic man with a mysterious background (one that he never talks
about), Donovan travels the world searching for and battling against
the forces of darkness.  Some have speculated that his family was
destroyed by one or more of the DarkStalkers, while others believe that
he may be descended from one of them.  Whatever the reason, he is a 
cold, efficient fighting machine.  Although he normally travels alone,
he has become the protector of a young girl who has been living in a
state of near shock since the destruction of her family at the hands of
the DarkStalkers.  He feels that this emotionless child may hold the key
to his destiny.  She has the power to detect the DarkStalkers, and now
leads the Dark Hunter to them, wherever they are.

Blizzard Sword          O--  /  |  \  --O + Punch                   ES 3
                            O   O   O                               1/1/1
Flame Sword             --O  |  \  + Punch                       GR/ES 6
                             O   O                                  1/1/1
Lightning Sword         O--  |   / + Punch, tap P or K rapidly      ES 11
                             O  O                                   5/7/9
Sword Grapple           --O  \   |   /  O-- + Punch                 
                              O  O  O                               1/1/1
Release Sword           Same Punch + Same Kick                      ES 6~
Summon Sword            Same Punch + Same Kick  (air)                   !
<Release Sword>                                                     
Kilshred Drop           | + Kick  (air)
                        O                                           1/1/1
Hop Kick                --O + Roundhouse
SPIRIT CRUSHER          O--  /  |  \  --O + Kick                    EX
                            O   O   O                               2/2/2
CHANGE IMMORTAL         Strong, Jab,  O--, Short, Forward           EX 1


~   Damage and number of hits is determined by this move, not the 
    Summon Sword attack (even though that's the one that hits).
    Whatever buttons you use for the Summon Sword move have no effect
    other than returning Kilshred to you.

!   Without his sword, Donovan can only do this attack, the Hop Kick, 
    Spirit Crusher and Change Immortal attacks.

FELICIA, Teen Feline Dreamer

Birthplace:     Las Vegas, California, USA
Birthdate:      1967
Height:         5 feet, 6 inches
Weight:         128 lbs.
Cursed:         Blue-haired kitten
Basketball:     Little body, big head

Felicia is an exotic battle dancer.  The youngest of the DarkStalkers, 
she intends to prove her strength to all.

Rolling Slash           |  \  --O + Punch, Punch                    ES 4
                        O   O                                       3/3/3
Rolling Smash           |   /  O-- + Punch, Punch rapidly           ES 3
                        O  O                                        3/3/3
Litterbox Kick          |  \  --O + Kick                         GR/ES 5
                        O   O                                       1/1/1
Lunge Kick              O--  |   / + Kick                           ES 7
                             O  O                                   3/3/3
Scratching Post         --O  \   |   /  O-- + Forward/Roundhouse    ES 1
                              O  O  O                               0/1/1
Triangle Jump           Jump towards edge of screen,
                        then press in opposite direction       
ROLLING FURY            --O  |  \  + 2 Punches                      EX 11
                             O   O  
PLEASE HELP ME          O--  /  |  \  --O + 2 Kicks                 EX 34
                            O   O   O

HSIEN-KO, Chinese Ghost

Birthplace:     China
Birthdate:      1730
Height:         6 feet
Weight:         95 lbs.
Cursed:         Panda with soccer ball
Basketball:     Giant head

Lei-Lei and her sister were born in the 1700s, during one of China's
more turbulent periods.  While they were still young girls, their
mother was killed by one of the DarkStalkers (probably Demitri).
Not knowing of the evil that had taken their mother, the girls set
off to find out what had happened only to fall themselves to the
forces of darkness.  As they breathed their last breath, they each
made a vow; one to free (or avenge) the spirit of their mother; the
other to avenge themselves against the powers of the night by
destroying the DarkStalkers.  Their spirits joined into one body after
their death and they became the ghost Hsien-Ko.  Although they have
yet to realize it, they are rapidly becoming what they swore to
destroy!  They now race against time to complete their tasks before
their humanity drains away completely.

Dark Artillery          |  \  --O + Punch                          ES 1~
                        O   O                                      1/1/1
Cyclone Blade Dance     --O  |  \  + Punch, Kick to stop  (air)    ES 17
                             O   O                                 8/9/6
Phantom Reverb          |   /  O-- + Punch  (air)               GR/ES 3!
                        O  O                                       1/1/1
Spectral Slicer         --O  \   |   /  O-- + Punch
                              O  O  O                              1/1/1
Morning Star            --O + Strong
Flying Claws            --O + Fierce
GROUND GHOST BLADE      O--  /  |  \  --O + 2 Kicks                EX 5
                            O   O   O
IRON RAIN               Short, Roundhouse, Strong, Strong, O       EX 9

~   The objects Hsien-Ko throws have no effect on damage.  When using
    this move with Strong or Fierce, she may throw large objects--
    these cause an instant dizzy.  There is a slim chance when using
    this move at any strength that she throws a white-blue Akuma
    statue, too!

!   This move will absorb normal and ES projectiles, but will reflect 
    some shots right back at their thrower.

HUITZIL, Mayan Protector

Birthplace:     Mexico
Birthdate:      520 AD
Height:         7 feet, 3 inches
Weight:         2.27 tons
Cursed:         Miniature doll
Basketball:     Miniature doll

Constructed to be the ultimate guardian, Huitzil has been programmed 
by the ancient Mayan people to protect Central America from great evil,
and from any other outside threat.                   
Plasma Beam             |  \  --O + Punch                          ES 3
                        O   O                                      1/1/1
Missile Launcher        |  \  --O +Kick                            ES 3
                        O   O                                      1/1/1
Genocide Falcon         O--  |   / + Punch                         ES 26
                             O  O                               14/14/14
Circuit Scrapper        --O  \   |   /  O-- + Strong or Fierce     ES 1
                              O  O  O                              0/1/1
Force Field             --O  |  \  + Punch                      GR/-- 1~
                             O   O                                 1/1/1
Hover                   Jump, then   /  or  |  or  \   to land
                                    O       O       O
FINAL ZAPPER            --O  |  \  + 2 Kicks                       EX 1!
                             O   O
FINAL GUARDIAN          --O  \   |   /  O-- + 2 Kicks              EX 3
                              O  O  O

~   This move can only be used as a Guard Reversal.

!   The enemy is trapped in mid-air if this move connects.  They
    can perform standing attacks, but cannot move or use special 

JON TALBAIN, Whirlwind Wolfman

Birthplace:     England
Birthdate:      1940
Height:         6 feet, 1 inch
Weight:         154 lbs.
Cursed:         Angry daschund
Basketball:     Big wolf face with belt

Jon inherited the family curse of lycanthropy early in his life.
At first he sought an escape from his curse but now has come to
accept what he is.

Luna's Hammer           |  \  --O + Punch                          ES 1
                        O   O                                      1/1/1
Diagonal Luna's Hammer  --O  |  \  + Punch                      GR/ES 1
                             O   O                                 1/1/1
Jumping Luna's Hammer   O  --O  \  + Punch  (air)                  ES 1
                        |        O                                 1/1/1
Extra Luna Attack       Press in any direction + Punch           + ES 4
<during any Luna move>  (repeat 4 times during an ES version)    + 1/1/1
Nunchaku Flail          O--  |   / + Punch                         ES 4
                             O  O                                  4/4/4
Blaze Kick              |  O + Kick                                ES 3
                        O  |                                       1/1/1
Flying Throw            --O  \   |   /  O-- + Forward/Roundhouse   ES 1
                              O  O  O                              0/1/1
Multiple Kick           --O + Roundhouse
BEAST CANNON            --O  \   |   /  O-- + 2 Punches            EX 3
                              O  O  O
MIRAGE BODY             O--  /  |  \  --O + 2 Kicks                EX 0~
                            O   O   O

~   This EX move multiplies each hit you score by  .  It lasts for a
    few seconds, though, and only affects punches and kicks, not
    special moves or knockdown attacks.

LORD RAPTOR, Rocker of Death

Birthplace:     Australia
Birthdate:      1889
Height:         5 feet, 10 inches
Weight:         86 lbs.
Cursed:         Guitar
Basketball:     Raptor's one-eyed friend

Lord Raptor is an aristocrat who believes he should bear the title of
"Lord of the Night."  Although born during the Victorian age, he
finds modern speed metal music more to his liking.

Helicopter              |   /  O-- + Kick  (air)                GR/ES 3
                        O  O                                       1/1/1
Death Dance             |  O + Kick  (air)                         ES 8
                        O  |                                       3/4/3
Hell's Gate             O--  /  |  \  --O + Kick
                            O   O   O
Coffin Maker            --O  \   |   /  O-- + Punch                ES 1
                              O  O  O                              1/1/1
Stinger                  /  or  |  or  \  + Kick  (air)
                        O       O       O                          1/1/1
EVIL SCREAM             --O  O-- + 2 Punches                       EX 1

DEATH VOLTAGE           --O  \   |   /  O-- + 2 Kicks  (air)       EX 1
                              O  O  O
HELL'S DUNK             --O  |  \  + 2 Punches                     EX 1
                             O   O  

MORRIGAN AENSLAED, Queen of the Night

Birthplace:     Scotland
Birthdate:      1678
Height:         5 feet, 7 inches
Weight:         128 lbs.
Cursed:         Vampire bat
Basketball:     Little head, big body

Morrigan takes her last name from an ancient queen of Scotland.
She is known as a temptress, and a mistress of the night.  She
wishes to become "Queen of the Night."

Fire Bat                |  \  --O + Punch                          ES 3
                        O   O                                      1/1/1
Diagonal Fire Bat       O   O  --O + Punch  (air)                  ES 3
                        |  /                                       1/1/1
Shadow Blade            --O  |  \  + Punch                      GR/ES 7
                             O   O                                 1/1/1
Shell Kick              | + Kick  (air)
                        O                                          3/3/3
Hell Ride               --O  \   |   /  O-- + Strong or Fierce     ES 1
                              O  O  O                              0/1/1
Sky Dash                Hold Weak Kick, then dash or backstep

THE DRILL               --O  \   |   /  O-- + Kick, P or K         EX 
                              O  O  O                           14/19/14
DARKNESS' ILLUSION      Jab, Jab, --O, Short, Fierce               EX 14

ASTRAL VISION           Jab, Jab, --O, Strong, Fierce              EX 0~


~  Using this move makes a double appear opposite you.  You can use any
   attack, special move, or even the Drill EX and the number of hits
   will be doubled.  Your double disappears after a few seconds or if
   you are hit.

PYRON, Supreme Overlord of Hellstorm

Birthplace:     Planet Hellstorm
Birthdate:      1991
Height:         ???
Weight:         ???
Cursed:         Floating fireball
Basketball:     Angry ball of flame

Pyron is the supreme overlord of his world.  He is a being composed of
almost pure energy that can take solid form.  Being a totally unnatural
creature, he feels that he should be the lord of the DarkStalkers.

Soul Smasher            |  \  --O + Punch                          ES 3
                        O   O                                      1/1/1
Air Soul Smasher        O   O  --O + Punch  (air)                  ES 3
                        |  /                                       1/1/1
Zodiac Fire             --O  |  \  + Punch                      GR/ES 5
                             O   O                                 1/1/1
Orbital Blaze           |   /  O-- + Kick  (air)                   ES 3
                        O  O                                       1/1/1
Galactic Voyage         O--  |   / + Punch or Kick  (air)              ~
                             O  O
Burning Planet          --O  \   |   /  O-- + Strong or Fierce     ES 1
                              O  O  O                              0/1/1
COSMIC DISRUPTION       O--  /  |  \  --O + 2P or 2K  (hold)       EX 4!
                            O   O   O

~   This is a teleport-type move.  Punch makes you appear in the air,
    and Kick makes you appear on the ground.  You can warp continually 
    by repeating the move before the teleport ends.

!   The Kick version of this move appears farther back than the Punch
    version does.  Holding the buttons down makes the flares form a
    relatively straight line rather than a pattern.  You can attack
    with normal or special moves after the flares start to explode.

RIKUO, Hero of the Sea

Birthplace:     Brazil
Birthdate:      1953
Height:         6 feet
Weight:         137 lbs.
Cursed:         Japanese salamander
Basketball:     Tiny frog

Believed to be the last of his aquatic race, Rikuo searches the world
for news of others of his kind.

Sonic                   |  \  --O + Punch                       GR/ES 1~
                        O   O                                      1/1/1
Swamp Gas               |  \  --O + Kick                           ES 1!
                        O   O                                      1/1/1
Dorsal Saw              O--  --O + Punch                           ES 8
Jumping Drill           Kick  (during backstep)                    ES 3
Shell Press             Fierce  (during continuous dash)
Tongue Slam             --O + Strong or Fierce, 
                        then  O-- as throw ends                    0/1/1
Crystal Lancer          --O  \   |   /  O-- + Strong or Fierce     ES 1
                              O  O  O                              0/1/1
Frenzy                  --O  \   |   /  O-- + Forward/Roundhouse   ES 1
                              O  O  O                              0/1/1
Sawblade Spear          Roundhouse  (air)
AQUA SPREAD            --O  \   | + 2 Punches  (hold and release)  EX 1@
                             O  O
HOMING AQUA SPREAD     --O  \   | + 2 Kicks                        EX 1
                             O  O
SEA RAGE                O--  /  |  \  --O + 2 Punches              EX 8
                            O   O   O
WATER JAIL              --O  |  \  + 2 Punches                     EX 1#
                             O   O
CRAB CLAW               |  | + 2 Punches                           EX 1$
                        O  O

~   This move stuns the person it hits for a brief moment, allowing for
    an extra attack if you're quick enough.

!   This move stuns the person it hits for a second or two, allowing
    for an extra attack.  You cannot hit them with the Sonic, though.

@   If you don't hold the Punch buttons down, a column of water will
    appear in front of you.  If you do hold the buttons down, be sure
    to release them soon or the move will go off-screen and be wasted.

#   This move ends if Rikuo is hit.  Once a character is trapped, he 
    will rise into the air and slowly lose life.  However, he cannot 
    be killed by this move even if his life meter is emptied.  You 
    can pop them out of the bubble prematurely (and inflict damage) 
    by attacking or using a special or EX move.

$   You can only use this move if you picked Rikuo with Roundhouse
    Kick (the C button), or the Start button.


Birthplace:     British Columbia, Canada
Birthdate:      1903
Height:         5 feet, 5 inches
Weight:         397 lbs.
Cursed:         Snowman
Basketball:     Smiling face

Leader of an ancient race of snow people, Sasquatch has decided to
make the outside world aware of his people.

Frost Blast             |  \  --O + Punch
                        O   O                                      1/1/1
Ice Fortress            |  | + Punch                               ES 1
                        O  O                                       1/1/1
Vortex Kick             --O  |  \  + Kick                       GR/ES 1
                             O   O                                 4/4/4
Big Cyclone             |   /   O-- + Kick  (air)                  ES 2
                        O  O                                       1/1/1
Big Brunch              --O  \   |   /  O-- + Strong or Fierce     ES 1~
                              O  O  O                              0/1/1
Big Swing               Rotate joystick 360 degrees                ES 1
                        (counter) clockwise + Forward/Roundhouse   0/1/1
WHITE OUT               O--  /  |  \  --O + 2 Punches              EX 1
                            O   O   O
BIG ICE BURN            O--  /  |  \  --O + 2 Kicks                EX 1
                            O   O   O

~  This move will encase the opponent in ice for a brief moment, leaving
   them open for a free hit if you are fast enough.


Birthplace:     Germany
Birthdate:      1830
Height:         8 feet, 1 inch
Weight:         507 lbs.
Cursed:         Miniature Frankenstein
Basketball:     Mechanical face

Victor is the creation of the mad doctor von Geldenheim.  While his
creator is long gone, Victor still struggles to find his place in 
the world.

Whirlwind Punch         |   /  O-- + Punch                         ES 3
                        O  O                                       1/3/3
Von Stomp               |   /  O-- + Kick                       GR/ES 3
                        O  O                                       1/1/1
Rush Punch              Charge  O--  --O + Punch                   ES 3
Rush Kick               Charge  O--  --O + Kick                    ES 3
Mega Shock              |  \  --O + Forward or Roundhouse          
                        O   O                                      0/1/1
Bolt Throw              --O + Strong or Fierce, then  |  O + Punch
                                                      O  |         1/1/1
Power Bolt Throw        Rotate joystick 360 degrees
                        (counter) clockwise + Strong or Fierce     0/1/1
Electric Attacks        Press and hold Strong, Fierce,                 ~
                        Forward or Roundhouse
THUNDERSTRIKE           Charge  |  O + 2 Punches                   EX 1
                                O  |
GREAT GELDENHIEM        O--  /  |  \  --O + 2 Kicks, Punch         EX 0!
                            O   O   O

~   This makes Victor attack normally, but the attack is charged with
    electricity and does more damage.  These can be used in chain
    combos, and can be done while standing, crouching, standing close,
    or standing further away.

!   Victor can dash during this move like the other characters.  While 
    his kicks function normally, his standing punches make him grab an 
    opponent if they are close and hurl them into the floor.  His
    jumping and crouching kicks are still the same, and he can still 
    perform any special move during this time, even the Thunderstrike.  


Block                   Hold  O--  when attacked  (air)

Soft Landing            --O + any button when thrown
                        (except Jab or Short) 
Recovery                Tap  O--  --O + Punch/Kick repeatedly
                        (during a hold or while dizzy)
Moving Recovery         Hold  O--  or  --O  when tripped

Dash                    --O  --O  (hold for continuous dashing)
Backstep                O--  O--

Air Dash/Backstep       --O  --O  or  O--  O--
Crawl Forward/Backward  Hold  \   or   /
                               O      O                                @
Throw                   --O + Strong or Fierce  (air)
Ground Throw            --O + Forward or Roundhouse
Slide                   | + Roundhouse
                        O                                              %
Alternate Punches       --O + Punch
Alternate Kicks         --O + Kick
Alternate Air Punches   \  + Punch  (air)
                         O                                             *
Pursuit                 O + Kick  (after tripping your opponent)
ES SPECIAL              Perform a special move using two buttons
                        of the same type instead of one                ?
EX SPECIAL              Perform motion + 2 buttons of the same
                        type  (i.e jab + fierce)                       ?

~   Victor can dash only during the Great Geldenheim EX.
!   Only Hsien-Ko and Lord Raptor can do this.
@   Only Huitzil and Lord Raptor can do this.
#   Anakaris cannot throw on the ground or in the air.
$   Only Felicia, Hsien-Ko, Jon Talbain, Lord Raptor, and 
    Victor can do this.
%   Only Donovan, Lord Raptor, and Pyron can do this.
^   Only Bishamon, Lord Raptor, and Pyron can do this.
&   Only Bishamon and Lord Raptor can do this.
*   Only Lord Raptor and Pyron can do this.
?   This move requires at least 1 level of Power bar energy.

3.  CODES AND CHEATS  ___________________________________________________

Highlight the CONFIGURATION option at the OPTION MODE screen and press 
B, X, Down, A, Y  (Anakaris' Pharaoh's Judgment EX).  A new option will 
appear called APPENDIX  where you can adjust the game's speed, auto-
guard settings, and number of rounds.  You can also switch the music,
background color, and computer-controlled enemy color between the
DarkStalkers game (CLASSIC), the NightWarriors game (HUNTER), or let
the computer pick one randomly each time you play (RANDOM).  Finally,
an option that lets you see the arcade animation frames during a
same player vs. same player game and a music test are also offered.
Setting the choices to CLASSIC also gives you the DarkStalkers intro
instead of the NightWarriors one.

Highlight the TURBO SPEED option at the OPTION MODE screen and press
X, X, Right, A, Z  (Morrigan's Darkness' Illusion EX).  You can now
have up to eight turbo stars instead of the normal four, making the
game play much faster.

Highlight the SCREEN SIZE option at the OPTION MODE screen and press
A, C, X, X, Up  (Hsien-Ko's Iron Rain EX).  Now, when you pause the
game, the screen won't darken and the word PAUSE will not appear.

Once entered, all of the above codes are saved into memory.

During the game, pause and press A.  You will see a screen similar
to the one in the OPTION MODE screen where you can change your
button settings.

Hold all three punches or all three kicks after you win a round with
Morrigan.  Holding three punches makes her don a miniskirt and top,
while holding all three kicks makes her wear a shirt and pants.

Hold all three punches or all three kicks after you win a round with
Donovan.  Holding three punches makes him throw his beads toward his
opponent, whose skeleton reappears into the open iron maiden, while
holding three kicks makes him drop his iron maiden on the defeated foe.

You can select your character's colors with A, B, C, X, Y, or Z.  You
can also select two secret colors:  one with Start and one by holding
X + B.  If the Auto Guard option is set to free, you need to hold
down X + B until you've chosen all your options or your color won't

If you set the L or R buttons to AB, AC, XY, XZ or YZ, then some
special throws and other moves can't be enhanced, while others can.
So, it's safer to set the L and R buttons to BC, ABC, or XYZ.

The below code will not work on NightWarriors--please read this entire
section to understand how to activate the Debug Code (you will need a
special game save file).  The code instructions are according to GameFan
Magazine, but the code descriptions, effects, and the rest of this
section were written by me.

Set the Saturn's system clock to January 24, 1998.  Load the game and
enter the Appendix code (see above).  Then, in OPTION MODE,  move to
the following option and enter these commands:

Difficulty      X, X, Right, Y, Z
Turbo Speed     X, X, Right, A, Z  (Turbo Speed code)
Screen Size     A, C, Y, Y, Up     (Adjust Pause code)
Default         Y, X, Left, A, B
Configuration   B, X, Down, A, Y   (Appendix code)
Appendix        X, X, Down, B, C

After entering the last command, you'll hear Jon Talbain howl.  Reset
your Saturn and start a new game.  You can now perform the following
effects by entering these commands while playing (you can't pause the
game and then enter them):

Show Damage             Down + R button + X

  This makes two numbers appear over either player's  life bar.  While
  I'm not sure about the number to the right, the number to the left
  shows (in points) the amount of damage you just received from an
  attack that hit (not a blocked attack).

Show Hit Frames         Down + R button + Y

  This places 2-D frames around parts of both characters' bodies, much
  like the frame effect in Guardian Heroes.  Green frames represent
  areas that can be hit, while red frames show which part of that
  character's body will cause damage if touched (such as a fist or a
  fireball).  Blue frames show individual sprites that make up a
  character or attack.  Not all attacks will have frames around them
  (such as Demitri's Demon Blast EX).

Start Ending            Down + R button + Z

  This makes the game stop while the ending loads.  After seeing the
  ending, you see your character's portrait and the 'red moon'
  sequence, then the game returns to the introduction.

Stop Energy Loss        Down + R button + A

  This freezes the Energy Bar.  If you hit your opponent (or if he/she
  hits you) the damage you would normally take is instantly recovered.
  If you turn this code off, your Energy Bar will stay at the amount it
  was at before you turned on the code, until you get hit.

Stop Timer              Down + R button + B

  When activated, this function will stop the Timer at whatever number
  it is currently at.  The timer will not continue to go down until you
  deactivate this code.

Stop Power Bar          Down + R button + C

  This freezes the Power Bar--you cannot lose or gain power until you
  turn off the code.  If you've gained one or more levels of power and
  activate this code, you can use ES or EX attacks as often as you'd
  like, but so can your opponent (since it affects both bars).  If you
  turn this code on in the first round after gaining some power, you
  will have no power when the next round begins, but when you turn this
  code off, both player's Power Bars will refill to the amount that they
  were at when you activated this function in the last round/to the
  amount you would have gained while the code was on.

Slow Animation          Pause game, then tap L button

  After pausing the game, pressing L will advance the game by one single
  frame of animation (this applies to both characters, as well as the
  background).  It's virtually impossible to perform a special move
  while this mode is active, but if you press L button + an attack
  button during this time, you can attack.  You can also move and jump
  providing you press in a direction at the same time that you press
  the L button.

Remember, all of these codes will stay activated until you power off
your Saturn or turn them off manually; if you reset the game or go
into VS. mode, they will still be active.  This code works in VS. mode,
too, but it seems as if the second player can only use the Stop Power
Bar and Slow animation codes (but sometimes he/she can use them all...
what determines this?)  If you had a lot of codes activated in VS or
Arcade mode, then watch the demo, the demo fighters will still fight
with the codes activated :)

The Debug Code was featured in GameFan magazine, in which the they
claimed that this code only worked on an import copy of the game.
However, the screen shots were shown using a US version of the game.
In addition owners of the Japanese version of NightWarriors claim that
the code doesn't work.  I'm only listing the above code because it's
the only one that's ever been given and since the Debug Code obviously
exists, there must be some way to do it.

Currently, the only known way to make this code work on a US copy of
NightWarriors is to use a game save file.  You can download a copy of
a NightWarriors game save file with the Debug code activated from the
Game Shark Code Creators' Club <>.  Note that
you will need to have a Game Shark and a PC Comms Link in order to
upload the file to your Game Shark (although you won't need to use a
GS anymore once the game save file has been uploaded).  Feel free to
change the settings of the save file, as changing them will not
disable the code.  However, if you choose to reset the data, the Debug
Code will be disabled for good.

To activate the Debug mode, wait until the Sega logo screen appears
prior to the game loading and then hold A, B, and C.  Continue to hold
them until the intro starts.  You can now play normally and use the
Debug Code as described above.  Note that you can't use the Change
Button Configuration trick while this mode is activated.  You can reset
the game and the Debug Code will still work, but if you power your Sega
Saturn on and off, you'll have to restart the code.

Simply hold X, Y, and Z and press and hold in any direction just as
your character's portrait disappears and the ending sequence begins.
The music will change to a tune similar to the one you hear in
Felicia's stage.

Play with Rikuo in Rikuo's stage.  If you do either Aqua Spread EX
enough times, a frog may fall to the ground and hop off screen.
You can get two frogs on the screen if you're playing with two

4.  GAME ENGINE  ________________________________________________________

This system is unique to the DarkStalkers series.  Here's how it

- When two fireballs are thrown, the strongest one will cancel
  out the other fireball and continue on it's way.
- If two fireballs of equal strength are thrown, the one fired
  later will cancel out the one fired earlier and continue
  across the screen.
- If two fireballs of equal strength are thrown at the same time,
  they will both cancel out.

The momentum system doesn't apply to air fireballs (except Demitri's
Hellfire), but it does apply to ES fireballs.  ES projectiles always
override a normal fireball, while EX fireball will override any other
projectile.  The only exceptions to the momentum system are Huitzil's
Missile Launcher projectile, which always cancels (explodes) when hit,
and Pyron's Soul Smasher, which cannot be canceled if the Strong or
Fierce versions are used.  'Beam' attacks, namely Huitzil's Plasma
Beam and Sasquatch's White Out, simply hit depending on who fired
first.  If both players fire at the same time, one character is
randomly selected as being 'slower' and is hit.

A combo is a normal punch or kick whose animation frames are canceled
by a special move, ES, or EX attack.  This works pretty much like
other Capcom games, but many fireballs in NightWarriors won't combo.
An example combo would look like this one for Morrigan:

        --O  |,  crouching Short,  \  + Jab
             O                      O

Put another way, start the motion for her Shadow Blade, then press
Short halfway through the move, then finish it and press any button.
Morrigan will throw a Short kick (while crouching, since your last
press was down), then immediately go into a jab Shadow Blade.  This
can be proceeded by another attack, like so:

     Jumping deep Forward Kick, crouching Short into Shadow Blade

This is done just as in the last example, but you start the motions
for the Shadow Blade just as you connect with the jumping Forward 
Kick, then press Short and finish the motion and button press for
a solid, three hit combo.  What's explained here is the basics of
combo making and should be experimented with for best results.

Very similar to comboing, buffering can be used with the latter to
make combos easier to perform.  An example buffer for Victor would
look like this:

        |, Short (hold),  /  O-- + (release Short)
        O                O

In writing, this means that you would start the motion for his Von
Stomp by pressing down, then interrupt it with a Short Kick (which
is done crouching since you're pressing down).  However, instead
of pressing Short again when you finish the motion, you can simply
follow through with the motion and then release short.  This makes
Victor kick and then go into a short Von Stomp.  While buffering
has to be done with the same strength and type of button, it is
faster and easier than switching buttons.  Like combos, it, too can 
be proceeded by one or more attacks.  Don't forget, you can combo
using ES and EX moves as well (and you can buffer ES and EX moves
if you use the top L or R button).

First appearing in DarkStalkers, chain combos are performed by pressing
punch and kick buttons rapidly, in the following pattern:

        Jab -> Short -> Strong -> Forward -> Fierce -> Roundhouse

However, it's impossible to get all six hits this way because some
attacks tend to cancel out others.  The normal amount is usually
4-5 hits, and you can get more in some cases because some moves
may hit more than once and the Jab and Short buttons can be pressed
repeatedly before starting a chain combo.  Also, you can precede
a chain combo with a jumping attack, providing you are fast enough.
You can chain while standing or crouching, but cannot interrupt 
a chain with a special move.  You don't have to use the pattern 
above; you could do Strong, Fierce, Roundhouse, or Short, Forward,
for example.  As long as you go from Punch to Kick and and keep
the button strength going from weakest to strongest, any type of
chain combo is possible.  Don't forget the rule of interruption:
the next button press will interrupt the previous one.  Not only
does this put an emphasis on speed, but it also means that you
have to wait for multi-hit attacks to finish if you want to get in
all the hits before going on to the next attack.  Of course, you
can always interrupt a multi-hit move if you wish.

These exist in NightWarriors only on a limited basis.  It's really
nothing more than jumping with a weak attack, like Short or Jab,
then performing a second punch or kick of any strength before you
land (although it is possible to go into a combo or chain combo
afterwards).  Air combos basically work only on taller characters,
like Anakaris, Huitzil, and Victor.

Juggling is hitting an opponent while he's airborne (and can't
counterattack), or hitting an opponent while he's being hit by
another move (and so can't counterattack).  It's basically 
getting a hit for free.  Juggling is very limited in terms of
NightWarriors' gameplay, but there are some examples.  For
instance, Bishamon's jumping Jab attack can hit an opponent
twice in the air.  And Rikuo can attack a person just as his
Sea Rage EX ends.  Similarly, Pyron can do any manner of attack 
after starting his Cosmic Disruption EX.  Work with multi-hit
moves and ES and EX attacks to discover which character can 
perform which juggles.

These two moves are available to every character (except Victor),
and are very useful in two ways.  First off, as a defensive maneuver;
backstepping will put more room between you and your opponent, and
many people jump while backstepping, allowing them to avoid low 
attacks.  Similarly, dashing can be used to avoid an overhead
attack, and some characters jump or lay close to the ground while
dashing so to better avoid attacks.  These two moves can also be used 
offensively, since you can attack during either of them and in some
cases (like Sasquatch), a dashing attack has to be blocked correctly 
(either high or low) or it will hit.
Some characters have special abilities while dashing.  For instance,
Demitri is invincible while dashing or backstepping, Hsien-Ko is 
invincible and invisible while dashing on the ground.  Rikuo can do a
special move (the Jumping Drill), or even an ES move (the ES Jumping 
Drill) while backstepping.  Best of all is Morrigan, who can fly while 
dashing or backstepping (she's the only one who can keep on flying by 
holding back during a backstep, too).

Excluding Anakaris, each character has a Guard Reversal.  These are
moves that are done immediately after blocking an attack.  You have
to be very quick, but if you do it fast enough, your character will
interrupt his opponent's attack with a special move which will injure
them.  In some cases, you can ES a guard reversal to add extra damage.
Reversals are moves that you perform just as your enemy finishes 
attacking.  In most cases, any special move will do.  Examples include 
Anakaris' Sarcophagus Slam or Huitzil's Plasma Beam.

This is selectable after you choose your character.  When turned 
on, you receive 10 auto-blocks, which are restored at the start
of each new battle, not round.  Once you run out of auto-blocks, 
a red X appears over the Auto box and you cannot auto-block any 
more until the next battle.  An auto-block is simply where the 
computer will make you block or air block, as long as you are 
not attacking or doing something which would prevent you from
blocking.  Another benefit of Auto Guard Mode is that you can do 
automatic chain combos by pressing two or three punch or kick 
buttons.  The bad part about this is that you can't chain combo
normally, and the chain can only be done using punches or kicks,
but not both.

Located at the top of the screen, this bar is filled up in several 

 - Performing an attack
 - Performing a special move
 - Performing a throw or special throw
 - Blocking/getting hit by your foe's attack
 - Hitting a blocking/not blocking foe.

Every time the bar fills, the level number appears next to the bar.
You can continue to fill a bar up as many levels as you'd like, but
after filling it to the 9th level, it displays the word 'Special',
no matter how many levels you fill (but they're still there, of
course).  You can use a level of Power bar energy to do the following

 - An ES (enhanced special) attack
 - An EX (extra-special) attack

Doing either of these attacks drains the bar by one level.  You 
must have a full level to do one of the attacks; almost full isn't 
good enough.  Also, the Power bar no longer drains as it did in 
the previous DarkStalkers game.  While you can carry Power bar
levels from round to round, you cannot carry them from battle to

5.  MISCELLANEOUS  ______________________________________________________

The following symbols appear in the Victory Box when a round is 

V       A standard victory.
S       The winner used a special move to win the round.
ES      The winner used an enhanced special move to win the round.
EX      The winner used an EX attack to win the round.
D       Both players were beaten at the same time, or both players
        had the same amount of life left when the timer reached
        zero, so the round is a draw.
T       The winner had more life remaining when the timer stopped.

You'll get messages (and a point bonus) if you beat your opponent with
a special move, ES move, EX move, chain combo, or auto chain combo.
You also get a message if you win a round with a full Life bar (a
perfect victory).

In addition to the normal winning poses, there are some extra ones
as well that only show up in certain situations:

Anakaris        Kill CPU Pyron on the last round
                (using the Pharaoh's Judgment EX).
Bishamon        Kill CPU Pyron on the last round.
Lord Raptor     Kill CPU Pyron on the last round.
Donovan         Get a perfect victory vs. any opponent.

The following characters also have different beginning poses:

Bishamon        If you fight him on his stage.
Felicia         If you fight her on her stage.
Hsien-Ko        If your opponent is Lord Raptor.
Lord Raptor     If your opponent is Hsien-Ko.

6.  REVISION HISTORY  ___________________________________________________

v1.0 - The first version of this FAQ to be posted, after numerous
v1.1 - Certain moves corrected/added, certain sections redone,
       minor corrections and changes throughout.
v1.2 - More minor corrections.  Quick Moves Sheet removed.
v1.3 - This FAQ is now located at GameFAQs in addition to
       the URL listed below.  More corrections throughout.
v1.4 - Complete overhaul.  Number of hits and other information
       added, while other stuff is taken out or changed.
v1.5 - Added the correct method to use the Debug Code, including the
       effects of each code.  Also added the 'Change the Ending Music'
       trick, and made some extra corrections.

7.  AUTHOR'S NOTE  ______________________________________________________

I hope this FAQ will be of help to those people who are having trouble
with this game, or just want to improve their skills.  Anyone with
questions or comments can reach me at:  I would like
to thank Charles MacDonald for letting me use his computer to create
this FAQ on, and CJayC ( for hosting my FAQ at
his FAQs site.  You can visit my homepage at:


NightWarriors:  DarkStalker's Revenge FAQ v1.5          (c) K. Megura 1997