SD GUNDAM Power Formation Puzzle FAQ Version 1.00 by Handy Tanudjaja May 30, 1999 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Title Screen 3. The Teams 4. Power Explanations 5. Playing the Game 6. Contacts ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction Hi. I never actually found any FAQs on this game, so I decided to make one (I even wonder if anyone actually HAS this game). SD Gundam, Power Formation Puzzle is a game from Bandai. It basically another Gundam game, although they made it as a puzzle game. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Title Screen Okay, from this screen, the options looks obvious. There's story mode, VS mode, Time attack and Options. The only thing I need to explain is probably the Options Screen. The top most option is the difficulty level. The normal setting is medium (or normal). If you change it, it will shift to hard, or easy. If you can read Japanese (not necessarily understand), tsuyoi is hard. Futsuu is medium, and yowai is easy. That's only rough translation, as I do not understand japanese very much, especially hiraganas. The second option is controls. From top to bottom : Attack, Send from Storage, or Store. Will be explained in the 5th section later. The next thing is auto mode. It's something like AI for your puzzle playing. The normal option is nashi (none, I think). If you try to change it, it will become easy, medium and hard, just like the difficulty option. And the last thing is sound. Choose from stereo to mono. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. The Teams Team : Gundam Battleship : N-AHGAMA Robots: 1. Gundam 2. G.Alex 3. Gundam Mk2 4. Z Gundam Specials: 1. Attack 2. Shield 3. Block 4. Block 5. Repair 6. Attack Team : G. Gundam Battleship : GORBEEZ Robots: 1. G. Rose 2. G. Maxter 3. Bolt-G 4. Dragon G. Specials: 1. Attack 2. Repair 3. Fall 4. Flash 5. Repair 6. D. Dash Team : Gundam W. Battleship : SHUTTLE Robots: 1. Sandrock 2. Sandrock 3. Shenlong 4. Shenlong Specials: 1. Attack 2. Repair 3. MS. Attack 4. Shield 5. Repair 6. Attack Team : Zion-Aqua Battleship : M. ANGLER Robots: 1. Gog 2. Gog 3. Gog 4. Acguy Specials: 1. Attack 2. Repair 3. Mine 4. Attack 5. Repair 6. Mine Team : Zion Battleship : GAW Robots: 1. Zaku 2. Zaku 3. Gouf 4. Gouf Specials: 1. Attack 2. Repair 3. Mine 4. Fall 5. Repair 6. D. Dash Team : Titans Battleship : DOGOSGEER Robots: 1. Hijack 2. Hijack 3. Galbaldyb 4. Marasai Specials: 1. Attack 2. Shield 3. D. Dash 4. Repair 5. Shield 6. Attack Team : Axis Battleship : SAZAREARN Robots: 1. Gaza C 2. Gaza C 3. R Jarja 4. R Jarja Specials: 1. Attack 2. Shield 3. TP Attack 4. MS Attack 5. Flash 6. Attack Team : C/V Zansc Battleship : ADLASTER Robots: 1. Denan Zon 2. Denan Zon 3. Bergadalas 4. Dahgi Iris Specials: 1. Attack 2. Repair 3. TP Attack 4. Fall 5. Repair 6. Attack Team : GZ Battleship : SHUTTLE Robots: 1. Leo 2. Leo 3. Tragos 4. Aries Specials: 1. Attack 2. Flash 3. MS Attack 4. Flash 5. MS Attack 6. Attack Team : Neo Zion Battleship : REUROURE Robots: 1. Zaku 2. Zaku 3. Gerra Doga 4. Gerra Doga Specials: 1. Attack 2. Repair 3. Mine 4. D. Dash 5. Block 6. Attack I won't bother trying to figure out the name of the secret robots, since I'm not really familiar with Gundam movies (they don't really available broadly in my country), so I can't figure out the names. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Power Explanations Okay, you've selected a team, but now you're wondering what the heck those statistics for. Here's a brief explanations: Robots. These are the robots you're going to get when you attack or store the stack you've created. If you got 1 level of blocks, you'll get a 1st Level robot, which will explode when fighting any other robots. If you create a 2 level blocks, you'll get a level 2 robot, that has attacks and defense higher than the first one. And so on, until you manage to create the ultimate 8th level robot (with a stack that 8 levels high). Specials. These are the specials you're going to use, when you blow up P (Power) blocks four or more. The columns where the LAST P is placed is considered used, so if you explode the P in the first column, the special #1 is used. If you explode it in the last column, the special #6 is used. Specials Explanations: Attack : Pretty obvious. Decrease opponent's HP. Shield : Creates a force field around your battleship, so the next attack will be of minimum damage, even from a level 8 robot. Block : Throw in a free level up (i.e. increase the stack's level by 1). Repair : This heals your HP. Fall : This sends a row of blocks with the same colour to your opponent's field. Somehow, this would give advantage to your opponent, depending on the situation. Flash : This would 'blind' your opponent and makes them unaware of the colour of their blocks for a few blocks. D. Dash: Or Direct Dash. This clears all blocks from you and your opponent's field, also damages the opponent a bit. Mine : This sends mines to the opponent's field and destroys their blocks. MS Atk : Or Mobile Suit Attack. When opponent got a very big robot in their storage, this special will destroy things in their storage. TP Atk : This destroys the opponent's source of blocks for a while. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Playing the game. The object of the game is to drop opponent's HP to zero, with the use of robots and specials. Attack : Sends a robot with level equal to the number of full rows in your field directly to attack the opponent. Send from Storage : Sends a robot from your storage to attack the opponent. Store : Sends a robot with level equal to the number of full rows in your field to the storage. The numbers of the robot in the storage can be determined by the bright yellow mark on the upper left (for player 1) or the upper right (for player 2). You wouldn't know about the level of the robots, though. The game is somewhat strange, since the object isn't actually to destroy blocks, but NOT to destroy blocks. The higher your blocks are, the more powerful your robots will be. Note that four matching colours next to each other will be destroyed, also four blocks with different colours vertically or horizontally will also be destroyed. And lastly diagonally matching colours will also be destroyed. Then there's a P. It functions as the activation of the specials, but also has other functions as well. P's don't count as blocks, as when they're destroyed, they stay there as junks. The point is, if you place P in the middle of the screen, it will make the game incredibly easier. But junk P is destroyed if any adjacent blocks are destroyed. So the basic layout would be like this: | | |X X | |XXPPXX| |XXPPXX| |XXPPXX| |XXPPXX| Keep the P's in the middle of the field, so you will only have to worry about the vertical blocks. And try to trick your opponent so you can get the P from the 'next' blocks. Attacking opponents : Using your robots, whether from the storage or straight from the field, you decide to attack. But the attack won't be easy. Your opponent can also try to block your robot by sending one of their own. When two robots meet in the battle, the higher level usually wins, leaving the lower level destroyed, and the higher level down. For instance : A level 3 robot attacks, then a level 5 robot blocks it, would result in destruction of the level 3 robot, and the level 5 robot is down to level 2. But now, the defender has become the attacker and goes straight to your battleship. If you don't block it, you'll suffer a level 2 attack. A shield will deflect the attack, though. Choose Specials that suits your taste. Also, I like to use the one with Good specials in the 3, or 4 columns, since that's where I use to put my P's. I like the one with Attack in the fourth column (Zion-Aqua), or Repair, or even Fall. But my favorite is Gundam Wing Team, the attack they made are cool! Use tactics when attacking. If you see that your opponent only got one robot left, and your opponent decides to attack, see your HP. If it's still plenty, let the robot through, and send out your most powerful robot. That will hurt a LOT. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Contacts The author : Handy Tanudjaja The latest version of this faq can be found in The Windwalker website : GameFAQs : LEGALITY ======== Copyrighted 1999 by Handy Tanudjaja. All rights reserved. SD Gundam, Power Formation Puzzle (c) Bandai 1996 This document may not be reprinted or reproduced for sale or profit without permission. This document may be freely distributed via hard copy, WWW link, or other electronic means, but all writers retain their copyrights.