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Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games - PC

Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games - PC
• Truc Astuce Consulté par 1507 Joueurs.
• Code Cheat voté par 0 Joueurs.
• Soluce Tip apprécié par 0% des Joueurs.

Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games - PC en Favori.

Vous aussi appréciez Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games sur PC :

Cheat mode (tactics screen):
Hold [Ctrl] and type iguana at the tactics screen to enable cheat mode. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Effect Code
Show all units and objects [Al + E]
Teleport selected Merc to pointer location [Al + T]
Kill all enemies in current sector [Al + O]
Refresh action points of the select Merc [Al + D]
Ammo refill [Al + R]
Item scrolling1 [Al + W]
Spawn enemy at pointer location [Al + B]
Spawn Civilist at pointer location [Al + C]
Spawn new Merc at pointer location [Al + G]
Spawn Roboter at pointer location [Al + Y]
Spawn enemy bug at pointer location [Ctrl] + [O]
Merc transforms into tank [Al + [Keypad 1]
Merc transforms into bug [Al + [Keypad 2]
Merc transformed into big bug [Al + [Keypad 5]
Merc placed in wheelchair [Al + [Keypad 4]
Spawn random weapon at pointer location [Al + I
Explode a gas grenade at pointer location [Al + K
Explode a hand grenade at pointer location [Ctrl] + K
View interior of all buildings [Al + Q
All Mercs in current sector arrested by Bad Queen [Ctrl] + T
Merc at pointer location loses health points [Ctrl] + H
Merc at pointer location gains health points [Ctrl] + U
Display frame rate [Ctrl] + F

1. Select an item in detail view before enabling this code.

Cheat mode (laptop screen):
Press one of the following keys to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: The keys indicated are not on the numeric keypad.

Effect Key
Add $100,000 [Plus]
Subtract $10,000 [Minus]

Cheat mode (map screen):
Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Result Code
Show all units and objects (Alt) + E
Teleport selected Merc to pointer location (Alt) + T
Kill all enemies in current sector (Alt) + O
Refresh action points of the select Merc (Alt) + D
Ammo refill (Alt) + R
Item scrolling1 (Alt) + W
Spawn enemy at pointer location (Alt) + B
Spawn Civilist at pointer location (Alt) + C
Spawn new Merc at pointer location (Alt) + G
Spawn Roboter at pointer location (Alt) + Y
Spawn enemy bug at pointer location (Ctrl) + O
Merc transforms into tank (Alt) + (Keypad 1]
Merc transforms into bug (Alt) + (Keypad 2]
Merc transformed into big bug (Alt) + (Keypad 5]
Merc placed in wheelchair (Alt) + (Keypad 4]
Spawn random weapon at pointer location (Alt) + I
Explode a gas grenade at pointer location (Alt) + K
Explode a hand grenade at pointer location (Ctrl) + K
View interior of all buildings (Alt) + Q
All Mercs in current sector arrested by Bad Queen (Ctrl) + T
Merc at pointer location loses health points (Ctrl) + H
Merc at pointer location gains health points (Ctrl) + U
Display frame rate (Ctrl) + F

1. Select an item in detail view before enabling this code.

Result Key
Add $100,000 (Plus)
Subtract $10,000 (Minus)

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