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Mario Party 8 - Wii

Mario Party 8 - Wii
• Truc Astuce Consulté par 3179 Joueurs.
• Code Cheat voté par 2 Joueurs.
• Soluce Tip apprécié par 100% des Joueurs.

Mario Party 8 - Wii en Favori.

Vous aussi appréciez Mario Party 8 sur Wii :

Play as Blooper or Hammer Bro:
Complete the Star Battle Arena with any character to unlock either Blooper or Hammer Bro. Then, complete Star Battle Arena with that newly unlocked character to unlock the other character.

Bowser's Warp Orbit:
Complete the Star Battle Arena with any character.

Crown Showdown:
Unlock a mini-game in the Four Player, 1 vs. 3 Player, 2 vs. 2 mini-game and Duel mini-game categories.

Flip Out Frenzy:
Unlock a Four Player mini-game.

Test For The Best:
Unlocked in the Fun Bazaar.

Tic Tac Drop:
Unlock a Duel mini-game.

Minigame Wagon:
Successfully complete Star Battle mode to be able to buy mini-games at the Minigame Wagon.

Easy dart shooting:
When using the dart wheel wait until the target you want is at where 9 is on a normal clock an throw the dart then, its not guaranteed but works about 8/10 of times.

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