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Gauntlet - XBOX 360

Gauntlet - XBOX 360
• Truc Astuce Consulté par 1505 Joueurs.
• Code Cheat voté par 0 Joueurs.
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Gauntlet - XBOX 360 en Favori.

Vous aussi appréciez Gauntlet sur XBOX 360 :

Regain health:
Press Y to add 700 health.

Turn walls into exits:
If you are stuck or bored on a level, have all characters remain completely idle. After approximately two minutes, all the walls will turn into exits.

Gamerscore points:
Accomplish the indicated task to get Gamerscore points:
Anti-Thief: Kill a thief.
Bling: Collect 10 treasure chests on Xbox Live on the default settings.
Co-Op: Successfully complete level 10 on Xbox Live with another player on the default settings.
Co-Op Master: Successfully complete level 20 on Xbox Live with another player on the default settings.
Elf Master: Reach first place on the game score board with the Elf on the default settings.
Game Master: Successfully complete level 100 on the default settings.
High Score: Score 100,000 points in an Xbox Live Co-Op game on the default settings.
Max Co-Op: Start a four player Xbox Live Co-Op game.
Treasure: Get 11 treasures and complete a treasure level.
Valkyrie Master: Reach first place on the game score board with the Valkyrie on the default settings.
Warrior Master: Reach first place on the game score board with the Warrior on the default settings.
Wizard Master: Reach first place on the game score board with the Wizard on the default settings.

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