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Grand Theft Auto 4 - XBOX 360

Grand Theft Auto 4 - XBOX 360
• Truc Astuce Consulté par 2836 Joueurs.
• Code Cheat voté par 1 Joueurs.
• Soluce Tip apprécié par 100% des Joueurs.

Grand Theft Auto 4 - XBOX 360 en Favori.

Vous aussi appréciez Grand Theft Auto 4 sur XBOX 360 :

Calling a taxi
In order to call a taxi, position Niko near traffic, preferably somewhere on the sidewalk. Spot a cab and press the LB Xbox 360 or L1 PlayStation3 . Niko will automatically call out for a taxi. It is also possible to order a taxi with the cell phone if you have problems spotting one. Additionally, Niko can eventually earn the ability to call a limo as you progress in the game.

Off the Boat 5G:
Complete the first mission.

One Hundred and Eighty 10G:
In a darts game score 180 with 3 darts.

Pool Shark 10G:
Beat a friend at pool.

King of QUB3D 15G:
Beat the High Score in QUB3D

Finish Him 15G:
Complete 10 melee counters in 4 minutes

Genetically Superior 25G:
Come first in 20 singleplayer street races.

Wheelie Rider 30G:
Do a wheelie lasting at least 500 feet on a motorbike.

Gobble Gobble 10G:
Score 3 strikes in a row, a turkey, in 10-pin bowling.

Driving Mr. Bellic 10G:
Unlock the special ability of taxi.

Rolled Over 30G:
Do 5 car rolls in a row from one crash.

Walk Free 50G:
Lose a 4 star wanted rating by outrunning the cops.

Courier Service 10G:
Complete all 10 package delivery jobs.

Retail Therapy 10G:
Unlock the special ability of buying guns from a friend.

Chain Reaction 20G:
You must blow up 10 vehicles in 10 seconds.

One Man Army 40G:
Survive 5 minutes on 6 star wanted level.

Lowest Point 5G:
Complete mission "Roman’s Sorrow".

Over Fulfilled 10G:
Complete all 10 Exotic Export orders.

Manhunt 15G:
Complete the most wanted side missions from the police computer.

Cleaned the Mean Streets 20G:
Capture 20 criminals through the police computer.

Fed The Fish 5G:
Complete the mission "Uncle Vlad".

It’ll Cost Ya 5G:
Complete a taxi ride without skipping from one island to another.

Sightseer 5G:
Fly on all helicopter tours of Liberty City.

Warm Coffee 5G:
Successfully date a girl to be invited into her house.

That’s How We Roll! 10G:
Unlock the special ability of helicopter.

Half Million 55G:
Reach a balance of $500,000.

Impossible Trinity 10G:
Complete mission "Museum Piece".

Full Exploration 20G:
Unlock all the islands.

You Got The Message 20G:
Deliver all 30 cars ordered through text message.

Dare Devil 30G:
Complete 100% of the unique stunt jumps.

Assassin’s Greed 20G:
Complete all 9 assassin missions.

Endangered Species 50G:
Collect every hidden package in the game.

Under the Radar 40G:
Fly underneath the main bridges in the game that cross water with a helicopter.

Dial B For Bomb 10G:
Unlock the special ability of phoning for a bomb to be placed.

Gracefully Taken 10G:
Complete mission "I'll Take Her".

Liberty City (5) 20G:
After meeting all possible friends, the ones left alive all like you above 90%.

No More Strangers 5G:
Meet all random characters.

That Special Someone 10G:
Complete mission "That Special Someone".

You Won! 60G:
Complete the final mission.

Liberty City Minute 30G:
Complete the story missions in less than 30 hours.

Key To The City 100G:
Achieve 100% in "Game progress" statistic.

Teamplayer 10G:
Kill 5 players who are not in your team, in any ranked multiplayer team game.

Cut Your Teeth 5G:
Earn a personal rank promotion in multiplayer

Join The Midnight Club 10G:
Win a ranked multiplayer race without damaging your vehicle too much and with
damaged enabled.

Fly The Co-op 15G:
Beat our time in ranked versions of "Deal Breaker", "Hangman's NOOSE" and "Bomb da Base II".

Take It For The Team 10G:
Be on the winning team in all ranked multiplayer team games.

Top Of The Food Chain 10G:
Kill 20 players with a pistol in a ranked multiplayer deathmatch.

Top The Midnight Club 20G:
Come first in 20 different ranked standard multiplayer races.

Wanted 20G:
Achieve the highest personal rank in multiplayer.

Auf Wiedersehen Petrovic 30G:
Win all ranked multiplayer variations, all races and "Cops ‘n Crooks", as both sides.

Let Sleeping Rockstars Lie 10G:
Kill a Rockstar developer in a ranked multiplayer match.

Mobile Phone Codes:
1, Health And Weapons - GTA-555-0100
2, Weapons - GUN-555-0150
3, Advanced Weapons - GUN-555-0100
4, Health - DOC-555-0100
5, Wanted Level Down - COP-555-0100
6, Wanted Level Up - COP-555-0150
7, Climate Change - HOT-555-0100
8, Spawn Cognoscenti (Mafia Car) - CAR-555-0142
9, Spawn Sanchez (Dirt Bike) - MBK-555-0150
10, Spawn FBI Buffalo - CAR-555-0100
11, Spawn Turismo - CAR-555-0147
12, Spawn NRG900 - MBK-555-0100
13, Spawn Comet - CAR-555-0175
14, Spawn SuperGT - CAR-555-0168
15, Spawn Police Chopper - FLY-555-0100
16, Spawn Jetmax (Boat) - WET-555-0100

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