Astuces Soluces » PC » PC - C
PC - C - Codes Trucs Astuces Soluces Cheats Tips

PC CART Precision Racing - (1924) 0/10
PC CIA Operatives: Solo Missions - (1603) 0/10
PC CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - (1751) 0/10
PC CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - Hard Evidence - (1805) 0/10
PC Cabal - (2106) 0/10
PC Cabela's 4x4 Offroad Adventures 2 - (1692) 0/10
PC Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2 - (1708) 0/10
PC Cabela's Big Game Hunter: 2006 Season - (1840) 0/10
PC Cabela's Dangerous Hunts - (1611) 0/10
PC Cadaver - (1987) 0/10
PC Cadillacs & Dinosaurs - (1745) 0/10
PC Caesar 2 - (1769) 0/10
PC Caesar 3 - (1952) 0/10
PC Caesar 4 - (1977) 0/10
PC Caesar's Palace Video Poker - (1669) 0/10
PC Call Of Cthulhu: Dark Corners Of The Earth - (1634) 0/10
PC Call for Heroes: Pompolic Wars - (1675) 0/10
PC Call of Duty - (1964) 9/10
PC Call of Duty 2 - (2098) 0/10
PC Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - (1793) 0/10
PC Call of Duty: United Offensive - (2057) 0/10
PC Call of Juarez - (1793) 0/10
PC Callahan's Crosstime Salloon - (1674) 0/10
PC Cannon Fodder - (1691) 0/10
PC Cannon Fodder 2 - (1739) 0/10
PC Capitalism 2 - (1957) 0/10
PC Capitalism Plus - (1758) 7/10
PC Capone - (1741) 0/10
PC Captain Claw - (1710) 0/10
PC Captain Comic v4.0 - (1662) 0/10
PC CarVup - (1926) 0/10
PC Carl Lewis Olympic Challenge - (1656) 0/10
PC Carmageddon - (2006) 0/10
PC Carmageddon 2 - (1984) 0/10
PC Carmageddon 2 Demo - (1853) 0/10
PC Carmageddon 2: Carpocalypse Now - (1858) 0/10
PC Carmageddon TDR 2000 - (1953) 0/10
PC Carnage Inc. - (1840) 0/10
PC Carnivores - (1845) 0/10
PC Carnivores - Cityscapes - (1805) 0/10
PC Carnivores 2 - (1743) 0/10
PC Carnivores: Ice Age - (1645) 0/10
PC Carrier Command - (1735) 0/10
PC Cars - (1816) 0/10
PC Cars - (1696) 0/10
PC Cars Mater-National - (1954) 0/10
PC Cars: Radiator Springs Adventure - (1567) 0/10
PC Cartoon Orbit - (1707) 0/10
PC Casino Inc. - (1774) 0/10
PC Casino Mogul - (1711) 0/10
PC Cast Out Demo - (1859) 0/10
PC Castle Elsinore - (1715) 0/10
PC Castle Infinity - (1713) 0/10
PC Castle of Dr. Brain - (1689) 0/10
PC Castle of the Winds - (1648) 0/10
PC Castlemaster - (1778) 0/10
PC Catacomb 3D - (1788) 0/10
PC Catacomb Abyss - (1723) 0/10
PC Catfight - (1778) 0/10
PC Cave Adventure - (1731) 0/10
PC Cave Wars - (1946) 0/10
PC Caverns - (1656) 0/10
PC Caves of Doom - (1885) 0/10
PC Centerfold Squares - (1698) 0/10
PC Centipede 3D - (1722) 0/10
PC Chain Reaction - (1659) 0/10
PC Challenge of the Five Realms - (1851) 0/10
PC Champions of Krynn - (1672) 0/10
PC Championship Bass - (1713) 0/10
PC Championship Manager '93 - (1689) 0/10
PC Championship Manager 1999/2000 - (1640) 0/10
PC Championship Manager 2 - (1790) 0/10
PC Championship Manager 2007 - (1776) 0/10
PC Championship Manager 3 - (1852) 0/10
PC Championship Manager 3 Demo - (1750) 0/10
PC Chaos - (2066) 0/10
PC Chaos Control - (1744) 0/10
PC Chaos Engine - (1904) 0/10
PC Chaos Island - (1872) 0/10
PC Chaos League - (1660) 0/10
PC Chaos Overlords - (1633) 0/10
PC Chaos Strikes Back - (1649) 0/10
PC Chariots of Wrath - (1608) 0/10
PC Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - (1798) 0/10
PC Charly the Clown - (1602) 0/10
PC Chase Ace 2 - (1919) 0/10
PC Chase HQ - (1729) 0/10
PC Chaser - (1807) 0/10
PC Chasm Demo - (1858) 0/10
PC Chasm: The Rift - (1845) 0/10
PC Chessmaster 10th Edition - (1618) 0/10
PC Chex Quest - (1876) 0/10
PC Chex Quest 2 - (1669) 0/10
PC Chicago 1930 - (1731) 0/10
PC Chicken Invaders - (1644) 0/10
PC Chicken Little - (1684) 0/10
PC Chicken Little: Ace in Action - (1798) 0/10
PC Chicken Run - (2223) 10/10
PC Chips Challenge - (1715) 0/10
PC Chomp - (1803) 0/10
PC Chop 'n Drop - (1619) 0/10
PC Chrome - (1993) 0/10
PC Chronicles of Narnia - (1639) 0/10
PC Chronicles of the Sword - (1722) 0/10
PC Chrono Trigger - (1796) 0/10
PC Chronomaster - (1775) 0/10
PC Chronoquest - (1768) 0/10
PC Chub Gam 3D - (1695) 0/10
PC Chuck Rock - (1820) 0/10
PC City Life - (1616) 0/10
PC City Life: World Edition - (1538) 0/10
PC City of Villains - (1567) 0/10
PC City of the Lost Children - (1653) 0/10
PC CivCity: Rome - (2673) 10/10
PC CivNET - (1987) 0/10
PC Civil War: Blue & the Grey - (1615) 0/10
PC Civilization 4 - (1662) 0/10
PC Civilization II - (1759) 0/10
PC Civilization III - (1650) 0/10
PC Civilization: Call to Power - (2085) 0/10
PC Civilization: Call to Power 2 - (1694) 0/10
PC Clandestiny - (1875) 0/10
PC Clans - (2285) 0/10
PC Claw - (2726) 10/10
PC Cliffhanger - (1791) 0/10
PC Clive Barker's Jericho - (1740) 0/10
PC Clive Barker's Undying - (1744) 0/10
PC ClockWiser - (1681) 0/10
PC Close Combat - (1770) 0/10
PC Close Combat 2: A Bridge Too Far - (1472) 0/10
PC Close Combat 3: The Russian Front - (1489) 0/10
PC Close Combat: First to Fight - (1955) 0/10
PC Cloud Kingdoms - (1666) 0/10
PC Clown O'Mania - (1745) 0/10
PC Club Dead - (1704) 0/10
PC Coaster - (1838) 0/10
PC Cobra Missions - (1803) 0/10
PC Codeman: Iceman - (1896) 0/10
PC Codename - Outbreak - (2095) 10/10
PC Codename Eagle - (1904) 0/10
PC Codename: Panzers - Phase One - (1710) 0/10
PC Codename: Panzers - Phase Two - (1613) 0/10
PC Cold Dreams - (1718) 0/10
PC Cold Shadow - (1740) 0/10
PC Cold War - (1854) 0/10
PC Colin McRae Rally - (1665) 0/10
PC Colin McRae Rally 2.0 - (1734) 0/10
PC Colin McRae: DiRT - (1653) 0/10
PC Colobot - (1931) 0/10
PC Colonel's Bequest - (1698) 0/10
PC Colonization - (1755) 0/10
PC Colorado - (1893) 0/10
PC Colors of War - (1816) 0/10
PC Colossal Cave - (1727) 0/10
PC Comanche - (1734) 0/10
PC Comanche 3 - (1694) 0/10
PC Comanche 4 - (1945) 0/10
PC Comanche GOLD - (1702) 0/10
PC Comanche Vs. Werewolf - (1687) 0/10
PC Combat - (1718) 0/10
PC Combat Task Force 121 - (1782) 0/10
PC Comix Zone - (1793) 0/10
PC Command & Conquer - (1768) 0/10
PC Command & Conquer '95 Gold Edition - (1774) 0/10
PC Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars - (1984) 0/10
PC Command & Conquer Generals: Zero Hour - (2008) 0/10
PC Command & Conquer: Counterstrike - (1697) 0/10
PC Command & Conquer: Generals - (2006) 0/10
PC Command & Conquer: Red Alert - (1883) 0/10
PC Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 - (1688) 0/10
PC Command & Conquer: Red Alert/Aftermath - (1733) 0/10
PC Command & Conquer: Renegade - (1859) 0/10
PC Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun - (1744) 0/10
PC Command Adventure Starship - (1740) 0/10
PC Commander Keen 1-3 - (1757) 0/10
PC Commander Keen 2000 - (1859) 0/10
PC Commander Keen Dreams - (1804) 0/10
PC Commander Keen Episode V: The Armageddon Machine - (1697) 0/10
PC Commandos 2: Men of Courage - (2419) 0/10
PC Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines - (2283) 0/10
PC Commandos: Beyond the Call of Duty - (3912) 7/10
PC Company of Heroes - (1926) 0/10
PC Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts - (1712) 0/10
PC Confirmed Kill - (2246) 0/10
PC Conflict Zone - (1740) 0/10
PC Conflict: Desert Storm - (1745) 0/10
PC Conflict: Desert Storm 2 - Back to Baghdad - (1565) 5/10
PC Conflict: Global Terror - (1822) 0/10
PC Congo - (1926) 0/10
PC Connections: It's A Mind Game - (1684) 0/10
PC Conquer: Yuri's Revenge - (1684) 0/10
PC Conqueror 1086 AD - (1672) 0/10
PC Conquest of a New World - (1683) 0/10
PC Conquest: Frontier Wars - (1749) 0/10
PC Conquest: Frontier Wars Demo - (1656) 0/10
PC Conquests of the Longbow - (1716) 0/10
PC Conspiracy - (1909) 0/10
PC Conspiracy: Weapons of Mass Destruction - (1532) 0/10
PC Constructor - (1720) 0/10
PC Continental Circus - (1667) 0/10
PC Contract J.A.C.K. - (1646) 0/10
PC Cool Croc Twins - (1668) 0/10
PC Cool Spot - (1863) 0/10
PC Cops 2170: The Power of Law - (1951) 0/10
PC Corporate Machine, The - (1690) 0/10
PC Corridor 7 - (1722) 0/10
PC Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure - (1750) 0/10
PC Cossacks 2: Napoleonic Wars - (1715) 0/10
PC Cossacks: European Wars - (1666) 0/10
PC Cossacks: European Wars Demo - (1674) 0/10
PC Count - (1868) 0/10
PC Countdown - (1750) 0/10
PC Cover Girl Strip Poker - (1712) 0/10
PC Coveted Mirror - (1794) 0/10
PC Cow Hunter - (1854) 0/10
PC Cranston Manor - (1835) 0/10
PC Crash Kids 2 - (1622) 0/10
PC Crashday - (1807) 0/10
PC Crazy Cars 2 - (1851) 0/10
PC Crazy Drake - (1836) 0/10
PC Create-A-Ride - (1768) 0/10
PC Creature Shock - (1708) 0/10
PC Creed - (1913) 0/10
PC Creepers - (1692) 0/10
PC Cricket '07 - (1669) 0/10
PC Cricket '97 - (1777) 0/10
PC Cricket '97: Ashes Tour Edition - (1543) 0/10
PC Cricket '98 - (1889) 0/10
PC Crime Adventure - (1572) 0/10
PC Crime Cities - (1861) 0/10
PC Crime Does Not Pay - (1539) 0/10
PC Crime Fighter - (1655) 0/10
PC Crime Patrol - (1869) 0/10
PC Crime Wave - (1727) 0/10
PC Crimson Skies - (1747) 0/10
PC Croc: Legend of the Gobbos - (1723) 0/10
PC Cross Racing Championship - (1695) 0/10
PC Crow: City of Angels - (1598) 0/10
PC Crown of Venus - (1781) 0/10
PC Cruise for a Corpse - (1722) 0/10
PC Crusader Kings - (2260) 10/10
PC Crusader: No Regret - (2127) 10/10
PC Crusader: No Remorse - (1734) 0/10
PC Crusaders of Might and Magic - (1792) 0/10
PC Crysis - (1995) 0/10
PC Crysis Demo - (1855) 0/10
PC Crystal Caves - (1704) 0/10
PC Crystal Hammer - (1699) 0/10
PC Crystal Skull - (1740) 5/10
PC Crystals of Arborea - (1793) 0/10
PC Cultures - (1744) 0/10
PC Cultures 2 - (1791) 0/10
PC Curse of Crowley Manor - (1669) 0/10
PC Curse of Monkey Island - (1745) 0/10
PC Curse of Ra - (1717) 0/10
PC Curse of the Azure Bonds - (1702) 0/10
PC Curses - (1873) 0/10
PC Cute Knight - (1884) 0/10
PC Cyber Gladiators - (1824) 0/10
PC CyberAce - (1800) 0/10
PC Cyberia - (1766) 0/10
PC Cyberia 2 - (1998) 0/10
PC Cyberjudas - (1819) 0/10
PC Cybermercs - (1756) 0/10
PC Cybernoid - (1816) 0/10
PC Cybernoid 2 - (1740) 0/10
PC Cyberplasm Formula - (1652) 0/10
PC Cyberstorm 2 - (1836) 0/10
PC Cyclemania - (1861) 0/10
PC Cycling Manager 4 - (1760) 0/10
PC Cyril Cyberpunk - (1945) 0/10

Codes Trucs Astuces Soluces Cheats Tips Aléatoires

Playstation Quake II XBOX 360 Ridge Racer 6 Playstation Let's Go To Pilot Playstation Dragonball GT Final Bout PC Mystic Towers PC Bio Challenge Game Cube Star Wars: The Clone Wars PC King's Quest II: Romancing the Throne PC Gulf War: Operation Desert Hammer PSP SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 2 Super Nintendo Pocky and Rocky 2 Nintendo DS King Kong PC Gremlins 2: The New Batch XBOX 360 Need for Speed: Carbon XBOX Crazy Taxi 3: High Roller PC Rage of Mages PC Insaniquarium Super Nintendo Eye of the Beholder PC Secret of Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Playstation 2 High Heat Baseball 2003